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  • edited November 2012
    Take dating advice from Scott!
    Take dating advice from Scott!
    Take dating advice from Scott!
    Scott's right.
    Did I wake up in a parallel universe or something? I mean, I agree with his advice too, but this is just weird.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Scott is a broken clock twice daily, or something.
  • Scott is a broken clock twice daily, or something.
    Scott breaks twice in a day? He should see a doctor about that.
  • Actually, Scott is often wise about such things, but I think the method in which he presents his arguments tends to get people to focus on his extreme points, not the overall message.
  • Actually, Scott is often wise about such things, but I think the method in which he presents his arguments tends to get people to focus on his extreme points, not the overall message.
    I'll back that. Scott's not stupid or foolish the vast majority of the time, he's just often rather abrasive.

  • Just wanna say, things are going better than expected. ^_^
  • So as someone who is kind of trying to figure this whole thing out, this YouTube channel has answered a lot of questions that I have wondered about and also ones that I never really thought about. Understandably, not safe for work topics are present.

  • Kissing pretty geeky girls is awesome. Shame not having a license makes dating almost impossible. Damn my debauchery.
  • wait, that is like the exact opposite advise Scott has given in the past!
  • wait, that is like the exact opposite advise Scott has given in the past!
    Yes, but if that's the case, he's changed his mind to a more sensible course. This should be encouraged.
  • So it's happening tonight.
  • So it's happening tonight.
    When in doubt, just kiss her.
  • edited November 2012
    So it's happening tonight.
    When in doubt, just kiss her.
    This can work. Also,
    Post edited by Axel on
  • ...sigh...

    She really likes hanging out with me, but doesn't want to date me.
  • ...sigh...

    She really likes hanging out with me, but doesn't want to date me.


  • RYAN


  • edited November 2012


    Truth. If she's cool enough to date, she's cool enough to be friends with.

    EDIT: Example, I wanted to date Ametto when I meet her a few years ago, but she wasn't interested in me like that. Gave up on that idea, but kept hanging out with her. She's still really cool and one of my best friends as of right now.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I am extremely familiar with that situation and am fully prepared to go through it again. I just feel extremely let down and sad right now. I'll get over it.
  • edited November 2012
    Dude, no reason to feel let down. Friends still cuddle. Friends still want to watch Disney movies together. Friends still get dinner and hang.

    If you're really just in this for booty, just make an OKC account. Otherwise, enjoy yo' new friends, bb~
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Dude, no reason to feel let down. Friends still cuddle. Friends still want to watch Disney movies together. Friends still get dinner and hang.
    I don't wanna dash the boy's hopes either, but that has never happened to me.
  • Female friends giving me a cuddle has never happened when they didn't want to date me in ANY capacity. There has always been at least mild interest in me if they did (All, you know, three times).
  • edited November 2012
    Dude, no reason to feel let down. Friends still cuddle. Friends still want to watch Disney movies together. Friends still get dinner and hang.
    I don't wanna dash the boy's hopes either, but that has never happened to me.
    Really? I cuddle with my female friends on the reg.

    I have actually fed my friend's girlfriend water out of a mug while she was drunk and he was sitting next to her. That's the most intimate I've gotten with a someone who I definitely was not allowed to have sex with.

    Yes, it was weird for everyone. Yes, we still laugh about it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Female friends giving me a cuddle has never happened when they didn't want to date me in ANY capacity.
    ^. But if they do want to cuddle with you, you have to call them out on it.
  • Damn skippy.
  • Dude, no reason to feel let down. Friends still cuddle. Friends still want to watch Disney movies together. Friends still get dinner and hang.
    I don't wanna dash the boy's hopes either, but that has never happened to me.
    Only because you are weird about it. You could totally cuddle with half the girls in the crew if you didn't act so weirdly skittish. Just chillax and be a cuddle slut. (Also, foot rubs and back rubs will get you cuddles, guaranteed.)

  • Yeah, my rules of getting all the cuddles go like this:

    1) ALWAYS be down for a massage, and hone your fuckin' technique.
    2) NEVER turn down the cuddles or physical intimacy, even if you think things might get weird later.
    3) If things get weird later, repeat after me: "Oh, it's cool, we're just friends." Then, you preempt the question about getting too intimate for friendship, and as a bonus, she'll think a lot harder about what it means to be "just friends" and the limits you set.

  • I guess I just don't hang out with enough people.
  • N.B.: I think one of my friend's girlfriends has some desire to get with me because of the Cuddle Protocols. Pls cuddle responsibly, BBs.
  • Wow, great fucking caveat. XD
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