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  • There are many games like that, all ultimately ending up with ramped drunkenness. Though beware those things can be killer, literally.
  • The Double Dave was an incident that will forever serve as proof of that.
  • Holy shit, wow. I really need to party with all of you, it sounds like one hell of a time.
  • The Collett incident? Nah that was a light one all things considered. Now my 18th that god weird. Lord of the flies weird.
  • edited April 2012
    Holy shit, wow. I really need to party with all of you, it sounds like one hell of a time.
    Gum (gin+rum, breakfast liqueur), Gumka (gin+rum+vodka, brunch apperitif), a fifth of rum, and an unknown quantity of vodka was consumed.

    I attempted to drink a glass of water at the behest of friends, pulled an Airplane!, and sent it flying over my shoulder onto the dress of the girl behind me at the party I had been dragged to.

    Later, shadowy figures knew I had been drinking Morgan's Spiced by the mere scent of my puke.

    And those are just the events I'm willing to share at present.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've been to a few parties where people have gotten slam faced drunk. I'm usually the guy sitting with a couple of friends in the corner, sharing a few bottles of hard cider, watching the insanity and laughing.
  • I do recall a game Churba enjoys that would result in something like that.
    It was, in fact, this game that almost directly lead to the flaming couch incident.

  • I do recall a game Churba enjoys that would result in something like that.
    It was, in fact, this game that almost directly lead to the flaming couch incident.

    That video is still on my laptop, I think.

  • On the upside of all my lady troubles, I've got a coffee date with a gorgeous, eloquent, well-traveled English major/comic book nerd tomorrow afternoon. :3
  • edited April 2012
    I am so bad talking to women it's almost comical. I sent a message to Introverted Facebook Girl. Two hours later I got a reply. Eight hours later I saw said reply. Seven hours after seeing it, I finally got the stones to reply back.

    It's like Voices From A Distant Star, but with two awkward hipsters on the same planet.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I am so bad talking to women it's almost comical. I sent a message to Introverted Facebook Girl. Two hours later I got a reply. Eight hours later I saw said reply. Seven hours after seeing it, I finally got the stones to reply back.

    It's like Voices From A Distant Star, but with two awkward hipsters on the same planet.
    If nothing else good comes of this, you made me laugh.
  • edited April 2012
    It's such a cliche, but you should just talk to women you're interested in more or less the same way you talk to anyone else, and I mean that as in not acting like you're dismantling a nuclear bomb.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'm actually cool with the idea of calling a situation where you don't click with a girl and rather than continue in search of sex you decide to break it off in search of a more meaningful relationship a "George situation." Standards of conduct, i haz them. ~_^
  • I'm actually cool with the idea of calling a situation where you don't click with a girl and rather than continue in search of sex you decide to break it off in search of a more meaningful relationship a "George situation." Standards of conduct, i haz them. ~_^
    That's it in a nutshell. We've been texting back and forth, and it's just all boring (not to mention poorly spelled). Realized soon after the date that she really doesn't have any cool interests whatsoever (and doesn't even pass the Rym "What do you like to read?" test). At this point, I'm just occasionally answering in order to be polite, and sort of treating this as a case study in who never to date again.

    On the plus side, it feels quite awesome to be having single-people problems again instead of recently-out-of-a-breakup issues.
  • (and doesn't even pass the Rym "What do you like to read?" test)
    What is said test? I have not heard this referenced before.
  • edited April 2012
    At this point, I'm just occasionally answering in order to be polite, and sort of treating this as a case study in who never to date again.
    Just noticing how malicious that sounded.
    At this point, I'm just occasionally answering in order to be polite, and sort of treating this as a enjoyable and very enriching low-stakes reentry into the dating world.
    That's more like it!
    (and doesn't even pass the Rym "What do you like to read?" test)
    What is said test? I have not heard this referenced before.
    When the book club was started, it was that big revelation that there are people in this world who do not read a thing. Might have condensed/misconstrued that a bit too much.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • (and doesn't even pass the Rym "What do you like to read?" test)
    What is said test? I have not heard this referenced before.
    "What do you like to read?"
    "Fuck books"
    "We're done here."
  • "Fuck books" is a much more interesting thing to say than "Ummm, I don't really read that much..."
  • "Fuck books" is a much more interesting thing to say than "Ummm, I don't really read that much..."
    It's true. They might terribly enjoy erotic literature, and just be terribly poor at expressing it.

  • It's such a cliche, but you should just talk to women you're interested in more or less the same way you talk to anyone else, and I mean that as in not acting like you're dismantling a nuclear bomb.
    In my defense, I do, but because of time zones and how oddly anxious this particular girl makes me, even saying "Cool, talk to you later," is like when Nic Cage is defusing the doll in The Rock.

    Girl takes pleasure in guttin' me, boy.
    If nothing else good comes of this, you made me laugh.
    I'd totally settle for that, bro.
  • (and doesn't even pass the Rym "What do you like to read?" test)
    What is said test? I have not heard this referenced before.
    "What do you like to read?"
    "Fuck books"
    "We're done here."
    Is wikipedia a valid answer here, cause I read that every day.
  • Instead of naming the publisher or platform, you should name the subject matter/genre. It doesn't matter what delivery system you use for your words, but it DOES matter what those words are about.
  • I keep getting replies from this girl whenever, but she doesn't make any attempt to continue the conversation. Could just be that I'm never online to do so, could be that she's disinterested in me. I dunno. I am in strange new waters here.

    I guess it's a positive sign that she replies at all instead of just letting her wallflower tendecies take over and ignore me entirely. She could just be being polite, but she doesn't strike me as someone who'd waste time on frivolities like that.
  • I keep getting replies from this girl whenever, but she doesn't make any attempt to continue the conversation. Could just be that I'm never online to do so, could be that she's disinterested in me. I dunno. I am in strange new waters here.

    I guess it's a positive sign that she replies at all instead of just letting her wallflower tendecies take over and ignore me entirely. She could just be being polite, but she doesn't strike me as someone who'd waste time on frivolities like that.
    She might just be bad at making conversation.

  • Considering that in high school I saw her smile precisely once and heard her get involved in a class discussion maybe twice, that's entirely possible.
  • You could be direct and ask her if she's interested.
  • You should feel secure in the fact that at least you'll definitely get some time to hang out together at P4k. All you can do right now is to stay in touch. It doesn't sound like she'd be the type who'd be sure of herself enough to make that sort of leap in expressing herself to someone she hasn't really seen since high school. There's also the possibility that she's secretly boring. See: Jazz class girl.
  • lol, I just caught up on this thread and found the interplay of dating advise with tax policy debate hilarious...
  • lol, I just caught up on this thread and found the interplay of dating advise with tax policy debate hilarious...
    In hind sight, I was ready to stab them both at the time. :P
  • edited April 2012
    What about girls that aren't nerdy but then are converted? I would argue that my girlfriend was not really nerdy at all before I got my hands on her. Then again maybe internally I realized the conditions were right for the seed to grow.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
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