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  • General advice: If you want to fuck an exchange student, don't start hinting at it less than 12 hours before s/he leaves the country for a year at least. That shit is flattering, but frustrating as fuck.
  • They just want to fuck you without all the relationship nonsense. ^_^
  • edited June 2012
    They just want to fuck you without all the relationship nonsense. ^_^
    Yeah, and I'm down (she was a friend, so it's not like it was an acquaintance or some random), but a brother has to pack, nawmean?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Well maybe if you weren't cruising the forum you'd have time to fuck and pack. ~_^
  • edited June 2012
    General advice: If you want to fuck an exchange student, don't start hinting at it less than 12 hours before s/he leaves the country for a year at least. That shit is flattering, but frustrating as fuck.
    You have twelve hours. Even leaving some wiggle room in the timing, that leaves you with at least six hours.

    Go to it, lad.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Time? How long do you think it takes?
  • edited June 2012
    Qualifiers to this situation:

    1) A ton of shit went down today (not just related to tomorrow's departure) and I was emotionally blasted by the time I actually ran into the girl.
    2) Ten hours, actually, and there was more shit to do than just pack.
    4) Most importantly, said "other shit" that went down would have made it in extremely poor taste to do something like that on this particular night. I'd rather not go into details on that front, but I'll say it's a delicate social situation and leave it at that.

    So yeah, not really just a matter of time. But, had I had more time, these things wouldn't have been such an issue.

    Ah well. Still have some nights out with some nice ladies lined up when I get back to the States, and it seems like a few girls here have taken a shine to me and are awaiting my return. I probably shouldn't complain so much. :3

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Time? How long do you think it takes?
    The way I figure it, irrelevant of how long each instance takes, he's got a few months of work to catch up on.

  • Time? How long do you think it takes?
    The way I figure it, irrelevant of how long each instance takes, he's got a few months of work to catch up on.

    I think I know who you think this friend might be, and I assure you it is neither of the people you're thinking of.

  • I think I know who you think this friend might be, and I assure you it is neither of the people you're thinking of.
    I didn't have anyone in mind, I just figure that the last few months have been low on sexy rumpus.

  • When working on cruise ships and sleeping with ladies on board, every one has been on the night before I leave the ship. That final night is great for them, as there is zero baggage once I leave. There was a similar pattern when finding young ladies to spend a night with at juggling conventions. 12 hours is more than enough time.
  • Yeah, you're probably right, but like I said: certain extenuating circumstances.
    I think I know who you think this friend might be, and I assure you it is neither of the people you're thinking of.
    I didn't have anyone in mind, I just figure that the last few months have been low on sexy rumpus.
    Alas, 'tis true.
  • What is your guys' opinion on "neediness" in a relationship? Is it inherently a bad thing? How much is too much and is that sole factor a dealbreaker for you?
  • Relying and depending on someone, as well as seeking their undivided attention sometimes is one of the good parts of a healthy relationship. I do think that if someone acts like they can't exist without you, and needs you for everything, that's a warning sign. A significant other should be like a bonus to your happy life, not a necessity. If someone was like "I can't function without you," I'd find it too much of a responsibility. The burden would make me nervous.
  • I agree with Emily, it depends on the level. It can be healthy for someone to need certain things from you when in a relationship, it might just be how they invest in people. They can't invest themselves emotionally without fully throwing themselves into it, which means they need a certain amount back from you. But, at the same time, if the person is relying on you for any number of things, namely as motivation to do stuff, it's dangerous. Dating someone who's self-motivated is important.
  • I'm with Emily on this one. Sure, a little reliance back and forth for mutual benefit is perfectly fine, but if they can't function as a human being without you, then that's not so good. Maybe that's what some people groove on, sure, maybe sometimes that works, but for the majority of people, that's usually not a healthy relationship, in any sense of it.
  • Outside of the extreme of total dependence, it depends on who's you're dating. Some people like their space, some people like to be together all the time, some people like somewhere in a middle. One can adapt to a partner's preference, but if you like your space find somebody who does too.
  • Female law school friend has offered to wingwoman for me when I drop into Facebook Girl's shop. Feels like my luck is improving everyday.
  • My co-workers are telling me that the new intern at my lab has given me a lot of hints and that she flirts with me. I do not know how to flirt, and I do not see any hints from her (I am kind of oblivious when it comes to that).Girls normally tell me if they fancy me straight in my face, so I do not have to double guess (it is kind of annoying to not being in the know). I talk in spanish to her and she talks in english to me.
    She is cute, funny, and nerdy. However, I want to be cautious here. Mostly because the fact that she is an intern, she is twenty years old (I am twenty eight), and she has a boyfriend. It is because of the latter fact that I do not believe she has being flirting with me (well, at least that is what I hope).
    In the mean time free French lessons by a cute girl. Yeah, I am happy with that :D
  • edited June 2012
    Flirting is one of life's great mysteries to me. I just don't get it. Probably half the reason I'm single, I miss the "hints."
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Well, the way I see it is that I want to think the best of her, and she is also young. My friends see her as a possible romantic interest for me. However, once she told me that she has a boyfriend then I just assume that she is flirtatious by nature and she is also young. I want to think the best of her, cuz so far she seems like a cool girl. I mean, I would never flirt with someone besides my girlfriend, I would not feel right otherwise.
  • You should learn to relax about that a bit. Flirting is fantastic fun, and it requires being comfortable and relaxed.
  • edited June 2012
    Brothers just abandoned me at Lenscrafters. Just got a text; they're going to Facebook Girl's shop.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Not cool.
  • "Brothers"? Actual blood relation or just bros? Do they know you like said girl?
  • edited June 2012
    Actual brothers and no.

    EDIT: Crisis averted. Middle Child had my back.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My co-workers are telling me that the new intern at my lab has given me a lot of hints and that she flirts with me. I do not know how to flirt, and I do not see any hints from her (I am kind of oblivious when it comes to that).Girls normally tell me if they fancy me straight in my face, so I do not have to double guess (it is kind of annoying to not being in the know). I talk in spanish to her and she talks in english to me.
    She is cute, funny, and nerdy. However, I want to be cautious here. Mostly because the fact that she is an intern, she is twenty years old (I am twenty eight), and she has a boyfriend. It is because of the latter fact that I do not believe she has being flirting with me (well, at least that is what I hope).
    In the mean time free French lessons by a cute girl. Yeah, I am happy with that :D
    Is she from the west coast? My friends and I have a theory that girls from the west coast flirt with every statement, and it confuses the hell out of us east coast guys. Pure anecdotal evidence, but I have piles upon piles of it.

    In addition friend's girlfriend decided to introduce me to a girl. Stuff's going well. :D
  • Is she from the west coast? My friends and I have a theory that girls from the west coast flirt with every statement, and it confuses the hell out of us east coast guys. Pure anecdotal evidence, but I have piles upon piles of it.

    In addition friend's girlfriend decided to introduce me to a girl. Stuff's going well. :D
    Watch your stereotyping there - I have a fair number of counterexamples, both of flirty east-coasters and non-flirty west-coasters. There are some people who like to flirt habitually - you notice it at first, but you'll become accustomed to it, and flirting back can be safe, fun, and good practice for when you want to flirt with people. So I suggest just rolling with it.
  • edited June 2012
    Dawg, I think you just aren't used to the fact that West Coasters tend to be way less afraid of casual bodily contact. Anecdotally speaking, I've never known people from the east coast to be as huggy as people in California.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Is that the truth, diggety-dawg?
    I'm not completely hip on your fancy West Coast lingo.
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