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  • Man, can't I just have some close female friends that I might occasionally have sex with? I know it sounds bad, but I don't want to be one of those guys out on a quest to get laid every weekend, but then again I'm not really looking for a relationship either. And I hate the term "friends with benefits" because it normally translates to "Fuck buddy" and having sex be the defining factor isn't what I'm looking for at all.
    A female friend and I were griping about this to each other a few weeks ago (obviously we aren't okay with hooking up with each other or it'd be a non-issue). I think I ended that conversation by saying, "Sometimes I just want a female friend with whom I can get undressed, fool around with, and then play some Mario Kart and get drunk with. I don't think I'm asking too much." Many lulz followed.

  • edited August 2012
    I thought friends with benefits is exactly that - Friends who feel mostly platonic with each other and aren't in a committed romantic relationship, but occasionally have sex. The only real difference between that and dating is that you probably don't live together and there is less closeness emotionally. I've always thought friends with benefits is nice, because it is laid back, and you feel comfortable with the person and know them fairly well.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Sexy lulz?
    Nah, she was emotionally vulnerable after a really awful breakup and I wouldn't have felt good about that.
  • Ugh, I'm really kind of mentally fucked right now. One of my female friends and I have grown really close over the last few months, and we got into a big fight today. When we started messing around with each other, I never really saw any serious relationship possibilities with her (she has/had a fiance who is in prison and a bad drug habit). As our relationship progressed and deepened, I've been more and more bothered by her addictions, and have tried unsuccesfully to convince her to get clean. Things hit the boiling point recently and we are not currently on talking terms. I feel terrible and want nothing more than to see her and be with her, but at the same time I can't realistically see her changing, and I know that I can't afford to invest myself into someone leading that type of destructive lifestyle (I'm on probation and have been earnestly trying to straighten myself out lately). I know it's better for me to just move on with life, but I hate having to do it. Don't really need advice or anything but I feel a lot better and more decided just having gotten this shit off my chest.
  • Don't put your dick in the crazy girl.
  • edited August 2012
    Seconded, not worth it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Is it something weak like booze, or is she into the hard shit?
  • Is it something weak like booze, or is she into the hard shit?
    Any addiction can be bad, regardless of what the substance is. Psychological addictions often have physical effects, and I've yet to meet anyone who is physically addicted to any substance without a psychological component, excluding those who are actively going through rehabilitation. Weed is commonly viewed as harmless, but I've seen more than a few people who could not function normally without it, some to the point where they could not hold down food without smoking first. To answer your question though, she's into hard drugs.
  • Hard drugs are a point to draw a line for me. If you need to also worry about keeping yourself addiction-free, I'd say having her around for the temptation is dangerous.
  • I don't know about you guys, but if someone is on drugs, I do not associate with them in any way, shape, or form other than to get them help.
  • Yeah, I pretty much avoid drug-users in general. They're not my choice for people to keep as my company.
  • It depends on what you call a drug. If someone drinks thats cool, drinks far to much on a regular basis then its not. Gets high every now and again thats alright, when they become a douche then not. Hard drugs aren't worth the stress. The big problem I have with people who use drugs is the bollocks they come out with, the who "broadens my mind man" crap gets old fast.
  • If you need to also worry about keeping yourself addiction-free, I'd say having her around for the temptation is dangerous.
    I don't have any drug issues myself, I just don't want to be around the shit because I can't afford getting caught with anything again because I don't want my record to be fucked up.
  • If you need to also worry about keeping yourself addiction-free, I'd say having her around for the temptation is dangerous.
    I don't have any drug issues myself, I just don't want to be around the shit because I can't afford getting caught with anything again because I don't want my record to be fucked up.
    It sounds better to just avoid the situation. It just doesn't sound worth it if you are caught.

  • RymRym
    edited August 2012
    I don't know about you guys, but if someone is on drugs, I do not associate with them in any way, shape, or form other than to get them help.
    I consume alcohol, caffeine, and loratadine on a regular basis. ;^)
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I don't know about you guys, but if someone is on drugs, I do not associate with them in any way, shape, or form other than to get them help.
    I consume alcohol and loratadine on a regular basis. ;^)
    %s/on drugs/has a drug problem/g
  • If you need to also worry about keeping yourself addiction-free, I'd say having her around for the temptation is dangerous.
    I don't have any drug issues myself, I just don't want to be around the shit because I can't afford getting caught with anything again because I don't want my record to be fucked up.
    It doesn't necessarily fuck up your record. A friend of mine had a seizure due to what I think was psychedelics abuse (not sure which substance it was). People trusted me when I said I was just there to help him.
  • If you need to also worry about keeping yourself addiction-free, I'd say having her around for the temptation is dangerous.
    I don't have any drug issues myself, I just don't want to be around the shit because I can't afford getting caught with anything again because I don't want my record to be fucked up.
    It doesn't necessarily fuck up your record. A friend of mine had a seizure due to what I think was psychedelics abuse (not sure which substance it was). People trusted me when I said I was just there to help him.
    To make a long story short, if I'm caught around anything, instead of the misdemeanor that will be expunged from my record, I'll have a felony charge.

  • I see. In that case, you really ought to distance yourself from her. Felons are treated very brutally.
  • I don't know about you guys, but if someone is on drugs, I do not associate with them in any way, shape, or form other than to get them help.
    I consume alcohol and loratadine on a regular basis. ;^)
    %s/on drugs/has a drug problem/g
    google Define "Drug Problem".

    Is someone who smokes a bit of weed, say, a druggie in your eyes? Or is it only if it seriously impacts your life/prevents you from fuctioning? If the latter, I agree with you 120%. If the former, eeeehhhhhh......
  • Well, I have friends who smoke weed regularly, but continue to perform excellently at their jobs. I would personally define a "druggie with a drug problem" as someone whose livelihood is drastically hindered by their constant usage of drugs, instead of just any drug user, period.
  • I too know some delightfully high-functioning stoners. :P
  • Seriously, dude, if it's that big a risk just being around her, then get the fuck away.
  • So I remember mentioning Art Guy earlier on this thread.

    ...guys, I'm pretty certain this guy doesn't actually exist.
    He makes really awesome jewelry he's willing to let me borrow to have costumes to match, he's incredibly sweet, he's helped me out in tough apartment-related situations every day for the past week, he's adoring without being overly clingy, he's understanding and easy to talk to, he's wonderfully nerdy, and most of all, he thinks I awesome... just for being me.

    The whole relatively recent breakup thing aside, I'm not sure it could get much better.

    We played my very first campaign of D&D this evening and it was amazing. I played a Halfling Ranger and just wrecked shit. I was basically the only person to not die.
  • He's probably a serial killer.
  • He's probably a serial killer.
    And Eryn is his next mark or something?
  • So is it all official now?
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