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  • I did that with sisters, once. Bad mojo.
  • edited September 2012
    I did that with sisters, once. Bad mojo.
    Not even once.

    Think I'm getting the best barbecue in America and then watching all of Star Wars (and maybe The Hidden Fortress!) with a very interesting and pretty girl this week, but I'm not about to call it a date.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Not even once.
    Comparative anatomy, kept carefully to one's self, can be intriguing in the short period before everything explodes..
  • Not even once.
    Comparative anatomy, kept carefully to one's self, can be intriguing in the short period before everything explodes..
    I would only do this if the girls were twins. That sounds really amoral, but the percentage of sibling sets that are fraternal (or, more hopefully, identical) twins is such that I feel like molecular physiology really needs this case study to progress as a science.

  • Not even once.
    Comparative anatomy, kept carefully to one's self, can be intriguing in the short period before everything explodes..
    I would only do this if the girls were twins. That sounds really amoral, but the percentage of sibling sets that are fraternal (or, more hopefully, identical) twins is such that I feel like molecular physiology really needs this case study to progress as a science.

    This is now your next pick-up line.

  • Not even once.
    Comparative anatomy, kept carefully to one's self, can be intriguing in the short period before everything explodes..
    I would only do this if the girls were twins. That sounds really amoral, but the percentage of sibling sets that are fraternal (or, more hopefully, identical) twins is such that I feel like molecular physiology really needs this case study to progress as a science.

    This is now your next pick-up line.
    I'm not saying I know some sororal twins who are down, but I am saying I know some sororal twins who seriously respect me as a scientist.
  • Dayummmmmm.
  • I'm talking to three. >_>
  • edited September 2012
    herp derp dp
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I... may have spent a significant portion of my last two Thursday nights flirting with identical twins.
  • I... may have spent a significant portion of my last two Thursday nights flirting with identical twins.
  • I... may have spent a significant portion of my last two Thursday nights flirting with identical twins.
    pics or didn't happen!

  • I... may have spent a significant portion of my last two Thursday nights flirting with identical twins.
    On purpose, or did you confuse them with each other?
  • Dammit. You guys are winning at girls as of late.
  • BRB Cornbread and Star Wars.
  • edited September 2012
    I... may have spent a significant portion of my last two Thursday nights flirting with identical twins.
    On purpose, or did you confuse them with each other?
    I was talking to both of them at the same time. So, intentional.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I'm married to an identical twin. I can tell them apart easy, at a glance.

    However, what people might not realise (unless they know twins IRL), is that they don't just LOOK the same but SOUND the same...

    This can lead to some VERY awkward phone conversations, especially if they are in a pranking mood... :/
  • edited September 2012
    Do they smell the same? I'd be curious as to the epigenetic processes underlying apocrine production of axillary steroids. It'd be interesting to see if vomeronasal sensitivity to helps you distinguish between them when you're near both.

    /unsexy science
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2012
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited September 2012
    Pretty much, yeah. Interesting stuff. Identical twins actually have identical fingerprints, but if they smell differently, that means the genetic mechanisms underlying apocrine pheromones are probably rooted in acetylation and riboswitching.

    Anyway, I'm done with science in this thread for now. Back to the ladies and twins and the like!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • /unsexy science
    Bah, some women smell very sexy.

  • Do they smell the same? I'd be curious as to the epigenetic processes underlying apocrine production of axillary steroids. It'd be interesting to see if vomeronasal sensitivity to helps you distinguish between them when you're near both.

    /unsexy science
    Haha! Interesting. Probably depends if they have eaten garlic the night before :)

  • However, what people might not realise (unless they know twins IRL), is that they don't just LOOK the same but SOUND the same... :/
    That depends on the pair of twins, and especially on their age. It's been my experience that many twins deviate over the course of their lives.

    I know two pairs of Identical Twins (Mother/Aunt and two Cousins). I can tell both sets apart by their voices, but I couldn't do so with my cousins until they hit about 16 years old.

  • edited September 2012
    Star Wars Girl (unlike me) seems to think barbecue and Star Wars is necessarily a date and is all hesitant and hinting at some issues. I just want an excuse to eat brisket and watch Empire, though.

    Anyway, moving on to this cute linguist.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Star Wars Girl (unlike me) seems to think barbecue and Star Wars is necessarily a date and is all hesitant and hinting at some issues. I just want an excuse to eat brisket and watch Empire, though.

    Anyway, moving on to this cute linguist.
    I swear, Wub. I am almost certain that our luck in dating is inversely proportional.
  • Star Wars Girl (unlike me) seems to think barbecue and Star Wars is necessarily a date and is all hesitant and hinting at some issues. I just want an excuse to eat brisket and watch Empire, though.

    Anyway, moving on to this cute linguist.
    I swear, Wub. I am almost certain that our luck in dating is inversely proportional.
    You're getting it on the reg and I'm trapped in a Ring of Hell wherein cute girls go for me initially, but then express sudden (and occasionally crazy) reservations?
  • How much greener is the grass, gentlemen?
  • From what I hear from my friends in committed relationships, pretty damn green.

    Of the twins I mentioned flirting with earlier, both have recently shown significantly more interest in guys other than me. Oh well, at the very least they seem like they'll make good friends.
  • My ex is clearly not capable of being my friend anymore and it's clearly not worth any more of my effort. She's been Facebook messaging me about casual subjects like the start of school and then passive-aggressively alluding to how much she thinks I'm a jerk. I pulled any punches and largely ignored it until tonight when she told me she I dumped her "casually." Yeah, ok. I think I'm done talking to you for a while.
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