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  • edited November 2011
    Gioco del calcio. But that's another story.
    Is that some sort of euphemism? Foot fetish perhaps? Or....ball...fetish? (P.S. I know it's fútbol)
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited November 2011

    (I know it's fútbol, as well ~_^)

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I always forget that Bruce Willis was in the movie.
  • edited November 2011
    Nope. It's italian for 'football' (soccer for you North Americans)

    (To me, it's the one thing that's better than being in a relationship -snicker-)
    Post edited by AndouReiya on
  • Haha! old-style spoiler text wins again!
  • Nope. It's italian for 'football' (soccer for you North Americans)

    (To me, it's the one thing that's better than being in a relationship -snicker-)
    True Facts - It was called Soccer first. People only started getting prissy about calling it "football" round about the 70s or so. Prior to that, the terms were interchangeable, but Soccer was preferred. The original writing of the word Soccer was Soc-er, which is the usual English abbreviation of the word "Association" (Soc) from the game's proper name - Association football - combined with the oxford -er style of abbreviation.
  • I know. I just like to call it football because that's the word we use in Spanish. Fútbol to us is an English loanword. And no matter how I call it, I just love the sport more than what I could love a person.
  • I know. I just like to call it football because that's the word we use in Spanish. Fútbol to us is an English loanword. And no matter how I call it, I just love the sport more than what I could love a person.
    Don't worry, I'm not hassling you, just giving trivia. If I'm prefacing something with "True facts" or something like that, generally I'm just providing extra information which might be interesting.

  • I know. I just like to call it football because that's the word we use in Spanish. Fútbol to us is an English loanword. And no matter how I call it, I just love the sport more than what I could love a person.
    I'm surprised you been here and haven't started a soccer or Captain Tsubasa thread yet. :P

    Sigh...I should love a sport. -_-
  • I know. I just like to call it football because that's the word we use in Spanish. Fútbol to us is an English loanword. And no matter how I call it, I just love the sport more than what I could love a person.
    I'm surprised you been here and haven't started a soccer or Captain Tsubasa thread yet. :P

    Sigh...I should love a sport. -_-
    Don't get me started, Vi dear. Don't get me started.

    @Churba: It's all good :3.

    We're sidetracking. Badly. So I pose a question for you guys: Would you rather not love at all, or have a years-long unrequited love?

  • edited November 2011
    I've done the latter, probably for about a three year period in high school. I broke the trust of a dear friend, I was so depressed I'd lie awake at night for hours just weeping silently, and huge portions of my time were spent trying to square the circle of unrequited love instead of doing productive things with my time. I went and did service work in Guatemala for two weeks, came back with the "reset" button pressed, and she thought I was over her. On my end, it took probably about six months for me to stop having feelings for her, and another six before I could even consider the notion of her and her boyfriend being together without my brain sizzling with fury.

    Fuck that shit. I wish I could have every minute I spent thinking of her like that back. To paraphrase Los Campesinos!: "I cherish with fondness the day before I met [her]."

    That's not to say that she isn't one of my best friends still, but if I hadn't fallen for her, I would have spared both of us a lot of trouble. I frittered away years of time I could have spent with other girls. I had other girls I knew were interested in me that I passed up just because I thought that one day the stars might align and I'd finally make it.

    Never again. Life's too short to waste on stuff like that.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2011
    So I pose a question for you guys: Would you rather not love at all, or have a years-long unrequited love?
    The first one, obviously. Would you rather never be hungry, or always be hungry and never get food?
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Unrequited love is only okay when it is one of those fun little crushes in youth, where you think a person is cute, go all dokidoki over them, have steamy daydreams about making out, and then once you get to know them a little better, realize that they are not all that compatible with you. Not even heartbreak, just like a flash in the pan of blushes and sighs.
  • Love /= infatuation, imo.
  • I got friend-zoned by a girl who was kinda leading me on. I'm glad I asked her how she felt and got this all sorted out though.
  • Hahahaha "friend zoned"
  • Way better then being cuddle-bitched :-p
  • If you think about "Friend Zone" as "Backup Booty," things go smoother. Trust me on this.
  • Wait, are they your backup booty, or are you theirs?
  • I'm beginning to think I may have a thing for troubled girls...
    I definitely do. Almost every infatuation of mine has been with somebody who has gone through some sort of scarring hardship. Hell, my current girlfriend has been through more rough shit than anyone I know. The phrase "damaged goods" doesn't mean much to me; even among casual friends I just don't get along as well with people who aren't damaged.
  • Wait, are they your backup booty, or are you theirs?
    That's the $64k question.
  • The $100k question is if they actually would ever have sex with you.
  • At the end of the year I'm going to fly out to see this girl with whom I share a mutual attraction but have only conversed with online. I'm excited and nervous.
  • At the end of the year I'm going to fly out to see this girl with whom I share a mutual attraction but have only conversed with online. I'm excited and nervous.
    And Diddgery was never seen again.. Until his body was discovered :-p
  • To paraphrase Los Campesinos!: "I cherish with fondness the day before I met [her]."
    Your keyboard's full of truth. I certainly think about this often. Especially today (18/11/11). Made the worst mistake in my life 11 years ago. Can't say I'm 100% over it because I'd be lying.

  • Your keyboard's full of truth. I certainly think about this often. Especially today (18/11/11). Made the worst mistake in my life 11 years ago. Can't say I'm 100% over it because I'd be lying.
    I can't quite pin it down that well, but I'd say that the 16th of July, 2008 was about the point everything started to go wrong, that last time things went really, really wrong. I even have photos.

  • Your keyboard's full of truth. I certainly think about this often. Especially today (18/11/11). Made the worst mistake in my life 11 years ago. Can't say I'm 100% over it because I'd be lying.
    I can't quite pin it down that well, but I'd say that the 16th of July, 2008 was about the point everything started to go wrong, that last time things went really, really wrong. I even have photos.

    August 13, 3:34 P.M. Town Center.

    Fuck that shit.
  • While I can remember the date reasonably close, I don't really dwell on it anymore. I mean, how could I forget - it was the second to last time I saw her, if you want to accept some odd metaphysical, personality based version of who a person is. But to be honest, it's okay. I miss her from time to time, but I don't think I want her back in my life, unless in the time I've not known anything of her, she's become a rather more happy and well adjusted person.

    Honestly, it was a bit of a sid-and-nancy type thing from the start. We were both fucked up people, but we were fucked up in ways that complimented each other in some weird way, locked in a mutual self-destructive spiral where we knew, somewhere in our minds, that we were destroying ourselves. Sure, it was incredibly unhealthy - despite it having it's points where we both improved, and admittedly, probably improvements that I carry to this day, though I have no ability to speak for her anymore - but we were happy. We didn't care that we were spiraling the drain, because we were spiraling it together, and it's hard to get motion sick in the self destructive spiral when all you can do is look in each other's eyes.

    I will admit, though, she's still an incredibly gorgeous creature. That's something I can never begrudge her, she was always painfully gorgeous. The kinda woman where you get a big old pain in your chest looking at her. I did always have a measure of sympathy, knowing the feeling occurring within the blokes whose heads she turned on the street. Even now, I get that dull ache just from picturing her in my mind's eye. Always had the most beautiful eyes, which made it all the more painful when the sky-blue they were before became more of a dull, dead and cold sapphire.

    Things are better, now. While it's hardly perfect, we have our problems like anyone does, I'm at least in some form of healthy relationship, I guess I'm still fucked up and in her own ways, so is mi amo , but I'm on a steady climb rather than a downward spiral. I can't speak for her either, but this time not because she's gone, but because instead of like the the one before where we were all-consumed by each other, to the point where we had little outside of each other, but because we're still two separate people, just two separate people who love each other. Just as with the one before, we know each other down to our bones, but I feel no need to speak for her, nor any desire to.

    Slightly cheerier TL:DR in song form -
    I'm beginning to think I may have a thing for troubled girls...
    Here, you can have one too -
  • edited November 2011
    Things are going well with okcupid girl. We met last Thursday and it was enjoyable. But I asked her out for dinner that weekend and she turned me down, then on Sunday asked me over for a movie. She says she just wanted to meet me in a more controlled environment (my wording, not hers) before venturing off into the world with me. She was home schooled and is a geek, so I guess she's a bit sheltered. Hell, I'm not complaining. Progress!
    Post edited by Gundampilotspaz on
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