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  • Scott you realize there are many successful relationships where the age difference is 10 or more years... Once you get to Thirty, 25 year olds are not that young and 35 are not that old... I know people having a successful life with people 15 years older then them. It's only scary if you are going after under 20 year old women after your 30+ :-p Then it gets creepy, it also matters how you go about doing it too.
    I know that there exist many relationships that are many years apart. I mean, Hugh Hefner exists.

    Even so, I still think that's really creepy. Part of it is because I have two younger siblings, and I still think of them as kids. If some girl tells me she is 21, then I think she is as old as my sister, and then she might as well be 16 years old. I have no problem talking to them or hanging out with them, but any romantic ideas set off all the alarms.
    I am the same age as Adam's sister... <_< >_>
  • edited March 2012
    If George was wider and heavier, I'd totally be into him. George's brain is hawt. His sense of humor ain't bad either.
    Girls exist that like wide and heavy? Maybe all my crippling self-esteem problems are silly after all!

    I think that most girls don't care super much about weight, provided it is within healthy bounds. A guy who is a little chubby? If he's cool, that's not a deal breaker. I have seen both guys and girls who are very beautiful/handsome but also quite full-bodied. However, you can't be obese, because there are so many health problems associated with it and you couldn't keep up with me. That's really sad.
    I'm told I'm weird because I also like guys who are short. Everyone who is worried about height, some of the cutest guys I have known were shorter than me.

    Anyway, Rym is basically perfect, so I have no complaints. I wuv him most!
    Post edited by gomidog on

  • I'm told I'm weird because I also like guys who are short. Everyone who is worried about height, some of the cutest guys I have known were shorter than me.
    I used to have a thing against that, but after two long time partners who were shorter than me, it just mattered less and soon not at all.
  • Everyone who is worried about height, some of the cutest guys I have known were shorter than me.
    A lot of guys shy away from tall girls. Fie on that. I love tall girls.

    Also, girls with really great shoulders. Tennis players, swimmers, rowers, etc. I am totally into your lady lats.
  • I've determined that I pretty much just like women. I like the whole gamut. Big, small, short, tall, curvy, boxy, bony, fluffy. I have limits of way too thin and way too fat, but it's definitely on the extreme in both directions.

    Women are sexy.

    Also, brains make everything sexier.
  • What Pete said.

  • I think I like most average weight women, short hair is extra credit.
  • I think I like most average weight women, short hair is extra credit.
    Facebook Girl rocks the boyish haircut.

    The last three girls I've been interested in have had boy cuts. Totally, totally cute.
  • I like when girls have short hair. Super cute.
  • I like when girls have short hair. Super cute.
    Me too, for most girls. Some girls, however, (like my current beau) only look good with long hair.
  • edited March 2012
    I used to chase the pretty on the outside girls but most of them are ugly on the inside.

    I prefer woman on the thick (Amazon) side but the one I'm dating now is about 110 soaking wet. She could gain a few pounds but her personality is near perfect.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Checkmark next to "Anything can be funny."

    No checkmark next to "In some light, nuclear war could be funny."
  • I used to chase the pretty on the outside girls but most of them are ugly on the inside.

    I prefer woman on the thick (Amazon) side but the one I'm dating now is about 110 soaking wet. She could gain a few pounds but her personality is near perfect.
    Be thankful that she at least weighs more than me, potentially.

  • I'm a bit more typical, I enjoy women with long hair, maybe my height or a tad bit shorter, and curvy. Very feminine features. As for the bigger person argument, I tend to go with this mindset. (I think this has been posted before)


    Exuding enough confidence will make any couple or person attractive.
  • Today's Questionable Content. Dude is pro.

  • Jeph Jacques, I'm definitely using that one.
  • AWWW! Geek man FTW.

    At the DMV today, the guy who helped me was wearing a Star Wars shirt. It made me happy the instant I walked up to the booth, and I was not disappointed; dude was intelligent. At the end of my transaction, he said he liked my (Animazement) shirt. Smart people in public service FTW!
  • I like when girls have short hair. Super cute.
    Me too, for most girls. Some girls, however, (like my current beau) only look good with long hair.
    Samesies. My girlfriend looks a lot better with long hair than short.
  • edited March 2012
    Checkmark next to "Anything can be funny."

    No checkmark next to "In some light, nuclear war could be funny."
    Dr. Strangelove?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Checkmark next to "Anything can be funny."

    No checkmark next to "In some light, nuclear war could be funny."
    Not necessarily, because the question is actually:
    "In a certain light, wouldn't nuclear war be exciting?"
  • Checkmark next to "Anything can be funny."

    No checkmark next to "In some light, nuclear war could be funny."
    Not necessarily, because the question is actually:
    "In a certain light, wouldn't nuclear war be exciting?"
    I answered yes, but everyone else seems to say no to that. Guess women are afraid of nuclear war. *shrugs*
  • edited March 2012
    I answered yes, but everyone else seems to say no to that. Guess women are afraid of nuclear war. *shrugs*
    I said yes as well. To me, saying it would be exciting isn't saying that it would be a good thing, or that it would be fun, just that it would be pretty damn interesting.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited March 2012
    >do physics
    >glare at girl's name in facebook messenger window, ponder sending a message
    >sip tea
    >lather rinse repeat
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • >do physics
    >glare at girl's name in facebook messenger window, ponder sending a message
    >sip tea
    >lather rinse repeat
    Sounds like a typical day. Judging whether or not a Facebook message out of the blue would be creepy is always much harder when you're sending it.
  • It doesn't help that I'm 3000 miles away, either. I should just get some friendly conversation going. We've known each other since high school and have been commenting back and forth recently.

    Christ, this situation is pathetic.
  • >do physics
    >glare at girl's name in facebook messenger window, ponder sending a message
    >sip tea
    >lather rinse repeat
    Same thing happened to me except you know what I did? I messaged her. We're going on a date on Saturday. Our last date. Goin to the wax museum, then the beach.
  • I can't see this girl until June, though. I've got time to dawdle. I'll talk to her next time.
  • Things with Tumblr girl got real serious real quick, but I'm feeling comfortable with it now. We text throughout the day and video call on Skype about three hours every night before going to bed. The plan for our first actual meatspace date on Monday is basically to meet, furiously make out for several minutes, and then go spend the day in Little Tokyo. We're also seeing of Montreal the following night. Things are pretty cool.
  • Things with Tumblr girl got real serious real quick, but I'm feeling comfortable with it now. We text throughout the day and video call on Skype about three hours every night before going to bed. The plan for our first actual meatspace date on Monday is basically to meet, furiously make out for several minutes, and then go spend the day in Little Tokyo. We're also seeing of Montreal the following night. Things are pretty cool.
    Figured as much, dude. This was my face when I started seeing you on Skype nightly, BTW:


    Good on ya!

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