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  • Option 1: deal with it yourself and then describe it to him in lascivious detail.
    That would probably be exceedingly effective, just from a guy's standpoint.

    I think a visual demonstration would compound this effect by a few orders of magnitude.

    This is additionally true.

    Wow that makes us sound really creepy. Not my intention!

  • I don't think it's creepy, it's just forthright and honest. Something most relationships could use.

    It's not like I'm asking anybody in this thread to record the experience and share it with the group... that might be creepy.
  • Option 1: deal with it yourself and then describe it to him in lascivious detail.
    That would probably be exceedingly effective, just from a guy's standpoint.

    I think a visual demonstration would compound this effect by a few orders of magnitude.

    This is additionally true.

    Wow that makes us sound really creepy. Not my intention!

    Creepy would be asking her to post it all here first so we can offer pointers.
  • Yeah, actually it's fine. I saw him this morning and expressed that I wasn't upset he was busy, I was annoyed he got my hopes up for nothing. He apologized and said he would make time after he got back.
    But I may still go with Nuri's Option #1 because it really can't hurt.

    Also you guys are right, if this is the worst of my problems, then I'm doing well, and honestly I know that, but this is also the first relationship where I've had sexual issues to deal with at all.
  • this is also the first relationship where I've had sexual issues to deal with at all.
    Brave new world for me too. It's fun though.
  • edited November 2012
    O brave new world, that has such penises in't!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited November 2012
    The other night a drunk girl professed her love to me and I probably could have had sex with her immediately, but I didn't.

    I kind of regret that in light of recent events, but there's a lot of cognitive dissonance involved because I don't really get drunk anymore.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    Well it's good you didn't. We all know that alcohol impairs judgement. Worse case scenario: the next morning she forgot what happened then accuses you of rape.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So, you regret not raping the drunk girl?
  • So, you regret not raping the drunk girl?
    In all seriousness, I had someone tell me that he regretted not raping me while I was drunk. And I had quite definitely not professed my love to him.
    So thank you from my Sophomore Year self, WUB. You are all that is man.

  • I haven't heard "didn't have sex" classified as a "sexual issue" in a relationship since... I don't remember! At my age it's more of a feature than an issue.
  • edited November 2012
    Well it's good you didn't. We all know that alcohol impairs judgement. Worse case scenario: the next morning she forgot what happened then accuses you of rape.
    Yeah, true shit. I would have been pretty disgusted with myself in the end, I think. It's just really difficult to have lots of sex in college when you aren't wasted at every event.
    So, you regret not raping the drunk girl?
    I know you're joking, but this makes me super uncomfortable.

    In all seriousness, I had someone tell me that he regretted not raping me while I was drunk. And I had quite definitely not professed my love to him.
    So thank you from my Sophomore Year self, WUB. You are all that is man.
    Awwwwwww. Srsly glowing right now, girl. Also, oh my god, that guy is seriously fucking horrible, Jesus CHRIST.

    Anyway, she was all like, "I love you. I really love you, and I need you to understand that." To which I responded, "I think we can work something out." Felt pretty awesome.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    People get busy. Shit happens.

    I encourage talking. "I know you've got a lot on your plate, but I need to know that I am a high priority." Discuss strategies and schedules. Make your needs totally clear. Avoid ultimatums for now. Express your frustrations. Understand that you are not the only thing in someone's life, and be ready to compromise.

    Edit: Ah, you did. Cool.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I'm just giving you shit, WUB. I don't think you actually think you should have committed sexual assault for jollies, nor do I believe you would have done it. I can totally understand a visceral level of disappointment at a missed chance for intimacy even though intellectually you know it was ill advised.
  • @Anrild, next time just take out that sexual frustration on him for the next encounter. For reals. Some teasing and all that other fun stuff.

    Good that things were communicated.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm just giving you shit, WUB. I don't think you actually think you should have committed sexual assault for jollies, nor do I believe you would have done it. I can totally understand a visceral level of disappointment at a missed chance for intimacy even though intellectually you know it was ill advised.
    I know; the word "rape" just makes me uncomfortable. I'm just sexually frustrated and more than a little bit irritated that this stuff doesn't happen to me when people are sober.

    But! I can probably get with that girl in a safe, sane, consensual manner, because she's in love with me. So there's that.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Well, drunk protestations of love are... well they're drunk. I think you may need further study here.
  • Forgot my greentext. ~_^
  • O brave new world, that has such penises in't!
    Holy shit Ro, I laughed so hard at this.
  • O brave new world, that has such penises in't!
    Holy shit Ro, I laughed so hard at this.
    I... did too. XD
    Though let's be real, it's not plural for me, it's really just the one that I'm concerned with.
  • O brave new world, that has such penises in't!
    Holy shit Ro, I laughed so hard at this.
    I... did too. XD .
    Shakespeare would have probably been cool with that version.
  • edited November 2012
    Talking with Anrild, I have determined that I'm not upset about making the right decision, but rather that I didn't kiss her and say, "You're way too drunk, but here's my number in case you remember me in the morning." This is because I ran into that other girl who wound up being a really shitty person.

    Basically, I guess I'm mad that I keep meeting shitty human beings instead of the awesome ones who go to the same parties, goddamn.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If you keep meeting shitty human beings, examine your criteria for who you approach in social gatherings.
  • edited November 2012
    If you keep meeting shitty human beings, examine your criteria for who you approach in social gatherings.
    Could it be that "Watches The Wire" and "Likes the Talking Heads" are not outward expressions of infinite coolness!?

    You're right, though. I get invested too fast and for stupid reasons, and asking people out is probably an outmoded method of interpersonal communication.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Generally I think the problem is with more intuitive/implicit criteria than that. :-)
  • edited November 2012
    Generally I think the problem is with more intuitive/implicit criteria than that. :-)
    I'm not good with understanding my own implicit criteria for meeting people. I just want my labwork, friends, Lagavulin, and a LOT of casual sex right now.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • O brave new world, that has such penises in't!
    Holy shit Ro, I laughed so hard at this.
    I... did too. XD
    Though let's be real, it's not plural for me, it's really just the one that I'm concerned with.
    Dildos and toys can count towards it.
  • Anrild, I have confidence you'll sort it all out. Better to be sexually frustrated than ignorant.

    WUB, you did the right thing, obviously. You could've done more for yourself, yes, but...We all make mistakes. Be happy that you made the lightest of them.
  • O brave new world, that has such penises in't!
    Holy shit Ro, I laughed so hard at this.
    I... did too. XD
    Though let's be real, it's not plural for me, it's really just the one that I'm concerned with.
    Dildos and toys can count towards it.
    Okay, yes, fair enough. YOU WIN, MASTER OF LOLZ AND DICKS.
    Anrild, I have confidence you'll sort it all out. Better to be sexually frustrated than ignorant.
    Yeah, it's going to be fine, I was just in a totally incredulous state last night and am totally not used to that. NEW STAGES OF LIFE YAAAYYYY.
  • Generally I think the problem is with more intuitive/implicit criteria than that. :-)
    I'm not good with understanding my own implicit criteria for meeting people. I just want my labwork, friends, Lagavulin, and a LOT of casual sex right now.
    I never really understood the casual sex thing. It sounds good on paper, but I never pulled it off. I never had sex with a woman that I didn't fall in love with, but in only two cases was that ever really terribly misguided.
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