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  • He's probably a serial killer.
    I hope not. We spent the evening randomly bursting out into song, from Disney to Queen to other cheesy childhood movies. There were movie and video game references, cooking, and general being goofy. Everyone was willing to listen to each other and talk and be open and friendly. I think he's awesome and so are his friends. That's a really big deal.
    So is it all official now?
    Not... really? Like, I kind of want to ask but I'm not sure? It's on the brink and I was mulling it over out loud to my roommate and it's pretty close, but all the same I think neither of us are trying to push anything. BUT he did call me right after he got off work today and offered to come over right as I was about to call him for help with some faulty shelves in my apartment, so things are working really well right now and I'm apparently already accepted into his friends' group.
  • You should probably get on that.

    As a change of topic... remember the song I wrote for Axel a few year ago? Last year I expanded it quite a bit, and I've been performing it at comedy gigs for the last year. I finally made a good video of it, and I just uploaded it to YouTube:

  • You should probably get on that.
    For the first time literally ever for me, things are actually progressing at a comfortable pace where the guy isn't too pushy or too wishy-washy, so I'm kind of okay with just letting it happen because it all sort of follows my natural timeline of things anyway. So I'm not worried.

    ...but yeah. I'm pretty sure that soon, there won't be any work involved in "getting on that" situationally speaking.

  • As a change of topic... remember the song I wrote for Axel a few year ago? Last year I expanded it quite a bit, and I've been performing it at comedy gigs for the last year. I finally made a good video of it, and I just uploaded it to YouTube:
    That is fantastic. Every praise I try to think of for it falls flat.
  • edited August 2012
    Very nice. I still am glad that despite that relationship ending badly, it was ultimately positive for one person's creativity. XDDD

    Also, yay Anrild!
    Post edited by Axel on
  • The girl I've been dating for three weeks (and kinda in love with for a damn sight longer than that) dumped me unceremoniously last night. I mean, she has her own issues to deal with, but god fucking dammit.
  • That sucks the D, did she say why?
  • :\
    Pissmonkeys. That sucks, dude.
  • So my girlfriend of four months and I are splitting up. I leave for RIT on Friday, and she's staying in Virginia, and we both agreed after she brought it up that maintaining a relationship over such a distance just isn't what either of us need right now.

    She had been very distant for a couple weeks (scarce communication and scarcer hanging out), which I was (and still am) upset about, but I now know that it was just her way of coping with the realization that things wouldn't work. I'm actually feeling surprisingly alright about the whole situation, especially considering the fact that this is the first breakup I've gone through. It's not like there are any bad feelings between the two of us or like one of us is leaving for someone else, it's just that this will be easier for both of us in the long run.

    I'm going to miss her, of course, but I actually feel kind of happy things ended the way they did.

    TL;DR-Girlfriend and I agree to break up to avoid long-distance relationship: feeling surprisingly mentally and emotionally stable.
  • Long-distance sucks.
    But RIT will be a chance to meet new people, not guaranteedly on the romantic level, but it's kinda nice to go in there with a plan to meet tons of people rather than focusing on someone far away.
  • Yea, long distance while going to college is disastrous :-p
  • Too many girls, too much alcohol, too much fun. It's like you are in that one dangerous party situation you need to extricate yourself from for the good of your relationship, but you're in it 24/7.
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah. Well, depends on college. RIT can be like that...Unless you're in with the super geeky crowd (which is quite large), in which case it's more like night-long coding and gaming sessions mixed with random TV and movie watchings.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Yeah. Well, depends on college. RIT can be like that...Unless you're in with the super geeky crowd (which is quite large), in which case it's more like night-long coding and gaming sessions mixed with random TV and movie watchings.
    Depending on the type of girl you find attractive, that still counts as one of those dangerous party situations.

  • edited August 2012
    Yeah. Well, depends on college. RIT can be like that...Unless you're in with the super geeky crowd (which is quite large), in which case it's more like night-long coding and gaming sessions mixed with random TV and movie watchings.
    Depending on the type of girl you find attractive, that still counts as one of those dangerous party situations.

    This is true. But at RIT the girls are usually involved in the other atmosphere, or not single. Based on my experience, anyways. But I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones who HAS dated an RIT girl. Most of the RIT guys I meet fall into the other category.
    Don't know how lucky I consider myself considering how poorly it ended, but regardless, I still got kisses for many months of my freshman year, which probably pissed off my buddies.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited August 2012
    heh, I guess, you just have to be a not crazy dude with average social skills you can still probably clean up at RIT. I wasn't exactly a player at RIT, but after I found a bit of confidence I was never single for long (and found out later I missed a lot of chances I could have taken advantage of if had). Just hang out with Bio and art girls :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Yeah. Well, depends on college. RIT can be like that...Unless you're in with the super geeky crowd (which is quite large), in which case it's more like night-long coding and gaming sessions mixed with random TV and movie watchings.
    Or, if you're into that, there are some pretty active partying groups in/around campus, often *with* the same super geeky crowd. Met my current girlfriend at one of those parties.

  • Party groups, huh, that's something that came around after my days :-p
  • Party groups, huh, that's something that came around after my days :-p
    To be fair, all you need is a group of open-minded friends and an apartment. If you choose to host parties with said group, *boom* party group.

  • Party groups, huh, that's something that came around after my days :-p
    To be fair, all you need is a group of open-minded friends and an apartment. If you choose to host parties with said group, *boom* party ORGY group.

  • edited August 2012
    Should talk to Yosho about those, he'll help a brother out.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I don't know if this counts or not, but yeah. I mentioned earlier my engaged friend who may or may not be in an abusive relationship and may or may not have feelings for me. Well last Sunday we hung out for the first time in a long time. We didn't do much, we basically laid on the floor and watched Workaholics and Rugrats and then just kind if cuddled all night on an air mattress. I'm not saying it means anything and nothing really happened but I don't know, it was just nice.
  • Honestly, if you think she's in an abusive relationship, you probably should report it.
  • It's only here-say and I don't have enough to back it up for anything official. Also, he's at home living with his sick dad so nothing can really happen.
  • edited August 2012
    Despite Linkigi's heart being in the right place, that's a situation I'd be VERY careful about. Investigate further, and only proceed when you have something you can move forward with. Also, be aware that if she's not willing to go along with taking it to whoever you're reporting it to, it's going to be INCREDIBLY difficult to have anything work out.

    While it would feel good to be the hero, here, you have to be damned sure before you pull the trigger on it. You may be a savior, you might just fuck up your friendship, and people's lives. This is not a situation where you want to go off half-cocked.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2012
    That's why I'm not doing anything at the moment. They don't live together and he's 4 hours away taking care of his sick dad. She's barely down there and even if its true I don't think he'd dare do anything then. Whether it's true or not, nothing is going on right now.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • I think if she's cuddling with you, that's quite a step to say she has those feelings. Touch is huge as we all know, but with a friend of the opposite sex it feels like it shouldn't go farther than a long hong. If you guys are stuck together for assumably hours watching something then that's probably a big sign.

    But like Churba here, be careful on that. If you pull that trigger, there is no pulling back on that and you might have more problems than expected.
  • I think if she's cuddling with you, that's quite a step to say she has those feelings. Touch is huge as we all know, but with a friend of the opposite sex it feels like it shouldn't go farther than a long hong. If you guys are stuck together for assumably hours watching something then that's probably a big sign.
    Sigh... You kids and your lack of friendly contact of a non-sexual nature without reading deeply into it.

  • More guys should be friends with lesbians who get the drunk cuddles. You'll learn the difference quick. ;3
  • I think if she's cuddling with you, that's quite a step to say she has those feelings. Touch is huge as we all know, but with a friend of the opposite sex it feels like it shouldn't go farther than a long hong. If you guys are stuck together for assumably hours watching something then that's probably a big sign.
    Sigh... You kids and your lack of friendly contact of a non-sexual nature without reading deeply into it.

    You can pretend that you can overcome your biological wiring, and with effort you probably can indefinitely, but why..? Cuddling between heterosexual members of the opposite sex is titillating. Pretending it's not titillating is dumb.
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