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  • Dude, no reason to feel let down. Friends still cuddle. Friends still want to watch Disney movies together. Friends still get dinner and hang.
    I don't wanna dash the boy's hopes either, but that has never happened to me.
    Only because you are weird about it. You could totally cuddle with half the girls in the crew if you didn't act so weirdly skittish. Just chillax and be a cuddle slut. (Also, foot rubs and back rubs will get you cuddles, guaranteed.)
    I'm skittish because weird! I'm trying to fix my brain.
  • Wow, great fucking caveat. XD
    I'm a gentleman, so I wouldn't. Bro Code Article 1. I'm just saying I met the girl, fed her water like a baby bird while my friend was sitting with her, and now I get messages when her boyfriend is "staying in tonight" and she "needs something to do." It's suspicious because she also makes a lot of small talk, so I just ignore 50% of her messages and keep my distance.
  • If all else fails, show her your pee pee.
  • I know, that was just a great followup to your "Cuddles without relationships are totally possible." Then you're all like, "BTDUBS this one chick might be interested in me because cuddles WHOOPS."
  • I mean, it's like with that caveat, why not cuddle? Maybe she's like, "He's nice, but I am comfortable with this relationship dynamic," and then you give her a back massage that opens some srs bsns #sexchakras and she's like, "I need the relationship where I can get this back massage NAKED."
  • edited November 2012
    I wish my life was this charmed. These all sound like lovely people.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited November 2012
    My problem is that, aside from my friend's girlfriend, only one other girl is affirming an interest in the best naked back massage ever. And only the one for sex, by extension.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I just kinda want to meet people who it's not creepy to just randomly hang out with because they're just random people you meet.
  • edited November 2012
    I just kinda want to meet people who it's not creepy to just randomly hang out with because they're just random people you meet.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    Meh. I sorta just don't wind up hanging out with most people I meet in classes anymore. That stopped happening to me after early Freshman year. Problem is, several of those friends I just wound up hating, and others I just don't hang out with because they spend all their time in the GCCIS labs, and I built my computer to specifically not do that. And at least one left RIT and went back home, and I still miss the hell out of her.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • So, my date fell through. Couldn't get her parents to let her be out until midnight on a Wednesday. She's baking me doughnuts to make up for it. I need a reaction pic for when things aren't so bad after all, because everythingwentbetteranexpected.jpg is overused.
  • So, my date fell through. Couldn't get her parents to let her be out until midnight on a Wednesday. She's baking me doughnuts to make up for it. I need a reaction pic for when things aren't so bad after all, because everythingwentbetteranexpected.jpg is overused.
    Hm. Maybe one of these?
  • Dude, no reason to feel let down. Friends still cuddle. Friends still want to watch Disney movies together. Friends still get dinner and hang.
    No but really, awesome. +1 Disney-loving dorky female friend who is also musically talented. Obviously you were interested in her for a reason, so YAY FRIENDSHIP.
  • Now I just read all of WUB's dating advice in Archer's voice.
  • Now I just read all of WUB's dating advice in Archer's voice.
    Well, I think that's mission accomplished.

  • Speaking of which, the person I am now dating doesn't seem to like Archer. NOT SURE IF WANT, GUYS.
  • Speaking of which, the person I am now dating doesn't seem to like Archer. NOT SURE IF WANT, GUYS.
    Deal breaker. Completely.
  • edited November 2012
    Speaking of which, the person I am now dating doesn't seem to like Archer. NOT SURE IF WANT, GUYS.
    Deal breaker. Completely.
    An incompatible sense of humor is death in most relationships, in my experience.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Our sense of humor is about the same, and we like a good number of the same things. They just don't seem to like that specific show.

  • Our sense of humor is about the same, and we like a good number of the same things. They just don't seem to like that specific show.

    Is this her first Jon Benjamin show? Try something else. Try Bob's Burgers.

  • edited November 2012
    So, today I set up three different dates with three different girls and there's a fourth one tomorrow afternoon.

    Also, one of these conversations was preceded by a female acquaintance surreptitiously eyefucking me for 20 minutes straight. Feel like that's a pretty good sign. I guess I'm attractive now or something. Weird.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Do you have long hair? That started happening to me when I got long hair.
  • No! I just recently cut my hair!
  • Well there are girls into Bruce Willis too.
  • WUB's got all the mojo.
  • Cute girl sent me a super impressive, programmatic interpretation of Frere Jacques for percussion instruments this morning that she did for one of our classes and also offered to bring me soup because I'm sick and oops I think I have a crush now.
  • If she's bringing you soup, chances are she does too.
  • She also apparently allowed herself to be late for a date she had on Friday because she was hanging out with me. So I could see that as a possibility.
  • Yeah, sounds like you've got a pretty good chance there. Or she'll make an awesome friend.
  • edited November 2012
    Or she'll make an awesome friend.
    I am very much in support of the super optimistic new turn this thread has been taking.
    Post edited by Sail on
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