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  • So what do you guys think about telling someone you're not interested when you've only just talked via messages on OKCupid? Is stop replying the normally accepted protocol here?
    That really dependso n the amount of time spent on building to this point, or the amount of information shared. How much do you know about the other person? If it's a superficial account, probably not much more than what's stated in the profile, then go ahead.
  • So what do you guys think about telling someone you're not interested when you've only just talked via messages on OKCupid? Is stop replying the normally accepted protocol here?
    I would just politely thank them for their affections and decline gracefully. Don't be a dick.

  • Well I've only had a 4 message exhange with her. I asked her her hobbies and she said shopping. It was late so i didn't send anymore more messages. I forgot about it in the morning and that was a few days ago. Today I get a message saying she's deleting her account and if I want to contact her her email is omgshoes. I mean seriously, I have no interest in this girl.
  • Sounds like you can safely not care.
  • I would just politely thank them for their affections and decline gracefully. Don't be a dick.
    This. You can say something like "I don't think we're a good match" to keep it neutral if you want. (Keep it about the pairing instead of sounding like something is wrong with her.)

  • So what do you guys think about telling someone you're not interested when you've only just talked via messages on OKCupid? Is stop replying the normally accepted protocol here?
    Stop replying. It's only OK Cupid. You haven't gone on a date with her so whatevs.
  • Sounds like you can safely not care.
  • Well I've only had a 4 message exhange with her. I asked her her hobbies and she said shopping. It was late so i didn't send anymore more messages. I forgot about it in the morning and that was a few days ago. Today I get a message saying she's deleting her account and if I want to contact her her email is omgshoes. I mean seriously, I have no interest in this girl.
    Ugh, ok, really? No reason to follow up with this. She's giving you an out with the "if." Also sounds like she might be doing the same thing. No worries.

  • I found a hilarious question on OKCupid:

    If your significant other turned down sex in favor of a video game, after you have already had sex three times that day, would you be offended?
  • I found a hilarious question on OKCupid:

    If your significant other turned down sex in favor of a video game, after you have already had sex three times that day, would you be offended?
    So what did you answer?

  • No, I'd play video games too.
  • I'd watch and ridicule him for dying on the first Goomba.
  • That has to be a question from someone college age or younger, because anyone older wouldn't have to ask that question, they'd already be playing video games...
  • It sounds like a question based off a specific experience of someone's ex getting mad at them for playing video games instead of having sex a fourth time :P
  • edited May 2012
    >Message girl you're interested in. "Hey."
    >"Haha hi, I was just about to message you!"

    Feels good, man.

    EDIT: In the interest of not sounding totally sad, the situation for this summer does look really promising. It's just kind of nice to have that sort of affirmation from someone you like after striking out so many times.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It sounds like a question based off a specific experience of someone's ex getting mad at them for playing video games instead of having sex a fourth time :P
    Sounds like there might be more issues there than just video games vs sex. Maybe if the first 3 had been satisfying enough they wouldn't have wanted the 4th.

    I don't know why it has to be so complicated. If I want attention from Pete I just tell him I want attention. Then he gives me attention or we make plans for attention time later.

  • edited May 2012
    If I want attention from Pete I just tell him I want attention. Then he gives me attention or we make plans for attention time later.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yeah, I tried being subtle and hinting, and he was all "Use your words, woman!"

    So I said "I want to go home and have sex." And our friend whose house we were at said "Okay then, goodnight!"
  • Yeah, I tried being subtle and hinting, and he was all "Use your words, woman!"

    So I said "I want to go home and have sex." And our friend whose house we were at said "Okay then, goodnight!"
    "...And that, kids, is when I knew your mom was the one."
  • Yeah, I tried being subtle and hinting, and he was all "Use your words, woman!"

    So I said "I want to go home and have sex." And our friend whose house we were at said "Okay then, goodnight!"
    Did you do the pouty eyes too?
  • It sounds like a question based off a specific experience of someone's ex getting mad at them for playing video games instead of having sex a fourth time :P
    Sounds like there might be more issues there than just video games vs sex. Maybe if the first 3 had been satisfying enough they wouldn't have wanted the 4th.

    I don't know why it has to be so complicated. If I want attention from Pete I just tell him I want attention. Then he gives me attention or we make plans for attention time later.
    Yep. Sounds like either the one partner who is playing video games didn't take care of the other partner, or the partner wanting more sex is a quite possibly a nympho.

    I am also up front with Jeremy. If I want lovin', I'll just straight tell him. He may get upset/annoyed if he's currently occupied with a certain task. We've had discussions about it, and we've resolved that if he's currently busy at the moment, to tell me to wait for a few minutes for him to finish a current task then the sexy rumpus times will commence.
  • Did you do the pouty eyes too?
    I did the pouty eyes AND the seductive eyes. Apparently neither of them were getting the point across. Which is weird since he is pretty much ALWAYS horny unless he is immersed in a demanding task like researching what kind of barley they would have used for beer in Iceland in the middle ages.

  • edited May 2012
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Did you do the pouty eyes too?
    I did the pouty eyes AND the seductive eyes. Apparently neither of them were getting the point across. Which is weird since he is pretty much ALWAYS horny unless he is immersed in a demanding task like researching what kind of barley they would have used for beer in Iceland in the middle ages.

    It's six-row, in case anyone was wondering. Preserved by a dung-fueled fire. Well, some birch and willow too. But definitley dung too.
    I don't know why it has to be so complicated. If I want attention from Pete I just tell him I want attention. Then he gives me attention or we make plans for attention time later.
    This is the usual exchange:

    Nuri: "Pete, I want attention. Give me attention."
    Nuri: "Yay!" *walks off*
    Me: *resume whatever I was doing*

    I'm being literal.
  • Apparently Pete and Nuri win at relationships?
  • Apparently Pete and Nuri win at relationships?
    Oh mans, you have no idea. They are the most adorable! Definitely a good relationship going on there!
  • Cool beans.
    It really is that simple folks.
  • Apparently Pete and Nuri win at relationships?
    Yeah, pretty much.

  • With the caveat that it only works because we are together. We are not so great at relationships with liars, bad communicators, and people incapable of logical thought.
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