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  • And... that's pretty much that. I never cared for dating before college, and my relationship just naturally went towards marriage. Might sound like a boring story, but I'm pretty simple like that.
    I'm pretty sure that makes you one of the luckiest bastards alive. Good for you.
  • During high school, I was, frankly, more interested in my geeky pursuits and just having fun. When I got to college in 2008, I started dating a girl that looked like a curly-haired elf. We never had any problems, so right before graduating in 2012, we got married.

    And... that's pretty much that. I never cared for dating before college, and my relationship just naturally went towards marriage. Might sound like a boring story, but I'm pretty simple like that.
    Cool story bro. ^_^
  • The worst thing about it is that there's only 11 episodes.
    Dude, I spread those 11 episode over the period of 2 years, totally worth it!
    I really need to re-watch them again.
    They should do a "Drops of God" anime.
  • Well, it's not like I'm not in a relationship, but it's refreshingly drama free. There's sex on the side, but it's friendly and drama free. I just don't have much to say.
    Same. Not very entertaining for forum spectators, though.
  • DRAMAZ!!!1!1!!1!! WE NEEDZ IT!!!
  • I have some dramaz!!1!!!

    It hasn't been made facebook official as of yet because we want to tell Jed's family in person, but we are no longer engaged or together romantically. It's been this way for two months.

    I'm the one who broke it off. There are a few reason why, but I rather keep that private. On the best side there's no vitriol or anything. We love each other as family and best friends and treat each other as such.

    I guess, it's more like a close family friendship love.

    Needless to say, this changes up my life a bit. I'm finding my own place and a new job as well. I did regret my decision at first, but now I don't because I am a lot wiser in who I would like to be with for the long haul. Or, maybe, I don't want to marry at all. I don't know the latter right now, but, hello, I'm now single like some of you. It's okay!
  • I'm glad to hear that things are still happy between you two. Messy breakups are the worst...

    Singledom is boring and lonely, but it can be helpful to figure out yourself. Although I've been past that phase for a while.

    Needless to say, I hope things work out well for the both of you.
  • Oh noes! Good luck with all that, and welcome back to the singles club.
  • I have some dramaz!!1!!!

    It hasn't been made facebook official as of yet because we want to tell Jed's family in person, but we are no longer engaged or together romantically. It's been this way for two months.

    I'm the one who broke it off. There are a few reason why, but I rather keep that private. On the best side there's no vitriol or anything. We love each other as family and best friends and treat each other as such.

    I guess, it's more like a close family friendship love.

    Needless to say, this changes up my life a bit. I'm finding my own place and a new job as well. I did regret my decision at first, but now I don't because I am a lot wiser in who I would like to be with for the long haul. Or, maybe, I don't want to marry at all. I don't know the latter right now, but, hello, I'm now single like some of you. It's okay!
    That's not drama, that's just...unfortunate. But these things happen. Sounds like you knew what had to be done, dealt with it in a mature and responsible way, and still have a relationship. While it sucks that your relationship didn't work out, most don't. This is a story of successfully dealing with the end of a romantic relationship.

    Good luck! Chin up!

  • Well, that sucks, but it's good that things are okay between you two.
  • Well best to luck to both Viga and Jed for their future dating.
  • Thanks, dudes. :)
  • edited March 2013
    I'm in a similar boat but on a rougher sea. Told my fiance that I am no longer interested in marriage and things have been awkward ever since.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Viga, it seems to me you had a pretty successful relationship. Nice one! Don't take the expectations of people outside of your relationship as the measure of how you should feel.

    That said, I've never been in the position that a marriage seemed like it would solve more problems that it would cause. The idea of being married appeals to me, but the baggage that comes along with it doesn't.

  • What baggage comes with marriage?
  • Legal, for one.
  • Yeah, it ties your assets together in the eyes of the law. It also means you file one tax thing, and that tax thing gets treated differently than other tax things, IIRC.
  • Plus you formally swear to stay with your spouse forever.
  • The asset thing bugs me.
  • Assets and legal stuff are only one part of it, and a minor part. I was talking about baggage in terms of how other people then view your relationship. With Pola and I, we were together five years, and it was a good relationship. If we had married at year three and divorced at year five, it would be seen as a failed marriage. If I'd have invited lots of people to a wedding and spent loads of money on it, and the marriage only lasted two years, it's baggage that gets attached to the relationship. Pola and I could split without problems because we were only considering our own happiness, and not investing our relationship with so much money and gifts from others and well wishes from wedding guests made it easier for us to move on.
  • I've come to that conclusion with my current girlfriend too if we split up. I feel that if we don't work out after being with each other physically, because that's one of the few last tests for us, then I think we could still be platonic geeky friends. We were that way before we became romantically involved.

    I do feel for both Viga and Jed, but I'm glad things separated mutually and there's still respect/understanding there. That's very positive for that relationship but also how you will obtain/keep new relationships. ^_^
  • I don't really have any drama to speak of, but I am becoming increasingly concerned about the future of my relationship. Most of the time, things are fine and I'm happy to be with her. But there are times, like right now, where I wonder if I'd be happier being single again.

    The main issue comes down to the fact that I am a very ambitious person, constantly trying to improve myself, and she is not. At least, she isn't anymore. Ever since we moved in together, it feels like she has become more complacent, like she's taking what she has for granted. It's frustrating because she didn't used to be that way. Before she moved up to Seattle, she exercised everyday and read multiple books a week. Now she just lays around and plays video games or looks at memes. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, but I think doing nothing outside of work is negatively affecting her mood.

    It's just getting hard to want to do things for myself when she is like that all the time. I feel like I have to hold her up, and it's a burden I don't want to bear constantly. I had hoped that leading by example would shake her out of it, but I think I'm going to have to be more direct fairly soon. It's just a conversation I don't really want to have.
  • Plus you formally swear to stay with your spouse forever.
    Yes, because when people say things they always do that thing.
  • Plus you formally swear to stay with your spouse forever.
    Yes, because when people say things they always do that thing.
    Breaking that oath is VERY expensive.
  • Plus you formally swear to stay with your spouse forever.
    Yes, because when people say things they always do that thing.
    Breaking that oath is VERY expensive.
    That's why you reaaallly gotta be sure you want to do it.
  • Crushin on my impossibly cool barista and the feeling is mutual?

  • Hahahahaha that fucking gif
  • Today my coworker basically demanded my math and a date in front of all my other coworkers and I didn't know how to gracefully say, "I don't know you that well so nawwwww." She even said, "Let me buy you lunch."

    It was really stressful and I'm sorry to anyone I've ever done this to.
  • Yeah, those moments. No bueno, for anyone involved.
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