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  • I get too emotionally invested in people and am too selfish to ever be polyamorous.
  • I get too emotionally invested in people and am too selfish to ever be polyamorous.
    Yeah, I was kinda worried about not being able to handle it. We've had two very good dates, and a very fun weekend together. She's told me all about her other partners, and it's not been a problem so far.

    I think I'm emotionally invested already...

  • ...Eh, fun as long as it lasted. You win. Although a bit too quickly =P
  • ...Eh, fun as long as it lasted. You win. Although a bit too quickly =P
    So, either you're an incredibly unsuccessful troll, or just really bad at getting your points across. Cool story.

  • either you're an incredibly unsuccessful troll, or really bad at getting your points across.

  • ...Eh, fun as long as it lasted. You win. Although a bit too quickly =P
    That's what she said.

    Wait, fuck.

  • I get too emotionally invested in people and am too selfish to ever be polyamorous.
    I'm pretty much the same, but still open to the occasional threesome.
  • I would never, ever try polyamory. I get extremely emotionally invested in people, like...A lot.
  • I know polyamory isn't for everyone. I've been doing a lot of reading, and listening to Poly Weekly, and I've learned that jealousy is okay, but it's how you deal with it, that matters.

    Also, I've figured out that when I felt jealous in the past, it's out of fear of being discarded for someone else. That doesn't apply any more, as I believe her when she says she wants me, and that if I get dumped, it won't be just because she met someone else.

    The lack of head games is refreshing.

    I may also be a bit odd, because trying to get me jealous just makes me resentful, rather than fight for that person's attention.
  • I've been having better luck socialising, as of late. It may not sound amazing, but isolation is something I'm sure we've all felt at one time or another and going to the Japanese club is helping me keep my spirits up.
  • I would never, ever try polyamory. I get extremely emotionally invested in people, like...A lot.
    Don't worry, we know. But hey, we're two birds of a feather in that regard.
  • They didn't hook up (just crashed in the same bed), and he acknowledges that I am interested and is not going to interfere. That feel:



  • At least you know you have a bro. Might be a good chance to reevaluate why you reacted the way you did to the situation, though. I'd hate for you to be in that kind of state again over something like that.
  • Seconded. Keep an eye on him just in case.
  • At least you know you have a bro. Might be a good chance to reevaluate why you reacted the way you did to the situation, though. I'd hate for you to be in that kind of state again over something like that.
    Not sure about bro status yet, but I've definitely reevaluated. Got in too deep before anything had even happened, I suspect.
    Seconded. Keep an eye on him just in case.
    No fucking doubt.

  • I still don't think I'm a good partner for a monogamous relationship, so when I discovered polyamory, it was almost a "Eureka" moment.
    I feel ya man. I've never really had a serious relationship, and the idea of being stuck with one person and only one for the rest of my life (or at least the foreseeable future) is pretty scary and unrealistic for me. I just hate how when a lot of people hear about an open or poly-amorous relationship, they always seem to think it means less and that its just about sex. Urg people.
  • I feel ya man. I've never really had a serious relationship, and the idea of being stuck with one person and only one for the rest of my life (or at least the foreseeable future) is pretty scary and unrealistic for me. I just hate how when a lot of people hear about an open or poly-amorous relationship, they always seem to think it means less and that its just about sex. Urg people.
    Yeah, I know. I've been in one serious relationship, and it didn't end well; she wasn't satisfied with how I was living my life.

    It might seem a drastic change to go through, just because of one bad experience. But it was more like, I've met someone cool who I want to spend time with, she's poly, time to evaluate my emotions and decide whether this could work for me. And it was a surprisingly good fit.
  • I am having dinner with someone I like next week. She insisted on waiting till she had some cash and could pay her own way, so I don't know if it's a date, or if we're both just testing the waters, or if she just explicitly does not want it to be a date.

    Still feeling alright about it.
  • Had a date tonight - we had dinner and went to see Desdemona at Lincoln Center, then hung out and watched an episode and a half of Buffy. All in all, I'd say the night was pretty awesome.

    Already have a second date lined up with her to see King Lear at the Public next Friday. Pretty sure the only question is when we're going to go (Facebook) official.

    Life is pretty awesome sometimes.
  • Making out with cute girls is important.
  • Making out with cute girls is important.
    Really? Because I totally got an offer for that over the weekend that I didn't know what to do with.
    Honestly, I get hit on by just as many girls as guys. The intense amount of varied interest and the fact that it really doesn't bother me makes me wonder if maybe I'm just more ~open minded~ than I previously thought.

    But hey! Who am I kidding? I don't want to be one of those girls that tells a lesbian she's bi and then is like, "Haha no JUST KIDDING! I wanted to try it but I really like the penis."
  • edited November 2011
    Well, not for you. Lemme rephrase this...
    "Making out with cute girls is important if you like cute girls."
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Making out with cute girls is important.
    I don't want to be one of those girls that tells a lesbian she's bi and then is like, "Haha no JUST KIDDING! I wanted to try it but I really like the penis."
    Couldn't you just say that you were curious, so they don't end up pissed off?

    Also, my female friend (the sort-of sex addict) may have said she will take my V-card because I bought her a Pizza. Knowing her as well as I do I honestly can't tell if it was a joke or not. Hmm...

  • I've gotten hit on by dudes on occasion before. It's actually sort of flattering. If I ever decide I want to swing that way, I'm all set.
  • Well, not for you. Lemme rephrase this...
    "Making out with cute girls is important if you like cute girls."
    I was making somewhat light of it, in a joking sort of way.
    Couldn't you just say that you were curious, so they don't end up pissed off?
    That's what I ended up doing, but it didn't actually go anywhere. More like an ambiguous maybe offer. Maybe if I were less surprised and more drunk things would progress further, but I was taken a little off guard.
    That, and I'm friends with enough lesbians to know that nothing is more aggravating to them than ~ curiosity ~ and ~maybe~ and ~bi!~ only to go right back to the penis. Which I have a feeling I'd do if not careful.
    What can I say? Penises aren't pretty, but they're strangely appealing. I have doubts as to whether or not a lesbian relationship would quell my particular frustrations.

  • Also, my female friend (the sort-of sex addict) may have said she will take my V-card because I bought her a Pizza. Knowing her as well as I do I honestly can't tell if it was a joke or not. Hmm...

    What's her address? I got Dominos on speed dial.
    Really? Because I totally got an offer for that over the weekend that I didn't know what to do with.
    And as for you, ma'am, I'll post a thought or three on the issue when I'm not typing from my phone. Despite how good the mobile interface is, it's still a pain in the arse for any sort of serious communication.
  • Also, my female friend (the sort-of sex addict) may have said she will take my V-card because I bought her a Pizza. Knowing her as well as I do I honestly can't tell if it was a joke or not. Hmm...
    She sounds like a tease and quite possibly a whole world of trouble.

  • edited November 2011
    I've gotten hit on by dudes on occasion before. It's actually sort of flattering. If I ever decide I want to swing that way, I'm all set.
    Getting hit on by guys can be quite fun. I have a pair of friends who know I'm straight and hit on me anyways, and I can just enjoy myself with it, since we all know it won't go anywhere.

    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Also, my female friend (the sort-of sex addict) may have said she will take my V-card because I bought her a Pizza. Knowing her as well as I do I honestly can't tell if it was a joke or not. Hmm...
    She sounds like a tease and quite possibly a whole world of trouble.
    Well its not as bad as it sounds. Shes more just really open than anything else. I know her really well and I know shes not a slut, but I'm more worried it would just be weird.

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