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  • I think our George Patches just needs some practice. From now on he should try to get into every poster's pants.
    Hey baby, you come around here often?
  • Hey George, I'll let you get into my pants. You just have to give them back once you're done.
  • Hey George, I'll let you get into my pants. You just have to give them back once you're done.
  • edited July 2012
    You, like Rym, do nothing but flirt innately.
    I wish I could figure it out and turn it off sometimes, so to speak, it's nearly gotten my head punched in a few times.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • You, like Rym, do nothing but flirt innately.
    I wish I could figure it out and turn it off sometimes, so to speak, it's nearly gotten my head punched in a few times.
    It has indirectly gotten you shot, stabbed and your head nearly punched in. If I knew I would tell you bru.
  • Or you could just stop hanging around where crazy people are...
  • Or you could just stop hanging around where crazy people are...
    We'd have to break up The Breakfast Club.
  • Or you could just stop hanging around where crazy people are...
    Wait? There's actually a quarantine zone for crazy?
  • It has indirectly gotten you shot, stabbed and your head nearly punched in. If I knew I would tell you bru.
    Wanna know how I got these scars?
    Or you could just stop hanging around where crazy people are...
    What can I say? I'm like catnip for lunatics.

    To be fair, two of those examples are actually boyfriends, rather than the girls themselves. And the latter is pretty much directly, rather than indirectly. The most memorable example "You flirting with my girl mate? You wanna fuckin' step outside?" (Myself, quite soused) "Not really. I'm too busy flirting with this lovely young lady here, I couldn't bear to leave her kind attention for such a small issue."

    And that's about the time he clotheslined me off my bar-stool.

  • edited July 2012
    So over the last few months, my relationship with Jeremy has been very rocky. Lots of stupid arguments, bitterness, and all that fun stuff. It was so bad that we ended things. It was a rough situation because he didn't have anywhere to go, so he still lived with me but in separate rooms.

    This was sometime last month around Father's Day. It was one of the hardest times I've had to go through in a long time. I was very depressed, exhausted, and was actually considering seeing a counselor/therapist.

    It was almost two weeks later. Jeremy and I had a talk. We realized that we've been taking each other for granted. We realized what we were losing and that what we had was worth fighting for. We should have been talking about this in the first place, but never did. We talked out our issues and are working on them together.

    Next week will be our 6 year anniversary. Things have been great so far. A lot more communication, patience, and figuring things out.

    Basically, don't take the things you have for granted. Don't let fighting and bitterness get in the way. Also make-up sexy rumpus is everything they say it is and more.

    Edit: Also a big thank you for several people's support during that difficult time. You know who you are.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited July 2012
    Or you could just stop hanging around where crazy people are...
    That must be worst idea that has ever been suggested on these forums.
    To be fair, two of those examples are actually boyfriends, rather than the girls themselves. And the latter is pretty much directly, rather than indirectly. The most memorable example "You flirting with my girl mate? You wanna fuckin' step outside?" (Myself, quite soused) "Not really. I'm too busy flirting with this lovely young lady here, I couldn't bear to leave her kind attention for such a small issue."

    And that's about the time he clotheslined me off my bar-stool.
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kept flirting like a bawz.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • More SMBC goodness:


    I like the extra hover image on the actual site.
  • Awwww, I missed a discussion on my favourite topic and favourite activity ever.
  • Do you guys recall how there was this girl whom I had a massive crush on, and I asked her out about a month and a half ago, and she told me "not right now?" Well, a few days ago she asked me to come over for dinner tonight. So I did. She asked me if I still wanted a relationship. I said yes. Then we made out for quite a while.

    I am one lucky bastard, I have to say.
  • Congrats man. Couldn't happen to a nicer dude.

    Also, I believe the bro code obligates me to extend to you a fist bump.

  • edited July 2012
    Your fist bump is broken, so I'll extend mine.
    'Grats, dude.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Nice.
  • image
    Damn son. That goatee is workin' for you. Not gonna lie... you look kinda hot.

  • Damn son. That goatee is workin' for you. Not gonna lie... you look kinda hot.
    And this is why we gave Sonic his title.
  • edited July 2012
    Definitely an appropriate time for a fist bump.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • One month since coffee and thirty minutes of flirtatious texting later, Facebook Girl and I are finally going for tacos/drinks/crate digging?

    Whatever. I am no longer making any claims to understanding this situation.
  • Sounds like friends...
  • Yeah, I dunno. I don't really care anymore, I'm just frustrated by two weeks of her being unresponsive and then talking again, and suddenly flirting and "yeah, I'm still interested, let's go into the city together."

    Like I said, whatever.
  • Danielle and I have parted ways mutually...It's just not working. She's not satisfied with me. We don't fix each other's issues. She's never really going to be okay with some of my flaws, and I'm trying to learn how to be okay with them. She has a controlling nature that she wants to get over, and being around me made it worse because she couldn't control our relationship and make it the way she wanted. She needs to find someone who she doesn't need to try to control. She needs someone she's okay with, and I need someone who's okay with me.

    I'm sad, but not devastated. It doesn't hurt like Jen did.
  • Yeah, I dunno. I don't really care anymore, I'm just frustrated by two weeks of her being unresponsive and then talking again, and suddenly flirting and "yeah, I'm still interested, let's go into the city together."

    Like I said, whatever.
    Not claiming to know anything for sure, but be careful dude - she could just be toying with you.

  • edited July 2012
    I think Phoebe and I went hit another major moment of our relationship, probably the very last step that removed any doubt in my mind that we can have a fantastic relationship and we wouldn't be that awkward sexual. (Her being in Greece, Me being United States)

    We admitted to each other what we are aroused by mutually. She talks a lot about being perverted and she likes writing her own vanilla smut, but we were both pretty understanding of the two things that really give us jollies. It was heavy at points, but we both confirmed how much we love each other and when we meet we'll definitely have an incredible time. I always had a fear that despite how much we loved each other, that we wouldn't click sexually or maybe she wouldn't be attracted to me sexually, but that fear is gone. (And we do know what we look like)

    In case you want to know the nitty-gritty...

    She admitted, she kind of likes tentacle porn. And I told her, I really like big/plump women (Which she is one). We love A LOT of Hentai. ^^; Because we're an online relationship, we were both concerned because we love the tasteful, sensual, clean porn but there is also the dirty underbelly and just nasty stuff of anything.

    I feel like it's a lot to admit to your significant other what really turns you on but with the Internet I always was worried because you have many other social factors to think about. (Some that work for you, others against) But god, I can't wait to meet this woman.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited July 2012
    Yeah, I dunno. I don't really care anymore, I'm just frustrated by two weeks of her being unresponsive and then talking again, and suddenly flirting and "yeah, I'm still interested, let's go into the city together."

    Like I said, whatever.
    If you're not sure, just assume that she's not sure either. Your objective in this quest-line is to make her sure.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Yeah, I dunno. I don't really care anymore, I'm just frustrated by two weeks of her being unresponsive and then talking again, and suddenly flirting and "yeah, I'm still interested, let's go into the city together."

    Like I said, whatever.
    If you're not sure, just assume that she's not sure either. Your objective in this quest-line is to make her sure.
    Do I have the Cowl of Nocturnal, so she thinks I'm a daring and infamous thief instead of an awkward geeky biologist?

  • Yeah, I dunno. I don't really care anymore, I'm just frustrated by two weeks of her being unresponsive and then talking again, and suddenly flirting and "yeah, I'm still interested, let's go into the city together."

    Like I said, whatever.
    If you're not sure, just assume that she's not sure either. Your objective in this quest-line is to make her sure.
    Do I have the Cowl of Nocturnal, so she thinks I'm a daring and infamous thief instead of an awkward geeky biologist?

    Sorry bud, your mamma rolled your character for you.
  • Fuck. She dumped all my points and perks into alchemy, smithing, and sneak, and none into speech.
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