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  • All else fails, kiss her and see if there is a connection. :P

    If anything, this is good for you to look back upon when you get all Emo George on us.
  • Also, sometimes the act of dating and expectation of relationship can fog things up. Maybe if you got to know her in a non-pressured non-relationship expecting way (aka friends) she might open up. I'm the kind of girl that doesn't open up or fall for a guy unless I've known him awhile. That's just me though, everyone's different. Buy yeah, ditto what everyone's already said. Don't worry about it not working out though, you attracted her, so you shall attract more in the future. :)
    Yeah, I'm this way too.

  • Also, while "you can't afford to be choosy" is very very very poor wording, there's good advice in here. Someone may not be "smart" about the things you are "smart" about, but they might know a lot about other things.

    The measure is not how much a person knows, it's how they treat their ignorance. If they're willing and eager to learn about things they don't know about - well, that's pretty fucking smart.

    Don't look for a clone of you. Common ground is good, but you want someone who is definitely different from you.

    EDIT: And George, I'll be honest - we didn't think you were all that smart when we first met you. Remember when you started posting and you were all Republican and stuff? So yes, it can take time to figure out that a person is actually interesting.
    See, here's the problem, that's what I'm looking for. I'm trying to find the ways she's smart, the things she knows about and I'm not really finding anything. I don't feel there's a single topic she knows more about than me.

    Also, I'm a don't tax the ever living fuck out of us Republican. Still am. Remember the fight I got into with Rym when he proposed a 90% marginal tax rate? :P
    This is a problem. Telling her now will be the kinder option in the long run. Man up.

    If you're not absolutely sure if you like her or not, and you think you might give it a few more dates to see, try telling her that. "Hey so&so, I'm not really sure how I feel about us. I'd like to keep dating and see if I can figure that out; what do you think?"

    At least that gives her the option to make a decision with all the cards on the table, which is the least dickish thing you can do. She might react badly, or she might react maturely but say goodbye. OR she might say yes.

    You need to figure out whether you are truly interested in exploring who this girl is any farther, and TAKE ACTION accordingly. Don't be a selfish dick and string her along because you don't like confrontation. (Which is what "I don't want to hurt her feelings" usually means.)
    See I did the "I'm not sure this is right thing" on this last date and she seems to want to still see me. We've been doing to awkward dinner questions. I suggested we go see the Hunger Games, as it would be good conversation seed. I'm hoping I can get some kind of engaging conversation. Also, when I say I don't want to hurt her feelings, I mean I don't want her to get more attracted than she already is if I don't want to pursue a relationship.

    I guess I also feel this weird need to give her a chance cause I feel I often don't get that chance with girls I'm interested in.
    Also, sometimes the act of dating and expectation of relationship can fog things up. Maybe if you got to know her in a non-pressured non-relationship expecting way (aka friends) she might open up. I'm the kind of girl that doesn't open up or fall for a guy unless I've known him awhile. That's just me though, everyone's different. Buy yeah, ditto what everyone's already said. Don't worry about it not working out though, you attracted her, so you shall attract more in the future. :)
    See, I'm also mindful of this and I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she's really nervous, but I think I'm a fairly low pressure guy. I have to call it after this next date, cause otherwise she's getting too into me.
  • edited April 2012
    See, here's the problem, that's what I'm looking for. I'm trying to find the ways she's smart, the things she knows about and I'm not really finding anything. I don't feel there's a single topic she knows more about than me.

    Also, I'm a don't tax the ever living fuck out of us Republican. Still am. Remember the fight I got into with Rym when he proposed a 90% marginal tax rate? :P
    This from the person who once said "I don't read." The only other person I ever heard say that was Dom.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • See, here's the problem, that's what I'm looking for. I'm trying to find the ways she's smart, the things she knows about and I'm not really finding anything. I don't feel there's a single topic she knows more about than me.

    Also, I'm a don't tax the ever living fuck out of us Republican. Still am. Remember the fight I got into with Rym when he proposed a 90% marginal tax rate? :P
    This from the person who once said "I don't read." The only other person I ever heard say that was Dom.
    Hey, I think the full quote is "I don't read much." I just don't read many books. I have a short attention span, I read wikipedia all the fucking time. I love learning about things. All that crazy shit I know about cars, reading.
  • edited April 2012
    Also, I'm a don't tax the ever living fuck out of us Republican. Still am. Remember the fight I got into with Rym when he proposed a 90% marginal tax rate? :P
    SEE PETE??? Remember when you told me to point out times when you are wrong? Here you go.

    (We had an argument about this this morning. Pete thinks you are no longer conservative or Republican.)

    Oh, and George; if you already had that conversation with her, then she is on notice. It's all on her if she gets more attached. Treat women like adults who can make their own decisions.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited April 2012
    See, here's the problem, that's what I'm looking for. I'm trying to find the ways she's smart, the things she knows about and I'm not really finding anything. I don't feel there's a single topic she knows more about than me.

    Also, I'm a don't tax the ever living fuck out of us Republican. Still am. Remember the fight I got into with Rym when he proposed a 90% marginal tax rate? :P
    This from the person who once said "I don't read." The only other person I ever heard say that was Dom.
    Hey, I think the full quote is "I don't read much." I just don't read many books. I have a short attention span, I read wikipedia all the fucking time. I love learning about things. All that crazy shit I know about cars, reading.
    I don't think you can go around judging the smartness levels of people if you don't read many real actual books. Or if you can't understand why low taxes simply benefits rich people and fucks you over. Or if you do understand that, why you want to be fucked over.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited April 2012
    SEE PETE??? Remember when you told me to point out times when you are wrong? Here you go.

    (We had an argument about this this morning. Pete thinks you are no longer conservative or Republican.)
    Pete is ostensibly correct. The thing is just about the only thing I ever believed was some of the taxation beliefs of the party and generally their stance on guns. I think taxation should be used to generate revenue to operate the gov't, not to redistribute wealth to what we deem appropriate. So really I never was "Republican" in the base sense, so ostensibly correct. The only difference George now and George of yesteryear is I think the Bush tax cuts are a bad plan.
    I don't think you can go around judging the smartness levels of people if you don't read many real actual books. Or if you can't understand why low taxes simply benefits rich people and fucks you over. Or if you do understand that, why you want to be fucked over.
    And you are qualified to judge then?
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • So you're smart now, is what you're saying.

    Yeah, if you've already said "I don't think I'm into you," then it's really on her.
  • So you're smart now, is what you're saying.
    I was shown evidence that changed my stance. :P
  • edited April 2012
    Pete is ostensibly correct. The thing is just about the only thing I ever believed was some of the taxation beliefs of the party and generally their stance on guns. I think taxation should be used to generate revenue to operate the gov't, not to redistribute wealth to what we deem appropriate. So really I never was "Republican" in the base sense, so ostensibly correct.
    See, everything you just said is fiscally conservative. Except for the guns part. Also, Republican is a wide term. Just because you're not crazy like the current Repubs in the media doesn't mean you aren't a Republican. There are plenty of socially progressive republicans that we don't see on TV because they're not entertaining.

    Edit: The Republican part wasn't so much the point of contention as the conservative part, anyway.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited April 2012
    Pete is ostensibly correct. The thing is just about the only thing I ever believed was some of the taxation beliefs of the party and generally their stance on guns. I think taxation should be used to generate revenue to operate the gov't, not to redistribute wealth to what we deem appropriate. So really I never was "Republican" in the base sense, so ostensibly correct. The only difference George now and George of yesteryear is I think the Bush tax cuts are a bad plan.
    Taxation to operate the government IS a redistribution of wealth no matter what. If you tax someone to build roads you are taking their wealth and redistributing it to all the people who use that road.
    And you are qualified to judge then?
    Sometimes, but not other times.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Pete is ostensibly correct. The thing is just about the only thing I ever believed was some of the taxation beliefs of the party and generally their stance on guns. I think taxation should be used to generate revenue to operate the gov't, not to redistribute wealth to what we deem appropriate. So really I never was "Republican" in the base sense, so ostensibly correct. The only difference George now and George of yesteryear is I think the Bush tax cuts are a bad plan.
    Taxation to operate the government IS a redistribution of wealth no matter what. If you tax someone to build roads you are taking their wealth and redistributing it to all the people who use that road.
    *faceplam* Of course, but I'm talking about Rym's philosophy of ~$1 million a year in income is plenty for everyone.
    And you are qualified to judge then?
    Sometimes, but not other times.
    Let me rephrase the problem as a question to you. Would you date someone that didn't strike you as intelligent?
  • There are plenty of socially progressive republicans that we don't see on TV because they're not entertaining.
    But really at this point their stances are more Independent or they've been adopted by the Democrats and they just haven't realized it yet - the current Republican party line has more or less abandoned fiscal conservatism.
  • George, if you're not feeling any inkling of attraction, it's a good idea to just accept that and not date her. I used to think everybody deserved a chance. Now I know that if I don't feel any spark of attraction, it's not fair to me (I feel bad and guilty about not liking the other person) and it's not fair to them (to tell them there might be a chance of you liking them when there isn't).

    Seriously, if there's nothing there then just admit it. Just because someone is a nice and decent person doesn't make them a good romantic and sexual match!
  • But we already tax progressively. Even if we did a straight percentage of income (no tax brackets), we'd be taxing progressively and redistributing wealth, just not as much. ;^)

    I would also argue that it would literally be impossible to support our road infrastructure without heavily progressive taxation. Roads are deeply subsidized, and there wouldn't be enough money without increasing tax burdens on the extra-wealthy disproportionately to the tax burden on the poor and middle-class.
  • There are plenty of socially progressive republicans that we don't see on TV because they're not entertaining.
    But really at this point their stances are more Independent or they've been adopted by the Democrats and they just haven't realized it yet - the current Republican party line has more or less abandoned fiscal conservatism.
    If you want to go in that direction, our current party system is ridiculous and irrelevant except for political machinations. Most people don't identify well with a full party line from the major parties. IF you can ever figure out what the party line actually is anymore. These days it seems we're drawing a line between the Republican party and the Not Republican party. Not Republican isn't a real party; a party is supposed to have a unified platform. Maybe we should call it the Not Republican Amoeba, because that would be way more accurate than "Independent and Democratic Parties." Our political climate sucks.

  • George, if you're not feeling any inkling of attraction, it's a good idea to just accept that and not date her. I used to think everybody deserved a chance. Now I know that if I don't feel any spark of attraction, it's not fair to me (I feel bad and guilty about not liking the other person) and it's not fair to them (to tell them there might be a chance of you liking them when there isn't).

    Seriously, if there's nothing there then just admit it. Just because someone is a nice and decent person doesn't make them a good romantic and sexual match!
    Give me some credit here, this is only the 3rd person I've been on a date with in my life.
    But we already tax progressively. Even if we did a straight percentage of income (no tax brackets), we'd be taxing progressively and redistributing wealth, just not as much. ;^)

    I would also argue that it would literally be impossible to support our road infrastructure without heavily progressive taxation. Roads are deeply subsidized, and there wouldn't be enough money without increasing tax burdens on the extra-wealthy disproportionately to the tax burden on the poor and middle-class.
    Oh my god, I hate you both. I so don't want to talk about taxes in this thread. :P
  • Oh my god, I hate you both. I so don't want to talk about taxes in this thread. :P
    Better than talking or reading about how emo single people can get. :P
  • 1. I know, that's why I'm telling you this. It took me several years to figure out that I really shouldn't say yes to every guy who asks me out. You haz benefit of mah wisdom!

    2. For reals Rym, stop trollin' in the dating thread. You already had this conversation.
  • I haz absorbed much of your wizdom, but not all. I shall try to do better.
  • Oh my god, I hate you both. I so don't want to talk about taxes in this thread. :P
    Better than talking or reading about how emo single people can get. :P

  • 2. For reals Rym, stop trollin' in the dating thread. You already had this conversation.
    Hey, he brought it up and I was never satisfied with his position. ;^)

    George, why don't you debate this with her. An intellectual sparring match!

  • Oh yeah, that's a great way to engage a woman without sounding creepy. "Hey girl, what do you think about redistribution of wealth? If the government doesn't tax it all away, I can buy you a fancy dinner."
  • Hey, it could work.
  • Oh yeah, that's a great way to engage a woman without sounding creepy. "Hey girl, what do you think about redistribution of wealth? If the government doesn't tax it all away, I can buy you a fancy dinner."
    Trying this at the next opportunity.
  • I agree with Apreche. You should only be satisfied if your girl has a Dragonite tattoo. A large and obvious one.
  • I agree with Apreche. You should only be satisfied if your girl has a Dragonite tattoo. A large and obvious one.
    Noted. ^_^
  • I agree with Apreche. You should only be satisfied if your girl has a Dragonite tattoo. A large and obvious one.
  • Does an Articuno tattoo count? I've seen the type.
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