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  • Or she'll make an awesome friend.
    I am very much in support of the super optimistic new turn this thread has been taking.
  • The whole notion of looking for an SO instead of a friend who is a potential SO has always seemed kinda odd to me, but what do I know.
  • edited November 2012
    Apparently Grizzly Bear Girl just, in the words of a good friend with a similar encounter, "can never bring herself to reject anyone." So she's just throwing ALL the mixed messages, but she has a good reason--if I'm any good at reading people (one of the very few talents of mine that I do not doubt), she's really, really depressed.

    I dunno, maybe one day she'll work something out and then we'll work something out, but until then I'm cool just havin' moar frandsz~


    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Or she'll make an awesome friend.
    I am very much in support of the super optimistic new turn this thread has been taking.
    Let me say this: most of my non-internet friends are women. My best friend is a woman who I originally asked out, only to find out that she was engaged. Did I stop wanting to know her? Fuck. No. She's awesome! That's why I asked her out in the first place!
  • Nate Silver might get me laid.

    Game on, internet.
  • George's Girl is cute and funny and Friendly :-p
  • We have achieved boyfriend/girlfriend status. Which doesn't actually change anything for us, just makes introductions easier.
  • Awesome, I liked her. We'll have to have dinner or something next time I'm down in MD/VA area.
  • We have achieved boyfriend/girlfriend status. Which doesn't actually change anything for us, just makes introductions easier.
    It's not official until it's on Facebook, George. GAWSH!
  • edited November 2012
    We have achieved boyfriend/girlfriend status. Which doesn't actually change anything for us, just makes introductions easier.
    Yeah, this is the reason why two of my last three relationships became "official". In one, I introduced Pola as in "Yeah, my girlfriend and I are just hanging out here..." In the other, I asked Juliane "Is it okay that I just call you my girlfriend? It's a lot less strange to say "I'm going to the hospital to visit my girlfriend" than it is to say "I'm going to the hospital to visit a friend.""

    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Yeah, I described her to Cremlian as "the girl I'm seeing" and decided that it was silly to say that.
  • So here is the thing.
    I meet a cute German chick (Tanya) while in line to watch Skyfall and we hit it off nicely. However she was on a date and I felt bad for the dude, since we were talking lot during their date, and he seemed like he was really trying to super hard to impressed her.
    She knows Spanish, so we even talked in Spanish in front of him, I think he understood a little.
    Anyhow, when we got to the movies, I decided to just go away and let the dude do his "thing" (whatever that would be). Skyfall was awesome.
    Anyhow, after the movie I saw her waiting for him to come out of the restroom, she seemed bored, but the gentleman part of me though do not ask for her number gave the dude a chance with her.
    But now I wonder, if I should have, because she was really cute.
    If a situation like this happens again. what is the honorable thing to do?
  • Shoot her in the face and then say "A waste of a good drink."
  • edited November 2012
    Wow, this internet connection has really screwed up how the forum works for me.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Hopefully watching this with a girl on Thursday:

  • Be sure to compliment the lady's breasts. Just a simple, polite, "Your breasts look very nice today."

    My wife said that women like those sorts of compliments.
  • Hopefully watching this with a girl on Thursday:
    ...Whatever you're into I guess...
  • edited November 2012
    I think girls prefer the word "tits". "Breasts" just sounds so clinical. You need to be more casual.

    "Hey, your tits are fantastic today."
    Post edited by muppet on
  • If you use the words tits you better be a drunk Aussie, otherwise it will never come across well.
  • Indeed. You'd be surprised how many times I've seen people try to use the word well, and it's just gone tits-up on them.
  • edited November 2012
    Hopefully watching this with a girl on Thursday:
    ...Whatever you're into I guess...
    Stop Making Sense is her favorite music film, and mine. We're also getting barbecue because who the fuck doesn't like barbecue?
    Indeed. You'd be surprised how many times I've seen people try to use the word well, and it's just gone tits-up on them.
    In the circles I run in, "cunt" is pretty much fair game, but "tits" is a huge no-no.
    Be sure to compliment the lady's breasts. Just a simple, polite, "Your breasts look very nice today."

    My wife said that women like those sorts of compliments.
    I laughed out loud at this.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • A simple, honest, non-leery "nice rack" has always gone over well with me. ;)
  • Indeed. You'd be surprised how many times I've seen people try to use the word well, and it's just gone tits-up on them.
  • A simple, honest, non-leery "nice rack" has always gone over well with me. ;)
    See? It's easy and appreciated. It will show that you're able to compliment someone on their appearance without being overly attached to said appearance.
  • A simple, honest, non-leery "nice rack" has always gone over well with me. ;)
    Cause you're completely indicative of the average female. ;)
  • edited November 2012
    Message cool girl, "Let's get dinner at 7." She responds that she has a party to go to and can't, simultaneously tweeting "BACK UP OFF MY DICK DUDE. ihatedates."

    I only sent one text.

    I think I'm heavily for that "Unwholesome and 100% emotionally-vacant casual sex" tip now. Attempting to forge lasting connections is a waste of time.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Message cool girl, "Let's get dinner at 7." She responds that she has a party to go to and can't, simultaneously tweeting "BACK UP OFF MY DICK DUDE. ihatedates."
    Whoaaa, not so cool.
  • edited November 2012
    Message cool girl, "Let's get dinner at 7." She responds that she has a party to go to and can't, simultaneously tweeting "BACK UP OFF MY DICK DUDE. ihatedates."
    Whoaaa, not so cool.
    Oh, in-fucking-deed. She's also friends with a bunch of my friends, so that shit is a problem in a more broad respect.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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