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  • Conversions are very difficult.
  • Up for a challenge? :)
  • Up for a challenge? :)
  • Had the awkward conversation with the girl I was seeing and decided against the movie.
  • The woman I fell madly in love with and broke up with in an appropriately melodramatic fashion is back in town, but I have not seen her. She refuses to let me contact her because I "bring nothing but pain into her life". I am alone in my bedroom. Next to me are two empty beer bottles, which are likely to be followed by several more. Fuck loving people.
  • That sucks, dude. But you did break up with her. Moving on from seeing her ex, especially if it's painful, is an acceptable choice for her to make.
  • Ok as much as I sympathize with those sorts of feelings and know how it goes, but why would you even do that to yourself? Yeah, you feel bad she feels that way about it, but like Nuri said you chose to break things off.

    Fuck loving people? How about fuck letting this shit get to you? If you feel so bad about it, does this mean you still have lingering feelings? Sounds like something you may need to sort through them. I don't know. I just get really annoyed when I see things like this.

    Sure when somethings happens and you get down, you can do things to help the emotions run through its course, but don't let it get to you.
  • edited April 2012
    Yup, it's pretty stupid. She's leaving for California soon and if things stay this way I'll never see or hear from her again. She held me in her arms while I wanted to die, and she knows me better than anyone else. We never had real closure; she made me promise to stay in touch and then broke contact without word or warning. I miss her dearly and haven't found anyone that I care about more since then.

    I'll get over it, however unhealthy my methods may be. Typical teenage angsty bullshit and all that.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Yeah, it does suck not having closure to things. I still have a friendship that I broke off that makes me sad and I have dreams about my friend every now and then which annoys me. I've learned to let it go and just keep on keepin' on.

    However, here is something for you.

  • I am just gonna say that today's episode of "Community" can help a lot for about 80% of relationships out there.
    It was so good!
  • image
    Pretty much. :P
  • (Venn Diagram of Sexy)
    The problem isn't that, it's that too often the people that think you're sexy are not the people you WANT to think you're sexy.
  • I think that's a problem that girls have more than guys. :P
  • I think that's a problem that girls have more than guys. :P
    I would say it is about equal actually.
  • Well then it's a problem that other people have.
  • edited April 2012
    I think that's a problem that girls have more than guys. :P
    I would say it is about equal actually.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • The problem isn't that, it's that too often the people that think you're sexy are not the people you WANT to think you're sexy.
    This a million times this.
  • This has happened to me exactly once. Ever. At least that I recall.
  • edited April 2012
    This has happened to me exactly once. Ever. At least that I recall.
    That's because everyone finds you sexy, Churba.
    I realize that logic doesn't necessarily follow but shhhh just let it happen.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Are we talking about "sexy" or are we talking about overall attraction?
  • This has happened to me exactly once. Ever. At least that I recall.
    That's because everyone finds you sexy, Churba.
    Or Churba just finds nearly everyone sexy.
  • This has happened to me exactly once. Ever. At least that I recall.
    That's because everyone finds you sexy, Churba.
    Or Churba just finds nearly everyone sexy.
    Well, I guess the latter is closer to the truth...
  • I think people mean different things with the same words.
  • It's not that he's sexy. He's just got massive charisma.
  • Charisma is sexy.
  • Charisma is sexy.
    This, so much.
  • Charisma Carpenter? Yes.
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