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  • edited January 2013
    I love spending time with a lady. I also love kissing the lady, but that has ended badly in the past. The optimal stance is clearly to hang out with the lady and not kiss her. This stance is way harder to keep than it should be.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I love spending time with a lady. I also love kissing the lady, but that has ended badly in the past. The optimal stance is clearly to hang out with the lady and not kiss her. This stance is way harder to keep than it should be.
    Bisexuality must be an unending struggle, goddamn.

  • edited January 2013,29785/
    See, Fictional biden knows what's up.
    Fictional Biden must listen to FNPL.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I did the right thing.
  • I have a proud.
  • edited January 2013
    I did the right thing.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I did the right thing.
  • edited January 2013
    To be fair, when someone you kind of dig actually says to you, quote, "I have cheated on literally every boyfriend I have ever had," it becomes pretty impossible to fuck up that situation. Been a while since I felt revulsion like that.

    Still hurts a lot, though.

    Facebook Girl from way-back-when (Single! Good moral fiber! Likes me! Texting me!) and I are getting drinks next week. Looking forward to having fun, acting like a fucking adult on the regular, and not being a total cunt to a dude I don't even know.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • "I have cheated on literally every boyfriend I have ever had,"
  • edited January 2013
    "I have cheated on literally every boyfriend I have ever had,"

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I did the right thing.
    Well done.

    Also, bulletdodge.jpg.

  • AmpAmp
    edited January 2013
    To be fair, when someone you kind of dig actually says to you, quote, "I have cheated on literally every boyfriend I have ever had," it becomes pretty impossible to fuck up that situation. Been a while since I felt revulsion like that.

    Still hurts a lot, though.

    Facebook Girl from way-back-when (Single! Good moral fiber! Likes me! Texting me!) and I are getting drinks next week. Looking forward to having fun, acting like a fucking adult on the regular, and not being a total cunt to a dude I don't even know.

    Might I suggest that as much as it is awesome being able to meet all these hot young ladies who are up for sampling the fruits of your loin, might it be worth taking a step back. You seem to have a new girl every week, and that is not a bad thing, but might it be worth giving the ladies a brake? Taking some time and cooling off, figuring out what you want, if its just teh sexing then thats cool, but if you want more it might be lost under the sea of women you collect, seriously do you use them as throws or something? Anyway Im sure its not my place to say but I've been in that situation a couple of times and missed awesome people because of it.

    Also you did the right things and dodged a massive bullet so good on you.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited January 2013
    Pssssst: I've only actually had a thing with one of these girls. I'm pretty well squared away w/r/t knowing what I want; the rest are just prospects I vent about on the internet to alleviate social anxiety.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My assessment of your handling of this situation - more thumbs up than a fingerless gynaecologist.
  • Pssssst: I've only actually had a thing with one of these girls. I'm pretty well squared away w/r/t knowing what I want; the rest are just prospects I vent about on the internet to alleviate social anxiety.
    A coolies, enjoy then :P
  • You seem to have a new girl every week, and that is not a bad thing, but might it be worth giving the ladies a brake?
    Give a lady a brake? What a gift! I bet that really wins them over.

  • I think used the phrase "give the ladies a break" like most people use "give the drugs a break."
  • edited January 2013
    Heh. A sex addict on an SSRI? How would that even work?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2013
    We both know it's not the sex. I've enjoyed the smell of a lover on an old hoodie more than sex.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Oxytocin is a hell of a hormone.

    Anyway, pretty sure I don't have that sort of issue in my life. I appreciate the concern, though, Amp.
  • So long as you don't go all Tiger Woods on us with your "sex addiction" then all shall be ok.
  • Give the ladies a brake, I'm sure they'll appreciate it.


    Spoilers: I was taking the piss out of Amp's spelling.
  • Its fine its not like I have a problem and have been mocked for it all my life by pretentious jackasses oh wait...Also how do you know the lady in question would not like a brake? Brakes are expensive, or she could be into classic cars and collect their brakes.

    Though I do like the idea of a lady brake. Someone to pop up if your about to make a bad choice.
  • I will make fun of everyone for bad spelling.
  • Even those with learning difficulties?
  • Makes 'em learn quicker.
  • Actually, if people make stupid mistakes, it's not worth pointing them out. If people make non-stupid mistakes, ones where spell checkers don't help, there's no way for them to know unless someone points it out to them.

    If someone just uses shit punctuation, bad grammar and terrible spelling, they obviously don't give a fuck about communicating properly, and by extension, their readers. There's no point in helping hese people.

    But if someone mixes up "brake" and "break", me pointing it out will, hopefully, make them aware there is even an issue. People with learning difficulties are, by definition, people who are trying to learn. People who don't give a shit about good writing are, by definition, not trying to learn.

    Short version: I make fun of the bad spelling of those with learning difficulties especially.
  • AmpAmp
    edited January 2013
    The method you go about it does not encourage people to try and learn it encourages them to stop as they have always been mocked for their bad spelling. Case in point I spent ten minutes trying to figure out the difference before posting and still could not find the other "break". It’s cool that you re encouraging people to learn and change but it does not come across well.
    Edit; I now pay atention and try to get the right word, if only so that people are not an ass.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited January 2013
    Okay than, from now on I will only make fun of Scott Johnson's spelling.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • edited January 2013
    Okay than, from now on I will only make fun of Scott Johnson's spelling.
    Post edited by Sail on
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