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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Or you could not be a pirate douchebag when you don't need to, and go watch the show on Hulu.
    Or not (in my case), since it's U.S. only. Granted, I'm not looking to watch it right now anyway, but if I did it would definitely be via torrent.
    You have an excuse. Scott, and any other person living in the USA, does not.
  • RymRym
    edited September 2011
    Or you could not be a pirate douchebag when you don't need to, and go watch the show on Hulu.
    Or not (in my case), since it's U.S. only. Granted, I'm not looking to watch it right now anyway, but if I did it would definitely be via torrent.
    You have an excuse. Scott, and any other person living in the USA, does not.
    Convenience. ;^)

    Torrents take less time to download and watch than Hulu. Recall that it took me maybe two minutes to download all of Madoka. It would take me more than two minutes to wait through the ads in one episode of something on Hulu.

    I ignore ads, but they take my time. It's fraudulent of me to watch ad-supported media in their original form if it is clear and known that I will never make a purchasing decision or recommendation based on any ad I ever see therein, as the person purchasing the ad is acting on the faith that it is reaching someone who will watch it.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • It's fraudulent of me to watch ad-supported media in their original form if it is clear and known that I will never make a purchasing decision or recommendation based on any ad I ever see therein, as the person purchasing the ad is acting on the faith that it is reaching someone who will watch it.
    Hell no!
  • Thanks for all of the feedback on FMA, guys. I don't think I saw Brotherhood up on Netflix (although I'll have to check again after work) so that may make my decision pretty straightforward. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to sink multiple hours of free time into the series only to discover it suddenly goes to hell around episode 10.
  • Or you could not be a pirate douchebag when you don't need to, and go watch the show on Hulu.
    Sure, but Apreche wasn't looking at the legal options, now was he?
  • edited September 2011
    Yeah, he kinda was by saying that he had checked out Crunchyroll.

    Rym: Good point. However, you have to deal with Hulu ads? I have a black screen for their duration, which is mighty convenient since I don't want to watch some dorky ad, but some really dorky animu.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited September 2011
    which is mighty convenient since I don't want to watch some dorky ad but really dorky animu.
    Seriously, some of these ads are dorkier than even really dorky anime. I kept getting this one for a cruise line which was like a romantic comedy where this shallow girl breaks up with her also shallow boyfriend. I probably saw that Carnival Cruise Line ad 15 times. It would play twice in a row, three times on occasion. Did not want!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I probably saw that Carnival Cruise Line ad 15 times. It would play twice in a row, three times on occasion. Did not want!
    This is why I hate watching anything on Crunchyroll. Hulu doesn't have this problem and is much preferred (though its player frequently has subtitle problems for me). Netflix is best.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: I saw this up on Netflix streaming. Can someone refresh my memory whether the show faded during the season or just disappeared due to a lack of a worthy follow-up? I remember being incredibly into the first 6-7 episodes, then... nothing. I think I went on vacation, or something.
    Watch Brotherhood. It's significantly better.
    I'll second that Brotherhood is better, but I'm not sure if Brotherhood is better because I watched the first series or in spite of. While watching Brotherhood I constantly kept thinking about the 1st series and comparing them to each other.
    I understand why people loved the first series, but brotherhood is so much better, if only because it was what it was meant to be. Also, the characters are way more likeable in brotherhood than in the first series.
  • I probably saw that Carnival Cruise Line ad 15 times. It would play twice in a row, three times on occasion. Did not want!
    This is why I hate watching anything on Crunchyroll. Hulu doesn't have this problem and is much preferred (though its player frequently has subtitle problems for me). Netflix is best.
    Do you guys not use Firefox with AdBlock Plus? That stops everything from my experience.
  • My parents are watching Nichijou. It makes them laugh. My dad described it as a more surreal Azumanga Daioh.
  • edited September 2011
    My dad described it as a more surreal Azumanga Daioh.
    It is.
    Also weird: I used exactly the same phrase earlier in this thread to describe the show.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Haha! So you did!
  • This Nichijou seems like my kind of show. I'm gonna watch it soon.
  • I'm watching the first episode of Nichijou. I about lost it with the falling hot dog scene. I'm so down with this show.
  • Couldn't make it past the 2nd episode, a lot of people recommended it here, but it's just not my type of show.
  • edited October 2011
    Despite getting the FMA advice above I've actually been chain watching Steins;Gate the last two days on Crunchy Roll and I'm already at episode 18. I can't say it's flawless or moving me deeply, but I'm definitely having a lot of fun with the story. Neither Cowboy Bebop nor MLP, recent "great" things I've seen, pulled me through all of their episodes this effortlessly. Edit: although this might be because there's much less to digest per episode with Steins;Gate.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • Been catching up on Sket Dance on Crunchyroll this week. Just watched the Hyperion episode. Sadly, I know people like this. Not so sad is that the people I know like this will often buy the bad games I tire of while they still have some value (clicks, pirates, etc...)
  • Just finished Blue Gender.
  • Just finished Blue Gender.
    I always enjoyed that show but never watched it to the end.
  • Finished up an older series called Himawarii !! it's the 2nd season to an anime about an all ninja girls school. 2nd season was disappointing from it's goofier 1st season which had a ninja boy school in competition with the ninja girl school. The big origin reveal at the end was laughable and did nothing for the story. Even the male lead had a hard time accepting the reveal as well. All that was needed was for him to look at the camera and say WTF.
  • Just finished Night Shift Nurses. I was pleasantly surprised by how deep and well developed the characters were. I thought the plot was enthralling and it climaxed in the most satisfying way. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
  • Night Shift Nurses
    it climaxed
  • Just finished Night Shift Nurses.
    WHAT. THE. FUCK?! Why would you ever watch that? Why would you ever tell anybody that you watched that?
    1. WHAT. THE. FUCK?! Why would you ever watch that? Why would you ever tell anybody that you watched that?

    I was joking. I didn't watch it.
  • WHAT. THE. FUCK?! Why would you ever watch that? Why would you ever tell anybody that you watched that?
    I was joking. I didn't watch it.
    Yeah, tongue was planted firmly in cheek there.
  • So I started watching Chobits.. I don't know if I will regret this. Is Chi supposed to look like an 11 year old girl??
  • RymRym
    edited October 2011
    So I started watching Chobits.. I will regret this.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • So I started watching Chobits.. I don't know if I will regret this. Is Chi supposed to look like an 11 year old girl??
    Avoid it.
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