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  • Man, I would have loved to practice with lesbians when I was younger and less experienced :-p

  • edited May 2012
    Gomi, you misread me. We're both enjoying it, she just doesn't reciprocate.
    So have I got this straight, you're just practicing your oral sex skills?
    I'm applying my oral sex skills.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I'm sorry I'm just not getting this. I'd like to request some visual aids.
  • I'm sorry I'm just not getting this. I'd like to request some visual aids.
  • Gomi, you misread me. We're both enjoying it, she just doesn't reciprocate.
    So have I got this straight, you're just practicing your oral sex skills?
    I'm applying my oral sex skills.
    Honing, really. If you're truly committed to excellence in the skill, you'll invent challenges to constantly force yourself to improve.

    Also, "I'm so good at this my lesbian roommate is into it" is kind of a boss pick-up line.

  • Also, "I'm so good at this my lesbian roommate is into it" is kind of a boss pick-up line.

  • Also, "I'm so good at this my lesbian roommate is into it" is kind of a boss pick-up line.

    I wouldn't use that exact phrasing, mind you. But I'm confident that would work on someone.

  • Maybe a lesbian roommate wingwoman would be a better approach?
  • Maybe a lesbian roommate wingwoman would be a better approach?
    "He's so good with his tongue I questioned my sexuality."
  • Well, in the subject of pickup lines, nothing beats "I would like to be your intergral". If they get it, odds are you've won. ;D
  • That's pretty decent.
  • Second date with awesome girl. ^_^
  • edited May 2012
    I can't imagine some girls reaction when you pull your lesbian roommate over to give her opinion of your tongues sexual prowess...
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Second date with awesome girl. ^_^
  • I can't imagine some girls reaction when you pull your lesbian roommate over to give her opinion of your tongues sexual prowess...
    it would have probably worked on my crazy room mate, but not on anyone you actually want to date.
  • That's probably true for pick-up lines in general.
  • I just licked my nose, and that seems to get the point across.
    Second date with awesome girl. ^_^
  • My business cards read "Molecular Biologist, Improv Comedian, Cunning Linguist."
  • I need to get one on those.

    Wyatt W. Wells Ph.D/MBA/DTF
    "Inventor of the Internet"
  • The idea of "DTF" as a degree is hilarious.
  • Defender of the Faith? Doesn't that mean you're the leader of a Church?
  • edited May 2012
    Or we could just accept that there is a large amount of variation in sexuality and that we don't need to pigeonhole people into a specific classification.
    Yeah, sure, I agree, tons of grey area in there. I guess the self classified lesbians I hang out with are the type who would not have voluntary sex with dudes under most any circumstance, but the bisexual girls I know would, and that's where they draw that line in explaining. Categorization of any gender thing is pretty difficult, hence people's different definitions.
    Yes, it is. No, she's still a lesbian. Which means she doesn't really like to reciprocate, but one-sided sex is still better than no sex at all.
    "One-sided sex" just sounded very problematic at first glace, and fraught with moral complications. I read it as "yeah, we slept together, but she was uncomfortable and ill-at-ease the whole time." So I was like "hmmm."
    Really, as long as everyone is happy, have fun.
    What Sail said. Also, Linkigi can fuck whoever he wants. If she weren't comfortable with it, she wouldn't be letting him do it, and he said that she enjoyed it, just not reciprocating. Kind of surprised to see that comment come from you, gomidog.
    Some college girls get pressured into doing all sorts of stuff that they hate and regret. Not to say that that is this case, as Linkigi is a nice, upstanding fellow, but "she wouldn't do it if she didn't want to" is totally a bogus argument.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • but "she wouldn't do it if she didn't want to" is totally a bogus argument.
  • edited May 2012
    Let's not get the discussions too mixed up here. Emily makes an excellent point. At the same time, but I'd bet that Linkigi's cool. He don't coearse and he don't fuck with drugged up low self-esteem engines/other such women who might be uncomfortable with casual sex.

    ...And neither should you.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Some college girls get pressured into doing all sorts of stuff that they hate and regret.
    Sure, but given the context, I don't really feel that this is relevant. By "If she weren't comfortable with it" I was referring to the fact that Linkigi had already said that she was making it clear she was enjoying it. The "one side" (that is physically enjoying it) in the "one-sided sex" is her, not him, so the potential moral issues are made irrelevant.
    Really, as long as everyone is happy, have fun.
    This is the point I was trying (in an admittedly roundabout way) to make.
  • edited May 2012
    Things seem to have fallen through with the girl i was seeing. I say "seem" cause she's just stopped replying to my texts. *shrugs*

    Thus continues my streak. :P

    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited May 2012
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    Hey! You can't just leave an emo photograph in here! That's whiney even for the dating thread! We demand a healthy mixture of catharsis, hope, and hilarity!

    On a more serious note, if you're feeling blue WUB, feel free to send a message. Same goes for the rest of you guys. I may not be able to help too much, but I'll probably know that feel.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Oh, I was just making a joke based on all those otaku date night pics. I was rolling a cigarette and watching some Initial D, and I had a funny idea.

    I have too many other things on my mind to worry about ladies right now. And even if I didn't, I'm still feeling pretty good about my prospects lately; I'm blue for other reasons. To paraphrase the great warrior poet Jay-Z, "I'm possessed of five score problems less one; but, of them, a vexatious woman is none."
  • edited May 2012
    More humorous dating truths. :P

    Post edited by George Patches on
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