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  • That's lame. But sometimes you can't stay friends with an ex unfortunately. It's just what happens.
  • It's a shame, though. You two were really cute together.
  • edited September 2012
    You know, the vast, vast majority of my exes are not at all crazy. It's just that they're really boring stories, unlike the crazy ones.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • From what I hear from my friends in committed relationships, pretty damn green.
    I know that one.
  • I've found you need a few months of distance before rebuilding a friendship after a relationship.
  • I've found you need a few months of distance before rebuilding a friendship after a relationship.
    I was lucky in that respect. My girlfriend broke up with me before going on a semester abroad in England, then finishing up her bachlors at SUNY, so she wasn't really around when I would've been vulnerable to being an asshole.
  • Not pertaining to me in any way, but I saw this and decided it belonged here, if only for teh lulz.
  • Can we now finally agree that friendzoning is bullshit?
  • edited September 2012
    Oh, definitely. I just thought it was funny.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • There's a part 2 to that image, unfortunately.

  • I've found you need a few months of distance before rebuilding a friendship after a relationship.
    I aimed for another kind of distance and went to Antarctica. Worked out great!
  • A pretty, geeky lady wants to smoke up and watch Oldboy with me. I am so excited that I have to tell the internet.
  • Your social success has been noted and filed. Proceed.
  • Proceed.
    I advise that you append "with gusto" to the aforementioned advice.

  • edited September 2012
    Despite her weird unrequited love issues, I'm not giving up on Star Wars Girl. Turning off my targeting computer. Using The Force.

    Also, Facebook Girl and I are back in touch. We're writing letters back and forth. And getting tattoos together in winter.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • A pretty, geeky lady wants to smoke up and watch Oldboy with me. I am so excited that I have to tell the internet.
    ...Are you both 16? Because that sounds like something my high school brother would think was awesome.

  • Is The Force what you named your penis?

    Because that would both work and be really awful simultaneously.
  • edited September 2012
    Is The Force what you named your penis?

    Because that would both work and be really awful simultaneously.

    I named my penis the Sun Crusher. Or, if she's into LOTR (SWG really is), Glamdring. My balls are the palantíri.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Using The Force.
    You should probably consult an attorney and/or develop an alibi first.

  • Using The Force.
    You should probably consult an attorney and/or develop an alibi first.

    Once again, Pete out-jokes me. XD

  • Using The Force.
    You should probably consult an attorney and/or develop an alibi first.
    Would sex as the result of a Jedi Mind Trick be consensual? I mean, she'd be sure that was the dick she was looking for.

  • Well, that opens up a whole philosophical pile of worms. If I brain control you so thoroughly that you think the idea was yours, and you go kill the president, who's responsible?
  • So one of the girls I've been talking to, who will henceforth be known as Violin Girl came over tonight for a group potluck. She loved the food I cooked and my friends were nice enough to set it up so that she sat next to me for the entire evening. We then decided to watch the Thing, which I was pretty stoked about for obvious reasons, but she had to leave. :/

    She wants to watch more horror movies, though, but I need to start getting more 1 on 1 interaction time with her if I want this to progress.
  • Go forth and girl/boy it up, all you forumites. I will live vicariously through your triumph. XDD
  • Honestly, the problem right now with SWG is that I literally just want to hold her hand and maybe cuddle and listen to records. I have this awful sort of like grade-school limerence that won't fucking die and it's killing me because she's hard to reach. :$
  • edited September 2012
    A pretty, geeky lady wants to smoke up and watch Oldboy with me. I am so excited that I have to tell the internet.
    ...Are you both 16? Because that sounds like something my high school brother would think was awesome.

    Damn, woman, you negative. I get to spend time with somebody smart and attractive and watch a movie I've been meaning to see for a while. If enjoying that makes me 16 then fuck it, I'll stay in highschool and have interesting conversations with my pothead loser friends over good movies 'til I die.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Honestly, the problem right now with SWG is that I literally just want to hold her hand and maybe cuddle and listen to records. I have this awful sort of like grade-school limerence that won't fucking die and it's killing me because she's hard to reach. :$
    I don't see a problem here.
  • Honestly, the problem right now with SWG is that I literally just want to hold her hand and maybe cuddle and listen to records. I have this awful sort of like grade-school limerence that won't fucking die and it's killing me because she's hard to reach. :$
    I don't see a problem here.
    It's an Infinite Love Without Fulfillment type of deal.

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