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  • edited November 2012
    If you keep meeting shitty human beings, examine your criteria for who you approach in social gatherings.
    Could it be that "Watches The Wire" and "Likes the Talking Heads" are not outward expressions of infinite coolness!?

    You're right, though. I get invested too fast and for stupid reasons, and asking people out is probably an outmoded method of interpersonal communication.
    You sound a little like my friend Chris. Girl watching The Wire? His interest is immediately piqued. The criteria he sets forth can be somewhat difficult to meet but almost everyone that falls into it so far has been flaky not cool people.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • To all reading this thread, soon the greatest Valentine Gift will be back on sale on January 2nd. 24 Karot Gold Roses.
  • Did someone hack your account and is this spam?
  • Did someone hack your account and is this spam?
    Nope buddy of mine sent me a message saying it is on their site now and has been used successfully on Valentines Day, just sharing the word since parties here may be interested.

    I shall now go and float into the either again.
  • Translation, yes.
  • Grizzly Bear Girl and I are talking again. I had recommended Synecdoche, NY and she was gushing about it. She let the last text message drop though, so w/e.

    Drunk Love Profession Girl ran into me in the hallway; she made eyes at me and I did the same, at which point she said, "Heyyyyyyy...[awkward pause]...I don't remember your name," and I was like, "Understandable. It's Dave!" and she started blushing and her friends started teasing her. Turns out she's just a sophomore, and I guess that makes me an "more mature older guy." So I think I have a good thing to go on, there.

    I am very satisfied with these outcomes.
  • Update: GBG and I have been talking about Charlie Kaufman for hours and I'm trying to figure out the best way to say, "I missed this," without sounding weird or desperate.
  • Just went drinking with a cute girl that at the very least seems pretty awesome. Next time I meet her in person I will more than likely start actively trying to court her. Aka just awkwardly ask her out and reap the consequences of such.
  • Update: GBG and I have been talking about Charlie Kaufman for hours and I'm trying to figure out the best way to say, "I missed this," without sounding weird or desperate.
    Just say it dude! It is very simple.
    Or you can go like this!
    "Dude, I miss this :D"
  • edited November 2012
    I just went with saying "I missed talking to you like this!" to convey how much I like discussing art with her.

    I am completely exhausted but ultimately content. Bedtime.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So I have a new girlfriend now. You guys are the first to know.
  • (⌒▽⌒)
  • w00t for Sail! Keep on keepin' on.
  • So I have a new girlfriend now. You guys are the first to know.
    Does she know?!?!?
  • edited November 2012
    So I have a new girlfriend now. You guys are the first to know.
    Does she know?!?!?

    Seriously, though, good on ya.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Sonic, that is the best.
  • edited November 2012
    Six months ago a female friend held my hand for three hours and made me promise to come back to her. Last night I got tipsy and messaged her "HEY: I miss the hell out of you." She responded, "Not even joking now, GET BACK HERE."

    So, I'm going back to the UK in May.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You are precious, with how much you talk about girls to internet people. Happy for you to be able to talk to people though. I like talking to people, too.
  • @Sail,
    This is probably the first front view of you face that I've seen. You have a strong and prominent jaw line. It is very becoming.
  • Ro is hitting on you, Sale.
  • edited November 2012
    You are precious, with how much you talk about girls to internet people. Happy for you to be able to talk to people though. I like talking to people, too.
    U will always b my fav internet girl 2 talk 2, Squad~

    In all seriousness, talking about these things to internet people is how I deal with the unbearable burden of social anxiety, since I can't just throw up my own heart.
    This is probably the first front view of you face that I've seen. You have a strong and prominent jaw line. It is very becoming.
    Rob's a handsome, handsome man. I'd buy him a beer and give him bro grabs.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You are precious, with how much you talk about girls to internet people. Happy for you to be able to talk to people though. I like talking to people, too.
    U will always b my fav internet bb, Squad~

    How many of these women have you bedded so far? Is it more than 5?
  • edited November 2012
    It is not!

    If I'm irritating you, I can abandon this thread and switch back to Xanax. Generally, though, I prefer the comfort and advice of people I consider friends to steadily working on a benzodiazepine addiction.

    Then again, if David Foster Wallace is right, the comfort and advice of friends can be abused just like benzodiazepines. Which I guess means I'll see you later.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Six months ago a female friend held my hand for three hours and made me promise to come back to her. Last night I got tipsy and messaged her "HEY: I miss the hell out of you." She responded, "Not even joking now, GET BACK HERE."

    So, I'm going back to the UK in May.
    Im glad you texted me back :P. All jokes aside we should grab a brew when your back in Albion I'm kicking my self we didn't before. Its like a bro date.
  • Cool beans WindUpBird. :D I'm definitely looking forward to the next time I hangout with my girlfriend, stupid week with my family in Georgia. :P
  • edited November 2012
    Six months ago a female friend held my hand for three hours and made me promise to come back to her. Last night I got tipsy and messaged her "HEY: I miss the hell out of you." She responded, "Not even joking now, GET BACK HERE."

    So, I'm going back to the UK in May.
    Im glad you texted me back :P. All jokes aside we should grab a brew when your back in Albion I'm kicking my self we didn't before. Its like a bro date.
    Absolutely. We can get ElJoe0 and Omnu to join us and have a proper FRCF: Albion Meetup.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You are not irritating me at all. It is simply amusing to me.
  • No one ever comes down to ATL to visit :(

    Except for Pete.

    Because he's awesome.
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