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  • You can retrain one stat point at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level. Sadly I didn't retrain mine into actually useful things.
  • All my points ended up here:
  • edited July 2012
    Fuck. She dumped all my points and perks into alchemy, smithing, and sneak, and none into speech.
    Those skills leave you plenty of opportunity for wooing. FoRK that shit.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • The greatest realization that I've made in my life, and the one that has helped the most in making me who I am today (which is much happier than my 13-20 year old self), is that you can re-spec yourself any time you like. Obviously you can't shift your base stats (you have a body that is only so tall and you're limited on your feature set), but if you really, REALLY want to change, you can.
  • edited July 2012
    People can only respec on the softcore server. I play life on the hardcore ironman pvp server.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited July 2012
    Ignore this post.

    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited July 2012
    How the hell did it tripple post?

    EDIT: and as I'm editing them to fix it, it's changing the order of my posts.

    EDIT 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: The post with the content I was trying to add disappeared, so here's what I tried to say:
    People can only respec on the softcore server. I play life on the hardcore ironman pvp server.
    I think that's the Sudan.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Sudan's just normal mode. Wait till Inferno difficulty.
  • edited August 2012
    Jesus Christ! Apparently, I have a first date this Sunday, which I haven't had in AGES. I'm freakin' out, man! It's way more nerve-racking than my last job interview! Do you guys have any advice for this?
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • I have a first date tonight. My advice...
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■
    (⌐■_■) chill.
  • Hell yeah!!!

  • Yeah man, don't worry about it. If it goes well, sweet as, if it doesn't, no worries, man.
  • Light up a spliff?
  • Maybe that's a bit too chill?
  • Not sure if one of the girls I'm working with likes me, or if she just is friendly...Small hints have been dropped for the past two weeks, but I have a personal history of reading into things too much...
  • Got stood up
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■
  • Not sure if one of the girls I'm working with likes me, or if she just is friendly...Small hints have been dropped for the past two weeks, but I have a personal history of reading into things too much...
    Ask her out to something small, like for a coffee or something, and see how that goes. Be proactive, the worst she could say is no.
  • Updates from Anrild and Schnevets please!
  • Not sure if one of the girls I'm working with likes me, or if she just is friendly...Small hints have been dropped for the past two weeks, but I have a personal history of reading into things too much...
    Ask her out to something small, like for a coffee or something, and see how that goes. Be proactive, the worst she could say is no.
    Meh. I won't see her again after Saturday, so I'm not too worried about it.

  • I hate it when romance goes sour and you can't avoid the other party. The only ways I know to cope with rejection and disappointment are friendliness and avoidance. The person I'm dealing with refuses to be friendly, and I keep ending up in a room with her. What do?
  • Got stood up
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■
    Awww man, sorry dude :/ That's just rude.
  • I really don't care, I was expecting her to flake. Frankly I've got too much going on and I'm too successful in life to sit moping in a bar when a girl stands me up for a first date.
  • I do not understand stand-ups. Why would you say you are going to show up and then not show up? Just say no! If you already said yes, it's not like the lines of communication are shut. Call, text, or somehow message that you are calling it off. Someone who fails at this simple thing is someone you don't even want to know, let alone date, so at least it is a great self-selecting filter.
  • Not everyone does this on purpose. Sometimes things happen. It's just not that big a deal.
  • I do not understand stand-ups. Why would you say you are going to show up and then not show up? Just say no! If you already said yes, it's not like the lines of communication are shut. Call, text, or somehow message that you are calling it off. Someone who fails at this simple thing is someone you don't even want to know, let alone date, so at least it is a great self-selecting filter.
    Not everyone is a good person though, Scott. Some people are wimps, or just don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions.
  • I do not understand stand-ups. Why would you say you are going to show up and then not show up? Just say no! If you already said yes, it's not like the lines of communication are shut. Call, text, or somehow message that you are calling it off. Someone who fails at this simple thing is someone you don't even want to know, let alone date, so at least it is a great self-selecting filter.
    Not everyone is a good person though, Scott. Some people are wimps, or just don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions.
    Or are socially awkward or have anxiety issues... It's not always malice or poor character sometimes it's a valid psychological issue they've got. Which still sucks.
  • Or in my case, she took a nap after work and just forgot to set an alarm.
  • Remind us how many dates you've been on?
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