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  • Does an Articuno tattoo count? I've seen the type.
    Take what you can get.
  • edited April 2012
    Does an Articuno tattoo count? I've seen the type.
    Take what you can get.
    Can't afford to be choosy.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I suppose I deserve that.
  • I had my first casual sexual encounter on Monday. The fact that it's a whole new ball game just sunk in.

    Something tells me college just got fun.
  • edited April 2012
    Does an Articuno tattoo count? I've seen the type.
    Take what you can get.
    Can't afford to be choosy.
    I don't know, I'd prefer if she had a couple of decent sized jigglypuffs, or maybe voltorbs. Not GIANT, but decent.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Does an Articuno tattoo count? I've seen the type.
    Take what you can get.
    Can't afford to be choosy.
    I don't know, I'd prefer if she had a couple of decent sized jigglypuffs, or maybe voltorbs. Not GIANT, but decent.
  • edited April 2012
    Does an Articuno tattoo count? I've seen the type.
    Take what you can get.
    A friend of mine has a ninetails scarified into her arm.

    Also, going out tomorrow with subway girl. Freaked the hell out. What the hell do you do on a one-on-one date with someone who is essentially a total stranger?
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Also, going out tomorrow with subway girl. Freaked the hell out. What the hell do you do on a one-on-one date with someone who is essentially a total stranger?
    What do you know about her?
  • Be careful: this is beginning to sound like the plot of a romantic comedy. The upshot is that, as the male protagonist, things will work out well for you and her. Downside? Lots of drama.
  • Also, going out tomorrow with subway girl. Freaked the hell out. What the hell do you do on a one-on-one date with someone who is essentially a total stranger?
    You learn about each other.
  • edited April 2012
    Also, going out tomorrow with subway girl. Freaked the hell out. What the hell do you do on a one-on-one date with someone who is essentially a total stranger?
    What do you know about her?
    We only talked really briefly while on the subway. I initiated the conversation by asking about a book, then we talked about internships and classes and stuff before I asked for her number. We texted for a lot that day - similar stuff, and the basics (where she's from, where she has lived in the city, stuff about the date, living in the city). I didn't want to be too chatty in the texts - definitely believed it would be better to get to know each other in person. Now, however, I feel like woefully underprepared.

    It's weird, my brain can't tell if this is the 100% normal adult-world way of dating, or a series of errors on my part for trying to be daring and forward.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • It's perfectly normal. You'll probably find something to talk about, but being terrified about being underprepared is pretty normal. You should see how stressed I get when I'm trying to impress (or at least not look bad in front of) somebody.
  • edited April 2012
    Be careful: this is beginning to sound like the plot of a romantic comedy. The upshot is that, as the male protagonist, things will work out well for you and her. Downside? Lots of drama.
    Can't tell if that's directed at me. It seems like it can be any of the stories mentioned in the past 3 pages of this thread. Except for maybe asexual girl story... that's more of a sitcom episode than a full on romcom.
    It's perfectly normal. You'll probably find something to talk about, but being terrified about being underprepared is pretty normal. You should see how stressed I get when I'm trying to impress (or at least not look bad in front of) somebody.
    And that comment just calmed me down a lot. It's pretty weird how a comment from someone online can be skewed into the everyman "definition of normal".
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • It's perfectly normal. You'll probably find something to talk about, but being terrified about being underprepared is pretty normal. You should see how stressed I get when I'm trying to impress (or at least not look bad in front of) somebody.
    And that comment just calmed me down a lot. It's pretty weird how a comment from someone online can be skewed into the everyman "definition of normal".
    *sarcasm* What are you talking about, that's so freaking weird. Just talking to a girl out of the blue. There's procedures and check lists that must be followed before you even approach a girl. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!
  • It's perfectly normal. You'll probably find something to talk about, but being terrified about being underprepared is pretty normal. You should see how stressed I get when I'm trying to impress (or at least not look bad in front of) somebody.
    And that comment just calmed me down a lot. It's pretty weird how a comment from someone online can be skewed into the everyman "definition of normal".
    *sarcasm* What are you talking about, that's so freaking weird. Just talking to a girl out of the blue. There's procedures and check lists that must be followed before you even approach a girl. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!
    Hopefully he'll follow the Standard First Date Protocol IV rev. II, Sheesh. You and your "winging it", ruining society. ;P
  • Well, I do have orange level security clearance.
  • edited April 2012
    Going to a festival with Introverted Facebook Girl where FlyLo, Purity Ring, The Olivia Tremor Control, Feist, Cults, Cloud Nothings, and Youth Lagoon are playing in July. You know what that means, bros:

    (Please note that if Summertime Lovin' happens, it'll last longer than ten minutes)
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Take all dates to the arcade and see if they can beat you in Soul Calibur 2
  • P4k?
    Hmm hmm.

  • edited April 2012
    Take all dates to the arcade and see if they can beat you in Soul Calibur 2
    There was one girl who beat me. Maybe I let her win... it's all fuzzy. I was drunk and it was a Christmas party and I'm pretty sure I chose Lizard Man. Either way, her friend sabotaged me and now that mysterious girl is going to veteranary school in the Carribean thinking I'm an asshole creep who is still not over his ex. In another universe, another Schnevets may have succeeded, and may now be preparing to go down there and visit... who knows?

    Oh, and first date went pretty well. I don't know how compatible subway girl and I really were, but I definitely got over the first-date jitters. We didn't really talk much about interests or crazy stories or particularly intriguing topics. Mostly it was just bitching about work. Still, I kept the conversation rolling and kept her comfortable. I fear this could be another George situation in the making, though.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • I fear this could be another George situation in the making, though.
    Yo, on behalf of all guys who have awkward shit named after them, let's not call this a "George Situation." To this day, my British friends call getting so drunk you black out, take a shower fully clothed, and return to the party dripping wet, "Doing a Dave." It's never good to have something negative named after you.
  • Trust me dude it could be worse, you NEVER want to pull a Collett.
  • Trust me dude it could be worse, you NEVER want to pull a Collett.
    What does pulling a Collett involve?

  • AmpAmp
    edited April 2012
    Drink a dirty pint. Procede to "violently" urinate against a church, after which be carried though the streets to your girlfriends parents house. Upon arriving vomit all over their persian rug and camera equipment, that is after having eaten only Guinness and pies all day. After finally covering your self in puke be carried outside so you can be hosed down by your girlfriends mum and two people you havent met before. When outside make noises like a wounded harp seal, this is your warning noise to others. After making this noise shit your pants (underwear for the americans), and not just a little bit. No this is something like a "whirlwind of feces", grin when people twig onto this and pass out. I will spare you the details but it ended up with him getting hit in the guts after checking out of A&E. Now to keep the tradition doing the next time we got blindingly drunk he fell of the loo and shat himself again. Thus "pulling a Collett" was born. This is not the worst adventure....

    Edit; also the term "whirlwind of feces".
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Dirty pint being a pint that gives you food poisoning, I assume?
  • God no! have you not come across one at uni?
  • Dirty pint being a pint that gives you food poisoning, I assume?
    Dirty usually refers to something that's spiked and/or mixed in some way. In this case, I assume something more alcoholic.
  • Its normally a half pint of something like beer or cider with a load of shots, cocktails or what ever is kicking around thrown in. Its normally the forfeit for ring of fire.
  • Actually, I've never had that. Ever. US college alcoholism tends more towards the Jungle Juice (read: everclear with Kool-Aid mix) and cheap beer end of the spectrum, and in the UK I usually just do doubles or trebles, or just beer.

    I do recall a game Churba enjoys that would result in something like that.
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