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  • You guys are dating sages.
    OBJECTION! Nuri is dating a Viking.

    Viking Sage?


  • Of course you do, dear. My Kickstarter project's not looking quite so expensive now, is it?
  • I went on a few dates with a girl last week, and while I wasn't super into it in the first place, I decided that it would be a bit difficult because we lived an hour apart anyway. So I agonized over how I'd let her down, because I've never been the one doing the breaking off before, and I know how shitty it can be to get dumped, regardless of reason or method.

    So before I can even talk to her to break it off, today she writes me and says that she wants to remain friends but doesn't see things going anywhere and wants to let me down easy.

    Win/win I guess.
  • edited May 2012

    No reason for this (finals have made me a social recluse the past week or two, so nothing on the dating front), but it feels inspiring. Gotta keep this in mind.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Oh please. Dating sites are just as hard for women to wade through as men. Maybe not for all the same reasons, but it's still a PITA. Most of the emails those women are "inundated" with are crap from people who didn't even bother to read the profile and can't write in complete sentences.

    No hits is the same as no feasible hits. It just means you have fewer stupid spam emails to delete.
    My girlfriend and I can attest to this. She usually had three times as many messages per week than I did, but while 90% of hers were utterly worthless. The girls who messaged me, on the other hand, were 90% interesting, good looking, and at least worth replying to because they had put in some kind of effort.

  • Observation on sleeping with a room-mate - I've had more sex in the past week and half than since I left for college. It's pretty awesome. Albeit occasionally distracting.
  • Wait, is this the lesbian you made out with? Now she is bi for you?
  • Justin, you lead a charmed life. Don't ever tell me otherwise.
  • Wait, is this the lesbian you made out with? Now she is bi for you?
    This is a question we all want the answer to.
  • Wait, is this the lesbian you made out with? Now she is bi for you?
    This is a question we all want the answer to.
    Yes, it is. No, she's still a lesbian. Which means she doesn't really like to reciprocate, but one-sided sex is still better than no sex at all.
    Justin, you lead a charmed life. Don't ever tell me otherwise.
    To be fair, I'm also about to get spectacularly bad grades in a pair of important courses, I'm unemployed and broke, and my parents are threatening to make me transfer schools because mine's too expensive.
    Also, you still have cute art girl, don't you? I'd say you're still luckier than me.
  • Wait, you go to CU. How bad is "spectacularly bad?" Because MCB majors at UIUC get 80% on an exam and leave rooms weeping. I am all too familiar with this game.

    Also, dude, if she's still a lesbian, why is she sleeping with you? My lesbian friends don't even consider guys a part of the equation now that they're out.
  • edited May 2012
    Wait, is this the lesbian you made out with? Now she is bi for you?
    This is a question we all want the answer to.
    Yes, it is. No, she's still a lesbian. Which means she doesn't really like to reciprocate, but one-sided sex is still better than no sex at all.
    Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying that one of you gets the other off? Or that she reciprocates out of gratitude for your performance?

    I feel like a fistbump of some sort is in order no matter the situation. So, tentative brofist.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited May 2012
    She enjoys making out with me, but doesn't like going any further on me. I, on the other hand, take a certain amount of pleasure in getting her off.
    Wait, you go to CU. How bad is "spectacularly bad?" Because MCB majors at UIUC get 80% on an exam and leave rooms weeping. I am all too familiar with this game.
    B- or so on my end-of-semester grade. I exaggerated a bit, but with grade inflation and my standards, it's not particularly good.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited May 2012
    Dude. B- is not spectacularly bad. You can rebound from that.

    Also, what Nuri said/posted/whatever.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Wait, is this the lesbian you made out with? Now she is bi for you?
    This is a question we all want the answer to.
    Yes, it is. No, she's still a lesbian. Which means she doesn't really like to reciprocate, but one-sided sex is still better than no sex at all.
    Justin, you lead a charmed life. Don't ever tell me otherwise.
    To be fair, I'm also about to get spectacularly bad grades in a pair of important courses, I'm unemployed and broke, and my parents are threatening to make me transfer schools because mine's too expensive.
    Also, you still have cute art girl, don't you? I'd say you're still luckier than me.
    Yes, I have cute art girl, but you still are getting happy times. Also, I had to withdraw from a class this quarter, so I understand your pain.

  • Plan for the future and live in the moment, Linkigi.
  • Plan for the future and live in the moment, Linkigi.
    Having lived by this most of my life I can safely say that it's not applicable to all situations, otherwise I'd be in jail. :P
  • Plan for the future and live in the moment, Linkigi.
    Having lived by this most of my life I can safely say that it's not applicable to all situations, otherwise I'd be in jail. :P
    If you end up in jail, sounds like your problem is too much "moment" and not enough "plan for the future."
  • Said a statement that made me grin with my online buddies. I was discussing how pop culture wise, the only thing Phoebe and I are significant different with is musical taste. We can love all music, but what we love the most is quite different. And I said

    "But I love her enough, I WOULD go to a Nickelback concert with her." (Yes, she loves them)

    And my buddy went. "...THAT. Is the definition of true love."
  • Wait, is this the lesbian you made out with? Now she is bi for you?
    This is a question we all want the answer to.
    Yes, it is. No, she's still a lesbian. Which means she doesn't really like to reciprocate, but one-sided sex is still better than no sex at all.
    Wait, why are you having sex with someone if she says she isn't enjoying it? Don't do that!
    She counts as bi. Maybe skewed toward that female end of things, but if she has sex with both sexes she=bisexual.

  • edited May 2012
    Or we could just accept that there is a large amount of variation in sexuality and that we don't need to pigeonhole people into a specific classification.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • What Sail said. Also, Linkigi can fuck whoever he wants. If she weren't comfortable with it, she wouldn't be letting him do it, and he said that she enjoyed it, just not reciprocating. Kind of surprised to see that comment come from you, gomidog.
  • I am unsurprised. I find myself torn on the topic. Not a huge fan of sex for the sake of sex, but if that's whatever involved wants... *shrugs*
  • Gomi, you misread me. We're both enjoying it, she just doesn't reciprocate.
  • Gomi, you misread me. We're both enjoying it, she just doesn't reciprocate.

  • Gomi, you misread me. We're both enjoying it, she just doesn't reciprocate.
    It does seem weird to me that she's comfortable having sex with you, but not in a way that is reciprocative. I mean, your penis would just be a fleshy dildo, really. I would think that if she didn't have sexual interest in you, getting her off would be out of the question no matter the means.

    Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.
  • I am unsurprised. I find myself torn on the topic. Not a huge fan of sex for the sake of sex, but if that's whatever involved wants... *shrugs*
    It's fine for you to have that as a personal standard or belief, but imposing it on other people is kind of a shitty thing to do.
  • edited May 2012
    I am unsurprised. I find myself torn on the topic. Not a huge fan of sex for the sake of sex, but if that's whatever involved wants... *shrugs*
    It's fine for you to have that as a personal standard or belief, but imposing it on other people is kind of a shitty thing to do.
    Yeah, but gomidog is hardly imposing her beliefs on anyone here.
    Gomi, you misread me. We're both enjoying it, she just doesn't reciprocate.
    So have I got this straight, you're just practicing your oral sex skills?
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Oh well, different strokes for different blokes, if you catch my drift. ^_~
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