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  • Could be, you'd need to find a pretty secluded area. Plus I feel like a canoe could be a little unstable.
  • Could be, you'd need to find a pretty secluded area. Plus I feel like a canoe could be a little unstable.
    Out where I live there's an abundance of secluded ponds and lakes. Stability wouldn't be too much of an issue as long as you kept a low center of gravity and took it slow.
  • Out where I live there's an abundance of secluded ponds and lakes. Stability wouldn't be too much of an issue as long as you kept a low center of gravity and took it slow.
    It is not as difficult as one would think. I do recommend finding shade though as wiggly bits get sunburned really easy if they have never been in the sun.
  • Way to go Katie! It's late and I'm tired and have to stay up and make sure that the kids in these dorms are behaving, but I'm glad to hear someone's life is on a good turn!
  • So, in another note, my girlfriend and I are...In an interesting position. We've begun to realize our long-term compatibility is not as strong as we thought. Additionally, certain parts of our relationship have begun to wear on us emotionally in different ways.
    While neither of us wants out right now, we've both accepted that something happening is inevitable. While we care about each other immensely, we don't feel like we're "head-over-heels."
    It sucks, but I think we're gonna figure it out. I expect an end to this relationship coming in the next month or two, but right now neither of us are ready for it to end, especially not while I'm far away. We'll see what happens when talk in person when I get back in August...

    This is such a shitty situation to be in while away teaching kids at a camp.
  • Eh, the "Head over heels" thing is usually just at first anyway and whats really important is just that you care about each other and want to be together. If it doesn't seem like its going to work out, then whatever, but try not break up just because it doesn't fit the bullshit movie relationship stereotype.
  • It's just that there's a lot of stress, but she feels like we're just friends that kiss, that I'm not compatible with her family and her life. We also both admit we have some compulsion to flirt with other people, and neither of us are really okay with that.
    Not really sure what's going to happen. We're going ahead like normal for now...
  • edited July 2012
    Seriously, the "OMG I can't think of anybody else!" crush phase is called "limerance" I believe and it fades fairly quickly and is replaced by a calm stable glow of love and friendship. If I felt that WOOOOO! kind of feeling all the time it would be tiring, but even in long term relationships sometimes you feel giddy happiness and romance.

    You are not okay to flirt with other people? I mean, that's all your personal line and all, but I feel like not being able to interact comfortably with other attractive people of the opposite sex just because you are in a monogamous relationship is kind of limiting, socially. Rym flirts all the time, but it's a social thing.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Yeah. Flirting is Fundamental.
  • Yeah. Flirting is Fundamental.
    Teach me sometime, I can't flirt. It's a skill I completely lack.
  • Hang out, converse, be cool. That's 90% of flirting.
  • Hang out, converse, be cool. That's 90% of flirting.
    You say that, but it just comes off creepy when I try.
  • Hang out, converse, be cool. That's 90% of flirting.
    That's flirting? That's just hanging out and being cool. This continues to be fucking bullshit in my mind. :P
  • That isn't flirting. Rym is constantly in the state of flirting so he can't really see the difference.
  • edited July 2012
    Flirting is more than just hanging out. You need to understand body language and subtle social cues to be successful.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Hang out, converse, be cool. That's 90% of flirting.
    You say that, but it just comes off creepy when I try.
    Then you're forcing it. Don't force the conversation. Just hang out. Talk about whatever's being talked about. Tell a funny and relevant anecdote.

    The biggest mistake anyone ever made in flirting (or hell, dating in general) is going into it trying to "hook up" or "get a guy/girl."

    The progression should be:

    Stranger >
    Person with whom you've had a shared experience >
    Friend >
    Good Friend >

    The people who follow:

    Person I want to have sex with >
    Person I'm actively flirting with

    will fail 99% of the time.

    The key to flirting is just hanging out with someone the same way you would hang out with your friends. Say to "her" the same thing you'd say to the dude you've been playing CS with for ten years.

    (Note that this is the same advice the gay spies gave to Archer).

    This is literally the vast majority of the "flirt." Just being exactly how you are with friends, but with strangers.
  • RymRym
    edited July 2012
    Flirting is more than just hanging out. You need to understand body language and subtle social cues to be successful.
    Nah, that comes later and isn't as important. It's harder for most people to do, and just "being cool, like when among friends" will do most of the job regardless of the body language cues.

    The girls I dated/almost dated at RIT? My big secret? I treated them exactly the way I treat real friends. How? Because they were real friends. That's the Gnosis. That's it.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I disagree. Just hanging out isn't flirting. In my opinion, the act of flirting is a very deliberate social mechanism to signal attraction and sexual interest. Sure hanging out and building a strong friendship first is definitely the best progression for a long term relationship, however don't conflate that with flirting.
  • No, but it's 95% of flirting. If you can't manage that part first, every other aspect of flirting is pointless.

    These people have the problem that they go for that last 5% and fail at the first 95%. It's like learning to control an oversteer before you know what the brakes are.
  • In my opinion flirting is the entire last 5% you are referencing whereas more general social skills take up the 95% to get there. You are generalizing, which is fine I suppose, and we merely have semantic issues.
  • True, but practically, flirting is nothing but creepy unless you master the previous 95%.
  • No, but it's 95% of flirting. If you can't manage that part first, every other aspect of flirting is pointless.

    These people have the problem that they go for that last 5% and fail at the first 95%. It's like learning to control an oversteer before you know what the brakes are.
    So lets assume for a moment I know where the brakes are, and the steering wheel and throttle and even the gear shifter. Now how do I flirt?
  • edited July 2012
    Well, that depends on a wide variety of factors including environment, social setting, and appearance. Flirting with the cute girl at the fancy bar when you are dressed to the nines? Not as creepy as flirting with the cute girl on an elevator alone at a con when you have nerd stench.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited July 2012
    So lets assume for a moment I know where the brakes are, and the steering wheel and throttle and even the gear shifter. Now how do I flirt?
    Play to your strengths, make eye contact, know when to take a hint and back down, and don't be forceful.

    EDIT: Also, shared experience is the key. It provides a common ground with which you can both relate and socialize about.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • That doesn't explain anything!!!

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • Then you don't even know how to turn on the car.
  • RymRym
    edited July 2012
    You want a specific example? Here's some A-class flirting (at least, the first eight seconds of it). Note how specific the sequence is.

    I see a cute girl with some My Little Pony social currency that seems to feature either Rainbow Dash or Rarity. She is not looking at me, and I begin speaking to get her attention. (It is important that she hears my voice before she makes eye contact).

    "Rainbow Dash is the best pony..."
    -eye contact looking slightly upward, head tilted slightly downward, slight smirk-
    "...but Rarity is my favorite."

    1. Starts a conversation
    2. Engages on a clearly common interest
    3. Statement sets up either a friendly disagreement or a pronounced agreement, leading to more conversation.
    4. Two-step in the statement builds tension and anticipation, while simultaneously being provocative.
    5. Includes an admission along with an observation
    6. Body language is in full flirt mode.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • A key component of flirting is signaling sexual availability. That usually just means being honest. Just tell a girl why you like her, and it will do the trick (unless you're a creep at heart).
  • Then you don't even know how to turn on the car.
    Just so we're clear, I hate you all.
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