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  • I was totally staying out of this fight. So not fair.
  • Okay than, from now on I will only make fun of Scott Johnson's spelling.
    I don't mind a correction, its how I learn. But tell me where I went wrong and what the difference is, not make fun of as then I get all tetchy.

  • edited January 2013
    Amp, it isn't just you who missed it.
    I think used the phrase "give the ladies a break" like most people use "give the drugs a break."
    Walker tried to explain what was going on, and missed it too. Twice. My second correct, with image, was just as much for him as you, or more so. I could have picked up on "I think used" too, but let that one slide.

    Next time I'll be far, far, far less subtle.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • oh luke, don' dumb it down for the plebs, we will catch on eventually
  • edited January 2013
    I don't mind a correction, its how I learn. But tell me where I went wrong and what the difference is, not make fun of as then I get all tetchy.
    On that note:
    its = belonging to it
    it's = it is
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I don't mind a correction, its how I learn. But tell me where I went wrong and what the difference is, not make fun of as then I get all tetchy.
    On that note:
    its = belonging to it
    it's = it is
    See where I went wrong there. How I wish I could flense the man who created the word "its".
  • So about that "Chris and I are bad at being broken up" thing...
    We had a serious talk, determined for sure that we're still in love with each other and that he intended to end up with me/still does... we talked about what's going on between us, and discussed taking things day-by-day.

    ...then he gave me a ring for my birthday.
    ...then we hooked up.
    ...and he stayed the night.

    Aaaaggghhh goddamn it. Not broken up at all, really.
  • Fuck it, kid. Everything's a mess, and everyone just wants to be happy. Take it a day at a time.
  • Well, sheeeeeit happens. Figure it out. Try and be happy. Don't be afraid to put yourself first. And be willing to forgive while also knowing what you are willing to put up with and what you're not willing to put up with.
  • Drammmmmmmmmaaaaaaa, however Drama where you end up hooking up is probably worth it at least in the short term :-p
  • Drama is even more fun than being a bastard.
  • I just hear Nuri screaming, "endorphins!"
  • Sometimes I wish I was more controlled by emotions and not an emotionally dead Vulcan :-p
  • Going through lots of drama may be worth cuddles and kisses. Yeah, it pretty much is. XP
  • Sometimes I wish I was more controlled by emotions and not an emotionally dead Vulcan :-p
    That's just your emotions talking. Dead vulcans for life...
  • edited January 2013
    Honestly, he's the one that wants to be broken up, not me, and he spends what time we are around each other either directly hitting on me, teasing me, or giving me bedroom eyes. If other people are around, he'll compromise by acting mostly normal but giving me that look from across the room. I called him out on it and he didn't argue, more or less said that I was right and he still wants me and we still have the driving emotional connection of a relationship, and then went on to say that he doesn't want to "get my hopes up" or "hurt me" since he has a summer job in Maine and we have no idea where we'll both be after the summer. I told him honestly it would hurt less to just take advantage of the time we have and do what feels right in the moment rather than putting up with him looking at me like he's eye-fucking me from across the room constantly. He asked if that meant we should just take things day-by-day, I said yes, and he jumped me.
    But he still feels the need to talk about his feelings and feel awkward about it in front of my roommates (who honestly encourage my point of view on the situation). So it's sort of progress and sort of not? At least everyone's feelings are honestly out on the table.

    Edit: This is after we woke up New Year's morning cuddling on my friend's futon, having gone to a masquerade together and gone back to my friend's place afterwards and drinking. We woke up, looked at each other, sat up for a second and had our moment of realization... and then went right back to cuddling.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Ehh... Not to over simplify things, but this sounds like a lot of drama. This guy obviously doesn't know what he wants relationship-wise. I know you want to be with him, but is it really worth all this on-again-off-again BS?
  • If you're okay with things being so confusing if just for the sake of having the physical and sort-of emotional connection, that is one thing. However, it also sounds like this could hurt way more emotionally in the long run, so that's kinda important.
  • I just hear Nuri screaming, "endorphins!"
    Nah dude, I had my say. It's up to her now. :)

  • Don't put the penis on a pedestal.
  • Don't put the penis on a pedestal.
    It goes on the mantle, above the fireplace.
  • It goes on the Parthenon in Greece.
  • What do they say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is?
  • It goes on the Parthenon in Greece.
    My dick's new nickname is "The Colossus of Rhodes."
  • It goes on the Parthenon in Greece.
    My dick's new nickname is "The Colossus of Rhodes."
    Ooh, that's a good one.

  • It goes on the Parthenon in Greece.
    My dick's new nickname is "The Colossus of Rhodes."
    Are you certain the Colossus of Morpork isn't more accurate?
  • My Dick, AKA: Glamdring Foehammer, Colossus of Rhodes, The Will To Power, Gungnir, Ultima Ratio Regum, The Chronic.
  • My Dick, AKA: Glamdring Foehammer, Colossus of Rhodes, The Will To Power, Gungnir, Ultima Ratio Regum, The Chronic.
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