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  • How many times did you message her in the past few days?
  • Did you know about her dick beforehand?
  • Message cool girl, "Let's get dinner at 7." She responds that she has a party to go to and can't, simultaneously tweeting "BACK UP OFF MY DICK DUDE. ihatedates."
    Whoaaa, not so cool.
    Oh, in-fucking-deed.
    Definitely unworthy of your dick, let alone your emotional caring.
  • How many times did you message her in the past few days?
    Exactly twice: Once Monday night (texted her my name; we were exchanging numbers), and then once today, to see if she still wanted the dinner in which she expressed interest.

    I'm really bad at communicating with people in general, so overtexting isn't the issue.
  • Oh, fuck her then. It's probably not even related to you, sounds like you did nothing wrong.
  • She sounds like a jerk.
  • Stop dating shitty people.
  • SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
  • edited November 2012
    SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
    Serious tyme!

    It sounds like there's more going on than just related to you. I wouldn't take the tweet too personally, after all it only takes 20 seconds to tweet something so that's probably all the thought that went into it. Instead, ignore it and fire off another text sometime in the future. Or just talk to her the next time you see her. Feel free to ask her about said tweet. Tweets are public, so it's fair game and not talking about it will make it awkward.


    Go stab her. With your junk.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
    Nate Silver meets PUA.txt.
  • SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
    Serious tyme!

    It sounds like there's more going on than just related to you. I wouldn't take the tweet too personally, after all it only takes 20 seconds to tweet something so that's probably all the thought that went into it. Instead, ignore it and fire off another text sometime in the future. Or just talk to her the next time you see her. Feel free to ask her about said tweet. Tweets are public, so it's fair game and not talking about it will make it awkward.
    I really appreciate this advice! I'll probably just wait until I see her at something and then joke about it, which proves that I'm not an asshole and also don't really give a fuck what she thinks.

    Advice sROE is my favorite sROE.
  • SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
    Nate Silver meets PUA.txt.
    Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm Nate Silver, and this is your number.

  • SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
    Nate Silver meets PUA.txt.
    Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm Nate Silver, and this is your number.

    Is Nate Silver gay? If so, I want him to be my freebie.
  • I'm confused... is Nate Silver analogous to François Dillinger?
  • edited November 2012
    SquadronROE is right, could be completely unrelated. Better text her more and see how many tweets are posted hating dates. We need a good sample size, I recommend about 30.
    Nate Silver meets PUA.txt.
    Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm Nate Silver, and this is your number.
    Is Nate Silver gay? If so, I want him to be my freebie.
    Yeah, apparently he is.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Everyone in this thread seems to talk about trying to get a significant other, but holy crap right now...
    Being in a relationship isn't easy, and for that reason I didn't bother with it for awhile...
    And now I'm dating an overachiever, which is great! He's intelligent, funny, ambitious, passionate, yadda yadda...
    But BOY. If last night I told you I could use some companionship and you leave to write a paper, and then we exchange dirty texts and you tell me you'll be over "tomorrow", then when tomorrow comes and you are turning down your frustrated girlfriend to write lesson plans when you are leaving for the entire weekend...
  • Whoooaaaa, we white girl postin' up in here.
  • You know what is awesome in times like this?
    A couple of glasses of this:
    Neat of course.
    Just saying guys, just saying.

  • That sounds like it's pretty unfortunate. I hate the fact that awesome people are the most busy. The people who usually have time for you when you want it aren't the best people. It's an unfortunate paradox...
  • That sounds like it's pretty unfortunate. I hate the fact that awesome people are the most busy. The people who usually have time for you when you want it aren't the best people. It's an unfortunate paradox...
    Someone needs to create a dating time machine, that would be kind of awesome.

  • Someone needs to give my boyfriend a time-turner, that's what needs to happen. That way, he can do all his teacher conferences, work two jobs, be the vice president of the art education guild, take an unreasonable number of credit hours, be overly perfectionistic about his metals work, AND have enough time to hang out and go on dates and not leave me frustrated and by myself.
  • ...
  • edited November 2012
    Is that in reference to my description of all the things Chris does? Because this is not an exaggeration. In fact, I left out the fact that he also student teaches/does observations.
    And in all that, he still USUALLY manages to be a super-attentive boyfriend. Usually. I'm frustrated today because he talked it up and got my expectations heightened and then ditched for school work.
    Understandable. Still frustrating.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Yeah, that's a ridiculous amount of stuff. I thought my roommate was an overachiever/busy person, but dayum.

    And yeah, that's really the only issue. It sucks that he can't deliver, and he shouldn't have built you up. But mistakes happen. Hopefully he'll have time for you soon.
  • edited November 2012
    I sympathize with both sides. I know what it's like to be the very busy person in a relationship and also how much it sucks to get expectations built up and end up frustrated. I must say though, if those are the extent of your relationship problems, I'd say you two are still doing pretty well.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I don't think you've much to worry about. Often people are just busy. There's nothing more boring than an unbusy person. One weekend of extra-busy means he'll find time for something special later.
  • Option 1: deal with it yourself and then describe it to him in lascivious detail.

    Option 2: make it clear that you require more attention, and if he won't provide it then you will find someone who will.

    Option 3: BOTH.

    Know your needs. Go balls out to fill them.
  • I don't think you've much to worry about. Often people are just busy. There's nothing more boring than an unbusy person. One weekend of extra-busy means he'll find time for something special later.
    This. People be over analyzing like crazy in here.
  • Option 1: deal with it yourself and then describe it to him in lascivious detail.
    That would probably be exceedingly effective, just from a guy's standpoint.

  • Option 1: deal with it yourself and then describe it to him in lascivious detail.
    That would probably be exceedingly effective, just from a guy's standpoint.

    I think a visual demonstration would compound this effect by a few orders of magnitude.

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