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  • Not. Even. My stomach is the tiniest motherfucker.

    I'm usually not THAT cold once the cuddling is assumed...
  • edited October 2012
    I am a cuddly human furnace and I bake my own bread. I am a living hearth.

    This is in contrast to Pete, who is a living Meadhall.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I wish I was cuddlier...But fatness/eating are not for me.
  • edited October 2012
    I told a girl I was making bourbon-and-bacon chocolate chips the other day and she got this dreamy look and all of her clothes vanished.
    Really? Damn, I got to use all of my years my dad trained me in the culinary arts. Guy is a freaking pro.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited October 2012
    I wish I was cuddlier...But fatness/eating are not for me.
    Learn to cook. You know how it feels to know a good restaurant to introduce someone to? Imagine that, but YOUR BEDROOM is the restaurant.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm trying. Problem is, I don't like most food, so I'm not interested in cooking most things...
  • I'm trying. Problem is, I don't like most food, so I'm not interested in cooking most things...
    Well maybe you just haven't tried very many good things.
  • I don't like to try food and it grosses me out most of the time when I think about trying food. I'm the pickiest motherfucker.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm trying. Problem is, I don't like most food, so I'm not interested in cooking most things...
    Do you honestly not like the taste or do you think you won't like the taste?
    I don't like to try food and it grosses me out most of the time when I think about trying food. I'm the pickiest motherfucker.
    Oh well then you just need to nut up and actually try different things. It's a magical world of taste, shame to waste it because certain things gross you out.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Nine was the only one on this forum who ever made me cry, I mean like with sobbing tears on the couch and stuff. I've since forgiven him, though, but he's a bit rough sometimes.
    Okay, wow, now I really just want to punch him.
  • Just gotta man up dude :P
    I literally take everything said by Nine as a joke/trolling whether is actually is or not, but I initially thought that was the point.
    I dunno, sometimes when someone posts videos and says things just to make you upset, it's bullying. I suppose it is a form of trolling, but it's hard not to be affected.
    That is one thing I like about the Internet, it is very easy to just walk away from anything and just go somewhere else. Not so easy in real life. Honestly I don't believe in cyber bullying. I believe if you're being "bullied" only on the Internet then that is because you choose to. A lot of people seem to have an issue with just ignoring things. Perhaps it's uncouth for me to say such but that is what I believe. When it crosses over into real life then it's a different story.
  • I'm trying. Problem is, I don't like most food, so I'm not interested in cooking most things...
    Do you honestly not like the taste or do you think you won't like the taste?

    I don't like to try food and it grosses me out most of the time when I think about trying food. I'm the pickiest motherfucker.
    Oh well then you just need to nut up and actually try different things. It's a magical world of taste, shame to waste it because certain things gross you out.I've tried, there's kind of a huge mental block stemming from lots of emotional baggage and my family basically guilt-tripping me for my entire life about the fact that I didn't want to try food. Not that they're wrong, it's just fucked with my head significantly.

  • My family's philosophy has been solely "don't knock it 'till you try it".
  • My family's philosophy is "You don't want to try this? We're going to make you feel bad about it for your entire life, and even when you tell us that what we do is making you feel awful, we're gonna get mad. We're also gonna complain about how we have to plan our eating lives around you, even though you tell us all the time not to worry about making food for you. We would feel bad if we didn't make food for you, and we're gonna make you feel bad that we have to make other food that we like."

    Tots don't have ANY issues at all.
  • Well that's a dumb philosophy
  • Yeah, I know.
  • It's a shame and I think you are really selling yourself short. I've found I'm a much more adventurous eater when I've had some social lubricant.
  • I wish I was better with food, but every time people have tried to help me with it it makes me feel like a piece of shit because I am literally nervous before, during, and after the trying of any food. It doesn't have that magical "everything went better than expected" moment. I always feel terrified. It's completely irrational. But I want to minimize that feeling.
  • Just start combining all the foods you like.
  • Foods don't touch. Ever.
  • There is nothing to feel bad about, it's just flavors. Do you feel bad about not liking certain colors? Or certain textures? Or certain sounds?
  • Nope, just food. And I'm just terrified to try a food. Can't explain it. All's I know is that it was childish stubbornness once, but my family made it something worse.
  • Have you ever tried foods alone without other people with you? It might not be the food you are nervous about, but other people's judgement of your reaction.
  • The smell, texture, and appearance of the foods bothers me before other people enter into the equation.
  • So just curious, what food DO you like?
  • Are you a super taster? Only other solution is to have a drink or two with dinner ~_^
  • Lemme think of some...

    Mashed Potatoes
    Most plain chicken
    Plain ham
    Cheese pizza
    Strawberries (Kinda)
    And probably others I'm forgetting.
  • edited October 2012
    Are you a super taster? Only other solution is to have a drink or two with dinner ~_^
    I was actually thinking about that.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • It's...Possible? We'll have to try when I turn 21 in a month and a half.
  • Or you could just drink now? I mean it can't be that hard to procure beer at RIT even if you are underage.
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