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  • Was talking about masturbating with my gf and just thought "different strokes for different folks" was incredibly funny and relevant.
  • edited June 2013

    Post edited by Churba on

    I'm dubious of this. Yes, it could be that people who meet online and marry actually have more in common that people who meet due to geography. However, online dating hasn't been around that long. It takes some years to get sick of each other and divorce. People who met online haven't been married that long yet.
  • Crazy lady filed a restraining order against me! Marshall will deliver it later today.

    Order works both ways. She can not harass me either and she will need to have a cop on hand if she comes for her stuff. Said stuff will be in a storage unit this Saturday.

    Strangely there is no address for her on the order. How can I not harass her if I do not know where she is?
  • I'm in awe of this woman's ability to seemingly always be one step ahead of you.
  • Crazy lady filed a restraining order against me! Marshall will deliver it later today.
    I'd make double sure it's a real restraining order delivered by a real Marshall.
  • Does she know about this forum?
  • Does she know about this forum?

  • Does she know about this forum?

    Yes, she's that crazy troll we banned I can't remember the name of.

  • Plot twist: Steve was dating Nine.
  • IIRC, Steve is known as HTMKSteve elsewhere on the internet. A quick Google search of "HTMKSteve" reveals this forum as the fifth result.

    uh oh
  • True. But I have not told everything on here and much of her evil plans were set in motion the day I kicked her out.
  • edited June 2013
    And the thread that's linked it McDonald's Gay Agenda.

    Oh memories.

    Yeah, she may have a good idea that she knows about this, if she lived with you and you didn't lock your computer. If she had access to your computer she could have easily went through your history of your browser and saw what sites you frequent.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Also she threatened not only to stalk be last week but to also file frivolous lawsuits on the other side of the state to force me to take time off work and hire lawyers.

    Filing a protection order is part of her MO. She did it to the last guy she was with (by her own admission) even though she was leaving the state he was in. She did it not because she needed protection but to incur the side penalty of taking his guns away.

    I have no guns to lose.

    She has done a great many things that I have not divulged on the forum just in case she is monitoring it. I pretty much only cover things that she knows I know about and that I know she knows I know about.

    I have considered this forum to be public and a place that she has access to. I often post an occasional piece of misinformation on various social networks and boards just to see what makes it back to me. Some folks like to gloat and never realize that their gloating ends up leading to their downfall.
  • I'm torn. On the one hand, I want the crazy to stop and your life to return to normal. This ain't cool.

    On the other hand, I find all of this to be a fascinating exploration of insanity, and I'm curious to see what happens next.

    Best of luck!
  • edited June 2013
    I have an amusing story from my stupid life today.

    Okay, background. When I was working at the restaurant a few months back, this new guy came in one day and I worked a shift with him. Now, I'm bi, but I'm more into women than guys, usually, and it took a long, long time for me to work out what exactly was going on. But this guy...

    Anyway, I only worked one shift with him (he was going on the morning shift and was just learning the ropes) but we talked for like three hours. The whole time was brain was screaming at me "Ask him out! For fuck's sake!" but I was having a hell of a time working up the nerve; I haven't asked anyone out since high school, and never a guy. Then, at one point he off-handedly mentioned an ex-girlfriend and, well, at least before I could have hoped, right? So that's that.

    Except, I'm off on the job hunt this morning, and I ran into him at the local Chapters. And with him, his new boyfriend.

    I've known the term "feeling salty" for a while now thanks to Dave and Joel, but I have never grasped it's full meaning until today.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I met a super-cute barista the other day and we connected hardcore. I didn't get her details but I have been waiting for over a week to see her again. -_-;;

    The good news is that she's not the only girl who finds it sexy when I'm doing art stuff at the coffeeshop.
  • You and the freaking baristas...
  • Coffee and singles. Can't go wrong.
  • I enjoy being married and all but I do sorta miss the thrill and drama of the chase. I'm happy this thread exists to give me vicarious pleasure.
  • edited June 2013
    You and the freaking baristas...
    Hey, I do all my thinking/drawing/work at the coffeebar. If a cute barista takes interest and starts a conversation, that usually means she finds something about my brain attractive. For the way my stupid brain handles dating and attraction, that's like lighting up a magnesium flare in a deep oceanic trench.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You and the freaking baristas...
    Hey, I do all my thinking/drawing/work at the coffeebar. If a cute barista takes interest and starts a conversation, that usually means she finds something about my brain attractive. For the way my stupid brain handles dating and attraction, that's like lighting up a magnesium flare in a deep oceanic trench.
    Oh damn bro, that's a sick method you got. Just make sure you neg a barista every now and then to really STMD.

  • edited June 2013
    Oh damn bro, that's a sick method you got. Just make sure you neg a barista every now and then to really STMD.
    Been peacocking hella hard with this dope-ass fedora (it was my dad's) and now I am am defs the AMOG.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My mind went to dopecocking.
  • My very good friend just got dumped by his girlfriend of nine years. Nine years!!! I think they had been living together for about seven of those years.

    Now comes the drama...

    This afternoon she took the next step and not only defriended me on FB but went the extra step and blocked me! I have known her almost as long as I knew him and thought we were friends. I expected her to defriend me but the extra insult of the block has me confused.
  • My very good friend just got dumped by his girlfriend of nine years. Nine years!!! I think they had been living together for about seven of those years.

    Now comes the drama...

    This afternoon she took the next step and not only defriended me on FB but went the extra step and blocked me! I have known her almost as long as I knew him and thought we were friends. I expected her to defriend me but the extra insult of the block has me confused.
  • My mind went to dopecocking.
    That word needs to be a thing.
  • So a month into our relationship, my girlfriend decided she wasn't ready for a relationship. Sigh.
  • People our age are really afraid of commitment, almost universally. Just stay friends with her, keep hanging, see what happens.
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