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  • edited November 2011
    Also "te quiero," "te deseo," etc. Spanish is well-equipped to deal with distinct forms of love (platonic, fillial, romantic, erotic, etc). That's why I tried to make "lurve" from Annie Hall happen a while back, but it didn't catch on.
    At the moment we are stuck with, love, want to love, and love love. And my friends think I am weird when I say I like them, not love them.
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • I'm seeing this dude outside of school again, the first time since I came out to him, tomorrow. It sounded like he was going to come out to me a while ago, meaning he began a sentence that seemingly couldn't have meant much else, got uncomfortable, and changed the subject before I could respond. I'm gonna try and make him feel comfortable with telling me. Hopefully he is gay, and not embarrassed by half completed philosophical musings. Or nonsexually interested in male butts. Because that's just gonna get him in trouble.
  • Shall be formatted as a Fail of my Boo-yah since it's appropriate.

    Boo-yah: Fairly sure there's mutual attraction between me and cute lady friend.
    Fail: She's currently in China finishing her B.S....
    Boo-yah: But she's coming back to Orlando in February for grad school...
    Fail: At which time, having graduated in December (barring possible failure of one art class, I'll likely no longer be in Orlando.
  • Why does the "will you go out with me?" dance, on OkCupid, have to be so frickin' nerve wracking?
  • edited November 2011
    I'm back in the dating world again. My girlfriend and I went from dating to FWB two weekends ago with the stipulation that it would flow to just friends when either of us found someone else to date.

    As expected her dance card is full and I'm still looking. It's all good because we still talk and see each other but now my job has become one of vetting the guys she's going out with and helping her find a suitable long term relationship guy.

    It was weird because this relationship ended with the most mature breakup ever. Totally mutual and we both came to the same conclusion (no long term potential) and agreed to remain friends. It might have helped in that it was also the most open and honest relationship I have ever been in (for both of us).

    I've tried a few of the free dating sites but there's not many good matches in my area. I'm also cursed by being too close to NYC. I find so many great matches in NYC but I'm not driving two hours for dating.

    At this point I'm considering finding a local friend who knows a lot of people to play matchmaker for me.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Why does the "will you go out with me?" dance, on OkCupid, have to be so frickin' nerve wracking?
    I just asked the girl I've been pursuing on okcupid out for coffee, will see where it goes from there. I suggest just keep messaging girls with something they mentioned in their profile or something you want to know more about based on their profile, exchange messages on the site, then gradually get to know them through gtalk or text messaging.

    The odd thing about online communication is that you feel like you're getting close to someone, you feel more free to discuss things that you wouldn't bring up on a first or second date. But there still is something that is lost, I don't know if I call it trust or comfort, when you have no physical connection.

    I just felt it was time to ask her out, to see her in real life. it was a combination of a desire to finally meet her and getting hints/dropping hints that maybe it's time to take it beyond the internet.

    She was being messaged on okcupid one night and filled me in play-by-play. The guy came on way too strong, used cliche phrases (ex. Hi cutie), and even after she showed no interest in him through out the conversation (which was mostly sexual innuendos) still asked her out on a date. Just don't be that creepy internet dating guy and you're already way ahead of the competition.
  • Just don't be that creepy internet dating guy and you're already way ahead of the competition.
  • I'm just going to use the magicks of Vanilla 2 to quote this post from October 2010, because I can no longer quantify with words the amount of disgust I have for this problem and the frequency with which it occurs when I ask girls out.
    So, she probably just didn't know how to say no. If that's the case, I'm looking forward to meeting someone who can be a goddamn adult.
    Worst part is I'm expected to be at a party with this girl and our close friends all night. Gin. Cigarettes. 'Ere we go.
  • I'm just going to use the magicks of Vanilla 2 to quote this post from October 2010, because I can no longer quantify with words the amount of disgust I have for this problem and the frequency with which it occurs when I ask girls out.
    So, she probably just didn't know how to say no. If that's the case, I'm looking forward to meeting someone who can be a goddamn adult.
    Worst part is I'm expected to be at a party with this girl and our close friends all night. Gin. Cigarettes. 'Ere we go.
    Damn, sorry bro.
  • Text arrived. Everything went better than expected. Hashing out details tonight over predrinks.

  • While I try not to brag too much or, rather, count any roosters before they hatch... today I realized I have three guys vying for my attention: a high school friend I always kinda had a thing for (but he just got out of a semi-long relationship and I'm not sure I should approach that yet), a friend of my guy friends who I'd been kind of seeing before some things happened and it got complicated (but he's coming over to bake cupcakes with me tonight), and this guy who my costume shop friend introduced me to who's really cute and has apparently been asking about me non-stop.

    ...even if none of it actually works out, I feel like such a ladypimp for now.
  • edited November 2011
    Jeremy took me out today and we check out various exhibits at The Experience Music Project. We spent a lot of time at the Battlestar Galactica, Avatar, and Horror Film exhibits. We spent sometime in various music sections and didn't get a chance to check out the Nirvana exhibit.

    I had fun listening and getting know more about all the different exhibits. I also enjoyed the interactive parts of all the exhibits.

    Haven't had a real date of going out and doing something in a while. It was nice.

    Edit: Uploaded the pictures on G+. Sorry for the lack of quality.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The girl I've been developing a something with, due mainly to being an aspiring academic in her senior year of college, seems like she won't really be able to give me the attention I was expecting out of a relationship. Currently trying to adjust my standards, or just to hold out until I'll be almost equally busy next semester and won't have time to be lonely.
  • So, this girl I've been into for the past couple weeks - we hit it off at a party, ended up sleeping together the next day, good times.. She tells me at a party tonight that she's looking to stop being casual, actually wanting to settle in with a relationship. So, I ask her out, she says yes, and that when she leaves the party in a few minutes, she wants me to come back with her to her place. She also leaves me her cell phone.

    5 minutes later, she leaves the party with another dude and doesn't come back. No notice, no nothing. Insider reports from other trusted sources at the party tell me that she's pretty much a whore who does this 'cause it's easy to manipulate guys at RIT. So basically, I'm pissed off enough right now to go punch a deer, and I'm gonna end up sleeping alone tonight and in the foreseeable future. Fuck this and everything about it.
  • RIBS is a bitch. RIT girls are dumb sometimes.
  • edited November 2011
    RIBS is a bitch. RIT girls are dumb sometimes.
    I'm not sure what you mean by RIBS. But it doesn't warrant that kind of a blanket statement.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • edited November 2011
    So, this girl I've been into for the past couple weeks - we hit it off at a party, ended up sleeping together the next day, good times.. She tells me at a party tonight that she's looking to stop being casual, actually wanting to settle in with a relationship. So, I ask her out, she says yes, and that when she leaves the party in a few minutes, she wants me to come back with her to her place. She also leaves me her cell phone.

    5 minutes later, she leaves the party with another dude and doesn't come back. No notice, no nothing. Insider reports from other trusted sources at the party tell me that she's pretty much a whore who does this 'cause it's easy to manipulate guys at RIT. So basically, I'm pissed off enough right now to go punch a deer, and I'm gonna end up sleeping alone tonight and in the foreseeable future. Fuck this and everything about it.
    The girl I'm into is just acting like she never grabbed my junk, never agreed to get dinner, and is still joking with me in a somewhat flirtatious manner. I watched a few movies with her flat last night and she just acted entirely oblivious to the events of the previous Thursday. I just dealt with it, because I am still too attracted to her to be furious and act like she doesn't exist.

    I know that feel, bro. Truly, I know that feel.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The girl I'm into is just acting like she never grabbed my junk, never agreed to get dinner, and is still joking with me in a somewhat flirtatious manner. I watched a few movies with her flat last night and she just acted entirely oblivious to the events of the previous Thursday. I just dealt with it, because I am still too attracted to her to be furious and act like she doesn't exist.

    I know that feel, bro. Truly, I know that feel.
    If people don't know how to admit to things they have done and don't want to deal with it, they just pretend it never happened. /personal experience.
    As someone who's been stuck in a similar-ish place, don't LET them pretend it never happened. You'll end up frustrated more than you're happy. The people who can't figure themselves out will hurt you more than they will hurt themselves.
  • Yeah, I'm not really the type to let it fall by the wayside forever, so I'll probably be back up to that flat shortly to have a word.
  • RIBS is a bitch. RIT girls are dumb sometimes.
    I'm not sure what you mean by RIBS. But it doesn't warrant that kind of a blanket statement.
    RIBS = Ratio-induced Bitch Syndrome. Essentially, the ratio at RIT is in favor for women, meaning that sometimes, RIT girls can be dumb and turn into attention whores.

    While this seems like a blanket statement, I didn't say all RIT girls. I said RIT girls can be dumb sometimes, which means not all RIT girls are dumb, and the ones that have been dumb aren't always dumb.
  • Blanket-statement and misogynistic as it sounds, that shit does actually go down a *lot* at RIT. I know three girls, not including the one I'm involved with, who are clearly using the "forever alone" quality of most guys at RIT to their advantage, so they can go out and whore it up as much as they want. One of those girls who I know doesn't even go here, she goes to the local community college, and comes around here to flirt endlessly with desperate guys who don't know any better.

    I'm smart enough to not get involved further with any of them, but it stings when the other available options are few and far between.
  • Just follow my example and date cute art girls at Nazareth.
  • Just follow my example and date cute art girls at Nazareth.
    Yeah, Axel might have the right idea here. But don't rule out ladies at U of R! Most of my Rochester friends are actually from there, rather than RIT. Including lady friends. (Also, U of R people are far more willing to actually go into the city and do stuff, because of their free shuttles. Damn socialists.)
  • Just follow my example and date cute art girls at Nazareth.
    Yeah, Axel might have the right idea here. But don't rule out ladies at U of R! Most of my Rochester friends are actually from there, rather than RIT. Including lady friends. (Also, U of R people are far more willing to actually go into the city and do stuff, because of their free shuttles. Damn socialists.)
    My roommate's girlfriend is from U of R, and she's pretty awesome. Thing is, I don't have a car, so getting around anywhere is fairly difficult.

  • True, that. I have, at times, resorted to hitchhiking to and from RIT (from downtown).
  • My car makes cavorting about rather simple.
  • Well, the thing with the girl mentioned above has officially ended before it began. Columbia/Barnard women, why must you all be so busy?
  • A valuable lesson to learn.

  • edited November 2011
    A valuable lesson to learn.
    [Sexist song perpetrating a stupid generalization]
    I'm sorry if I just fell for reverse Poe's law, but this coming from a person who's never tried sleeping with a girl?

    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I guess just...Start picking girls that aren't over-achieving geniuses? I get that's what you're attracted to, but...
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