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  • Hey man, don't tell that girl what she thinks.
  • Hey man, don't tell that girl what she thinks.
  • Generally speaking, when I'm involved with someone, I do want to have sex with only them. It's not that I don't feel desire for other people, but I know that acting on that desire would really hurt a person I care about, so I do not want to act on it.
  • That is true, yes. I just dislike the idea of someone being completely committed to you, because everyone inevitably will be attracted to others. It's our choices not to act on that which show our care for our partners.
  • I don't know. I'm pretty chill with it, providing that it's one of the discussed parts of the relationship. You don't just go a-bangin' without making sure it's okay, but if everybody's okay with it and knows what's going on, then no worries.
  • edited March 2013
    That is true, yes. I just dislike the idea of someone being completely committed to you, because everyone inevitably will be attracted to others. It's our choices not to act on that which show our care for our partners.
    Okay, but there's a huge difference between attraction and commitment. I'm attracted to I'd wager 60% of the girls I see in a given day, but that's not violating a commitment. My mom thinks George Clooney is super-hot, but that doesn't mean she's cheating on my dad.

    You know how you know a relationship or a sexy friendship is absolute aces? You can say to your partner, "She's suuuuuper hot," and your partner says, "Oh, agreed. Great boobs!" Then, you have wild sex anyway with lots of eye contact and cuddling, because the looks of another person are second to your emotional bond with that partner.

    *N.B.: Saying another person is hot in front of your partner is still a pretty big gaffe in terms of general politeness, and I don't recommend it. That said, if you can have that talk with someone and then start kissing, that's a very good sign.
    I don't know. I'm pretty chill with it, providing that it's one of the discussed parts of the relationship. You don't just go a-bangin' without making sure it's okay, but if everybody's okay with it and knows what's going on, then no worries.
    This applies too! Like kinks, your relationship dynamics may not be my relationship dynamics, but they're still cool.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My love life right now... I dunno, my girlfriend is p. cute and really sweet. In some ways it's a lot simpler than previous relationships I've had, and in other ways it feels just as complicated. Feelings are hard and take energy and there's a point where I get so busy that it's hard for me to really process them.
    but there's also a new episode of Girls tonight and I'm honestly more interested in that.
    Tonight's episode made me cringe so hard so many times for so many different reasons D:
  • Okay, so, I'm sitting in the spec. ed. room first period today with Generic Tan Girl (Junior), the chill-as-fuck teacher, and essentially no one else, when in walks Generic ADD Girl and Generic Alcoholic Girl (read that as either generic girl who is an alcoholic or generic girl who contains alcohol) (both Seniors) (I'm using way too many parentheses) with passes out of their regular class. They get talking about prom, and I mention how I'm going to The Loner Stoners' Loser Party (essentially just me and my friends playing Mario Party) instead b/c I don't have a date. They both offer to go with me.

    TL;DR: I've gone from forever alone "fuck it Imma wait 'till college to have a social life" type to caught in the middle of a 'love' triangle for lack of a better term in less than an hour. What in the fuck do I do?
  • edited March 2013
    Go with both of them and be a proper gentleman about it.

    That is to say, go as friends, have fun.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    Go with both of them and be a proper gentleman about it.

    That is to say, go as friends, have fun.
    I concur. I did that with my platonic girlfriends and it was a ball.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • My junior prom I had a date and it was miserable. My senior prom I made a point not to have a date and it was a lot of fun. So basically
    go as friends, have fun.

    What the fuck is all these teenagers/young adults on this internet forum board who are like "friends first, what's sex, lol, healthy relationships." Who raised you?
  • To be fair, I'm an old man at this point.
  • To be fair, I'm an old man at this point.
    Nope, to be an old man you need to talk about boobies more.
  • I'm much too old for that.
  • I'm much too old for that.
    Then you are a dead man.

    What the fuck is all these teenagers/young adults on this internet forum board who are like "friends first, what's sex, lol, healthy relationships." Who raised you?
    You can be friends first and still have hella sex.

  • edited March 2013

    What the fuck is all these teenagers/young adults on this internet forum board who are like "friends first, what's sex, lol, healthy relationships." Who raised you?
    The Church. >:

    Post edited by Walker on
  • Seriously, just say you'll go hang out with them at Prom. If one or both flirts with you, pick the one who's most appealing and flirt back. If stuff happens, great! If not, you went to prom and hung out with two girls!
  • What Axel said. Hang it out before you hook it up. This is also a really good way to maintain perspective on your various feels.
  • edited March 2013
    My own Formal(The local equivalent of Prom, except it's before the end of the year, you still have school afterwards) was pretty decent, good food, good chat. I pulled away from the school/showed up on a giant Harley Trike, along with messing with the other people going to the formal, because the driver was doing mad shit like ripping long drifts around roundabouts and making someone else's limo wait, taking a detour up the kangaroo point cliffs, and doing a mad wheelie up the school driveway - but really, that was the highlight of the evening, nothing else was terribly memorable. The only other thing I remember in more than vague detail was that they gave me the "Most likely to become famous" attaboy meaningless award, and the steak was rather nice but the salad was a shite little thing, primarily composed of rocket lettuce and vinegar.

    My girlfriend-at-the-time's formal, however, I was the talk of the school for month. Showed up in a (borrowed) convertible, had the snappiest 3-peice, had the charm dialed up to eleven, and with all the lads sitting around off the dance floor looking a bit bored, I managed to get them all into a series of rolling poker and dice games(I dealt, and didn't cheat, I just skimmed a house cut), and excellent banter, along with furtive swigs from my illicit booze stash, the whole thing ending up with a decent sized audience, out of the people there.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • And now Churba is the Australian Fonzie in my mind.
  • edited March 2013
    I went to my junior prom with my friend whose boyfriend couldn't make it, and in exchange she named her dog after me. Later on that year I briefly dated a girl I never would have talked to if my platonic date didn't introduce us.

    I went to my senior prom with a girl I really really liked, and as a result had my heart broken at the end of the night when she confessed that she was "sorta seeing someone" and made me feel like the bad guy for "making her put it on hold".

    Moral of the story: go with whichever one offers to name a pet after you.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited March 2013
    I was kinda an asshole back then. Over and over and over again. As far as prom is concerned, it's not really my bag, but a girl in one class basically told everyone in it publicly (including me, though I was pretending to be oblivious to this going on) that she wanted me to ask her to go. I did not, because I didn't want to date anyone, because I was above that sort of thing. Teenage me was kinda awesome and kinda terrible.

    There was also a middle school dance I didn't attend where a kid brought a revolver to attempt to threaten me. His mistakes were many including thinking that I would be there, telling his friends, and believing I would react how he expected (having been threatened similarly later). He showed it off, was found out by the chaperone, and went to juvenile.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Surreal-ass part of the story I forgot to include: generic alcoholic white girl is also cheerleading captain. I feel like I'm living every fictional pubescent boy's dream, though very few real pubescent boy's dream.
  • edited March 2013
    WUBdate: Recovering cocaine addict wants to be platonic friends for a while.

    I'm cool with that.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • ... I do not know how to follow that. So I guess, I just want to say that I am happily single and enjoying every minute of it.
    Also, here is a smooth opening.
  • During high school, I was, frankly, more interested in my geeky pursuits and just having fun. When I got to college in 2008, I started dating a girl that looked like a curly-haired elf. We never had any problems, so right before graduating in 2012, we got married.

    And... that's pretty much that. I never cared for dating before college, and my relationship just naturally went towards marriage. Might sound like a boring story, but I'm pretty simple like that.
  • edited March 2013
    ... I do not know how to follow that. So I guess, I just want to say that I am happily single and enjoying every minute of it.
    Also, here is a smooth opening.
    The smoothest opening, IMO. I LOVE that series.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • The worst thing about it is that there's only 11 episodes.
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