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  • Things with Tumblr girl got real serious real quick, but I'm feeling comfortable with it now. We text throughout the day and video call on Skype about three hours every night before going to bed. The plan for our first actual meatspace date on Monday is basically to meet, furiously make out for several minutes, and then go spend the day in Little Tokyo. We're also seeing of Montreal the following night. Things are pretty cool.
    I went to this revolving sushi place recently. It's pretty damn good, you can fill up for $12, and the parking across the street is cheap az.
  • Things with Tumblr girl got real serious real quick, but I'm feeling comfortable with it now. We text throughout the day and video call on Skype about three hours every night before going to bed. The plan for our first actual meatspace date on Monday is basically to meet, furiously make out for several minutes, and then go spend the day in Little Tokyo. We're also seeing of Montreal the following night. Things are pretty cool.
    I like how you roll.

  • edited March 2012
    Hopefully oM plays "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal." I consider that the best love song ever written.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I can't see this girl until June, though. I've got time to dawdle. I'll talk to her next time.
    You never know when she'll find a boyfriend. Carpe Canum.
  • I can't see this girl until June, though. I've got time to dawdle. I'll talk to her next time.
    Sure, sure. You can. Or you can do the smart thing, and lay the groundwork before you get there.
  • Had a date on Saturday, but was shot down (friendzoned). The search continues...
  • edited March 2012
    I signed up for OkCupid over my spring break out of sheer boredom one night while I was trying to go to sleep, and I got this email yesterday:

    Hey Li_Akahi,

    We just detected that you're now among the most attractive people on OkCupid.

    We learned this from clicks to your profile and reactions to you in Quickmatch and Quiver. Did you get a new haircut or something?
    Well, it's working!

    To celebrate, we've adjusted your OkCupid experience:

    You'll see more attractive people in your match results.

    This won't affect your match percentages, which are still based purely on your answers and desired match's answers. But we'll recommend more attractive people to you. You'll also appear more often to other attractive people.

    Sign in to see your newly-shuffled matches. Have fun, and don't let this go to your head.
    I don't know whether or not I should be impressed with myself or depressed that I am allegedly one of the most attractive people on the website.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Wait... they only show the attractive people to other attractive people? That seems incredibly shallow.
  • Heh, this is in the sidebar of /r/okcupid.
    If you get the "You are attractive" email and make a post about it here, it will be deleted. Yes, it's legit. No, no one cares.
  • So for shits and giggles I tried searching for girls into cars on gk2gk and got no results. I told you all, no single car girls exist. :P
  • edited March 2012
    Yeah, one of the shady things that OKCupid does.
    AHAHAHAHAHA. That's brilliant.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I'm in a Facebook conversation where I can cut the romantic tension with a toothpick. Alas, it's with my ex-girlfriend's best friend... Whatever do I do, dear forum?
  • I'm in a Facebook conversation where I can cut the romantic tension with a toothpick. Alas, it's with my ex-girlfriend's best friend... Whatever do I do, dear forum?
    What's your current relationship with your ex? Enemies? Friends? "It's complicated"?
  • edited March 2012
    I'm in a Facebook conversation where I can cut the romantic tension with a toothpick. Alas, it's with my ex-girlfriend's best friend... Whatever do I do, dear forum?
    What's your current relationship with your ex? Enemies? Friends? "It's complicated"?
    Not on speaking terms.

    The falling out was 5 months ago, but it remains messy. We were on a break (when she's demanding more time together and so is academics, I wasn't going to be a fool), and two days before the break's finish, she made out with one of my best friend and left me in the dust after 2 and a half years. In a moment I was just shut off from her life and half of my social group. Only now am I finding out most of her friends agree it was really fucked up.

    She's cute, and cool, and we always got along really well. She may be a little too much like my ex (same major, similar interests and stuff, but much more laid back), and it's gonna look ridiculous if she's not actually into me. Also, this whole thing just reeks of crappy high school drama.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
  • Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    Um. Ew.

  • Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    Um. Ew.

    Ditto. You guys always degenerate relationships into fucking. Whatever happened to cuddling?

  • edited March 2012
    Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    I'll second this motion to bang.

    Quid pro quo. All's fair in love and war.

    This girl is talking to you behind your Ex's back for a reason.
    Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    Um. Ew.

    Ditto. You guys always degenerate relationships into fucking. Whatever happened to cuddling?

    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • I'm with Pete & WyWy, but just be cautious her best friend is not trying to play games or is working with exgf. You seem to be skeptic enough. Best of luck.
  • My concern is that you'll end up in situations where you're forced to interact with your ex, which you don't seem to want to do. Also, if you mess with new girl and old girl's friendship, drama will occur. Decide if that's something you give a shit about.
  • Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    Um. Ew.

    Ditto. You guys always degenerate relationships into fucking. Whatever happened to cuddling?

    Don't let him fool you. He is WAY into cuddling.

  • Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    Um. Ew.

    Ditto. You guys always degenerate relationships into fucking. Whatever happened to cuddling?

    Don't let him fool you. He is WAY into cuddling.

    I freakin' love cuddling. Cuddling is great.

    I mean, I understand why people like sex and whatnot, but relationships don't have to degenerate to that immediately. I guess.

  • I disapprove of your use of the term "degenerate."
  • edited March 2012
    As do I. Also, "bang her" is my tongue-in-cheek response to all "what should I do about this girl who shows interest in me" questions. Because it's funny.

    And cuddling is totally awesome. Loves me some good cuddles.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited March 2012
    Step 1: Retrieve all previously given fucks.

    Step 2: Project fucks into new girl.
    This may be the best advice I've heard in the past 6 months...

    My concern is that you'll end up in situations where you're forced to interact with your ex, which you don't seem to want to do. Also, if you mess with new girl and old girl's friendship, drama will occur. Decide if that's something you give a shit about.
    Definitely true. At the moment, interactions between me and my ex have been disastrous. Even though it's been 5 months since the break up, I'm only now on a cold turkey from talking to her (I was in the denial phase for a little too long). We're gonna have to see each other at a different friend's recital next weekend, so I think I'll judge how things go then.

    I knew I wasn't gonna ask her out or anything tonight. We spent a little too much time tonight talking about how to actually meet and flirt with members of the opposite sex, how ridiculous and awkward bar crap is for everyone. I suppose I'll just keep doing what I'm doing until after that recital. I really don't feel like diving into a pool of drama again.

    Oh, and I am 100% pro cuddling.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • I disapprove of your use of the term "degenerate."
  • I disapprove of your use of the term "degenerate."
    Sorry, then.

  • Unrelated to the discussion at hand:

    "I have really good air conditioning, so, we're gonna dry-hump."
  • edited March 2012
    The falling out was 5 months ago, but it remains messy. We were on a break (when she's demanding more time together and so is academics, I wasn't going to be a fool), and two days before the break's finish, she made out with one of my best friend and left me in the dust after 2 and a half years. In a moment I was just shut off from her life and half of my social group. Only now am I finding out most of her friends agree it was really fucked up.

    She's cute, and cool, and we always got along really well. She may be a little too much like my ex (same major, similar interests and stuff, but much more laid back), and it's gonna look ridiculous if she's not actually into me. Also, this whole thing just reeks of crappy high school drama.
    First, don't be concerned with your ex. She sounds like a vindictive bitch. Second, if you don't think this other girl will behave in a similar fashion, I say go for it. Cute, cool, and potentially into you, why not ask her out? I mean the worst thing that can happen here if she's laid back and cool is she says, "I don't like you that way." As sucky as that is (been there many times), it's never worse than where you are before you try.
    Post edited by George Patches on
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