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  • I guess just...Start picking girls that aren't over-achieving geniuses? I get that's what you're attracted to, but...
    I'm going to Columbia. Girls like that don't go here.

  • I guess just...Start picking girls that aren't over-achieving geniuses? I get that's what you're attracted to, but...
    I'm going to Columbia. Girls like that don't go here.

    Kay. NYC's a big city.
  • I guess just...Start picking girls that aren't over-achieving geniuses? I get that's what you're attracted to, but...
    I'm going to Columbia. Girls like that don't go here.
    Kay. NYC's a big city.
    You talk like I ever have the free time to leave campus.
  • OMG you guys all suck. There are plenty of nice girls at RIT.
    You can only have awesome girls if you are awesome.
  • Hey everyone still in college. Think about how many more options you have now compared to when you were in high school. Now take that same jump, and apply that to when you get out of college and get into the real world. If your current situation just isn't working out for you, give it a few years. You have a lot of time ahead of you.
  • OMG you guys all suck. There are plenty of nice girls at RIT.
    You can only have awesome girls if you are awesome.
    There are. Not a lot of them are single. There's also competition for them. I didn't have to compete nearly as much for my current girlfriend.

  • A valuable lesson to learn. [Stupid song that is purportedly by the Beastie Boys]
    I'm certain that is not actually by the Beastie Boys. Sorry to get off-topic, I just don't want a song that's pretty far beneath their usual level of quality to be misattributed.

  • edited November 2011
    A valuable lesson to learn. [Stupid song that is purportedly by the Beastie Boys]
    I'm certain that is not actually by the Beastie Boys. Sorry to get off-topic, I just don't want a song that's pretty far beneath their usual level of quality to be misattributed.
    Might as well link to Wikipedia, no?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2011
    A valuable lesson to learn. [Stupid song that is purportedly by the Beastie Boys]
    I'm certain that is not actually by the Beastie Boys. Sorry to get off-topic, I just don't want a song that's pretty far beneath their usual level of quality to be misattributed.
    Might as well link to Wikipedia, no?
    Hurry and fix your link before the edit window closes!
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Thank goodness we made it! If only there was a way we didn't have to worry about things like that.
  • I'm beginning to think I may have a thing for troubled girls...
  • edited November 2011
    I slept over at my girlfriend's place on Saturday. It was really nice. I forgot how awesome cuddling is.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • A valuable lesson to learn. [Stupid song that is purportedly by the Beastie Boys]
    I'm certain that is not actually by the Beastie Boys. Sorry to get off-topic, I just don't want a song that's pretty far beneath their usual level of quality to be misattributed.
    Might as well link to Wikipedia, no?
    See, I just knew it by the voices and my familiarity with the Beastie Boys' catalog. That article helps.

  • This happened.

    I got 99 problems and they're all bitches.
  • This happened.

    I got 99 problems and they're all bitches.
    You've got one bitch that you're making 99 problems out of. This girl does not like you, she isn't even your friend. Move on.
  • This happened.

    I got 99 problems and they're all bitches.
    You've got one bitch that you're making 99 problems out of. This girl does not like you, she isn't even your friend. Move on.
    You're right.

  • edited November 2011
    This happened.

    I got 99 problems and they're all bitches.
    You've got one bitch that you're making 99 problems out of. This girl does not like you, she isn't even your friend. Move on.
    Well said, sir.

    EDIT: "You've got one bitch and you're making 99 problems out of her" is a great line. I'ma steal that and use it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Read what George said, responded, took a nap:


    Feeling pretty awesome.
  • So, spent some more time with my photographer friend, super happy right now.

    We're planning to go to a poly meetup in December.
  • This happened.

    I got 99 problems and they're all bitches.
    You've got one bitch that you're making 99 problems out of. This girl does not like you, she isn't even your friend. Move on.
    Well said, sir.

    EDIT: "You've got one bitch and you're making 99 problems out of her" is a great line. I'ma steal that and use it.
    Hey, I'm claiming that with a creative commons attrition license.
  • There was a while during which people said my ex and I were going to get back together (which we currently are) and we angerly denied it. As a result we kept our relationship a secret from all but our closest friends, parents included.

    Tonight I found out that one of those friends had told her mom who let it slip to my mom more than two weeks ago. Now my girlfriend and I are trying to determine what happened so we can deal with it, but the friend is being defensive and refusing to talk to me at all. She "doesn't want to deal with Josh's bullshit" ???? and is claiming we ambushed her (I called once and didn't leave a message and my girlfriend sent one text).
  • Can I have some of your thoughts on on again off again relationships everyone? It will help me with a project.
  • Ain't worth it. There's an Italian phrase for it, cavoli riscaldati, which means literally "reheated cabbage". Messy and stinky. It won't work.
  • Ain't worth it. There's an Italian phrase for it, cavoli riscaldati, which means literally "reheated cabbage". Messy and stinky. It won't work.
    Wow. Those Italian bastards are pretty clever sometimes. Prosciutto, ravioli, and "cavoli riscaldati." Gotta love it.

  • And my favorite phrase in all the Italian language: Gioco del calcio. But that's another story.

    I know a bit about cavoli riscaldati from firsthand experience, though. My family, and his, think I'll talk again to the guy I got out of my life earlier this year. It'd be one helluva stinky reheated cabbage.
  • Well, sure, I guess they're fine if you're not in the habit of learning from previous mistakes. You broke up for a reason. Keep it that way.
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