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  • Contribute more drama then, Luke.
  • I miss the drama.
  • Quick, someone go cheat on their SO with someone else's mom. I need my hot drama injection.
  • I like to think we have all grown a little bit since this thread began...
  • Hopefully.
    Or maybe we all just stopped posting our drama on here. Who knows.
  • I also don't have much to contribute. I doubt "absolutely nothing is happening" is satisfactory drama.
  • I'm planning a wedding. The only drama I have had lately is that my venue sent me a contract with a price $500 below what they told us it would be. Then the woman I talked to on the phone thought I was complaining that the price was higher than what I had been told, and I got an email from the curator apologizing and offering to refund my deposit. So I explained to the curator what happened and she was very grateful and sent me a new, correct contract with the bonus perk of "we won't worry about charging you extra if you end up having more than 100 people on site."

    Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of my life in "Will Having His Face Scooped Out Make Pete Stop Snoring?"
  • Well, it's not like I'm not in a relationship, but it's refreshingly drama free. There's sex on the side, but it's friendly and drama free. I just don't have much to say.
  • I don't want drama from anyone except WindUpBird. His drama was constantly entertaining. Drama from other people isn't so fun to read about, because that drama might actually matter.
  • ^This.
  • I don't really have much drama, but if I did it wouldn't matter. I had a couple girls cancel meet-ups recently. I figured out that one of my friends was courting me for boyfriendness at some point but that came and went under my radar. I think someone else tried to confess to me online while I was afk, which will make all kinds of awkwardness in the future. My mind is focused on the one true goal: PAX.
  • Quick, someone go cheat on their SO with someone else's mom. I need my hot drama injection.
    Ok Pete. I just banged your mom.
  • We transitioned smoothly into an long term relationship. The only problem is that she really hates guns. But she's cool with me being into them as long as she isn't involved, so it's a non issue really. We're nerdy together about some things, but also into completely different things and that's completely fine.
  • I could share my drama, but it's just my head talking shit. Nothing interesting, save for a few observations on queer theory.
  • edited March 2013
    I don't have drama because I'm alone, always.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I don't have drama because I'm alone, always.
    This too.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    I don't have drama because I'm alone, always.
    This too. three.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited March 2013
    I feel kind of bad that I'm letting you guys down on my drama output! I just learned that if I'm entirely apathetic to drama and don't talk to people who cause it, my life gets a lot easier. Also, I learned that there are some people who don't think "telling blackface jokes" is a dealbreaker; that's a different story. There's still a ton of emotions and interpersonal weirdness and shit that I could talk about, but there's also a new episode of Girls tonight and I'm honestly more interested in that.

    Regarding the loneliness happening above, I will drop some knowledge: If you stop looking for someone to be with romantically and instead just start looking for cool people to have adventures with, you'll get both of those things pretty fast.

    Also, dressing well actually does really help; I expect this is because if you look fly, you feel fly, and that confidence boost is second-to-none.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The actual problem is that I'm bad at making new friends and most of my awesome friends have already graduated and so are unavailable. Alternately, it's also because I'm not awesome.
  • I have the problem that I'm not meeting new people, and that RIT is a bad place to meet non-socially-stunted people, because the ones that aren't are usually taken. Also not taking classes at the moment, so meeting even less people.
  • I have the problem that I'm not meeting new people, and that RIT is a bad place to meet non-socially-stunted people, because the ones that aren't are usually taken. Also not taking classes at the moment, so meeting even less people.
    Is in times like this, when I recommend people to run. You can meet people when running. Specially during Spring, also running is cheap (in the beginning).
  • I don't have drama because I'm alone, always.
    This too.
    This, seconded.
  • edited March 2013
    I still haven't got a license and I live in the middle of nowhere. Romance ain't much of an option right now. Its really not so bad.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    The weird thing about me is that I have no problem meeting people...when the conditions are right. It is very difficult for me to go up to a complete stranger and strike a conversation with someone (having been diagnosed and exhibited social problems since I was very young) on a complete whim. Usually I have no problem whatsoever when I am at a contrived setting/social gathering (e.g. a con, a party, etc). I don't know why there is a disparity, but I'm working to understand the problem.
    I still haven't got a license and I live in the middle of nowhere. Romance ain't much of an option right now.
    This is my biggest impediment in starting a serious romantic relationship of any kind at the moment. If I both knew how to drive and had a car, my life would literally change overnight.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited March 2013
    I have a circle of very close, trustworthy, platonic people in my life and access to porn. That's enough for me right now.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I have a circle of very close, trustworthy, platonic people in my life and access to porn. That's enough for me right now.
    I have so much respect for this. The only reason it's not true for me, is because I feel like my circle is too small, and I need more platonic friends.
  • Don't get me wrong, if I had access to healthy sex I'd be all over it, but I'm not hurtin' without it.
  • edited March 2013
    First one is true for me, next two are not. However, they have to NOT have sex with anyone else, even if they want to.
    Post edited by Axel on
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