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  • Hey do what you want :-p If a younger woman wants to date, date. Hew what happened to the chemist?
  • edited June 2013
    Chemist dumped me THREE times because she could not handle the background drama with my crazy ex. Right now we are friends and while it is clear that she wants to be more than friends I can't be romantically involved with someone who would bail on me that quickly (or that often and then come back acting as if she never dumped me.)

    While she claimed to "be there for me" and encouraged me to keep her in the loop with what was going on she was clearly not really there for me.

    We get along great as friends and have gone out on "friend dates" around town however I need someone that won't 'dump her cargo at the first sign of an imperial cruiser', if you get my drift!

    She is also not over her previous exbf. He dumped her after a 2.5 yr relationship 'out of the blue' as she puts it.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I can't be romantically involved with someone who would bail on me that quickly (or that often and then come back acting as if she never dumped me.)
    That sounds like a good call. It's more important to take care of yourself than to find and grab onto a romantic relationship.

  • Update: I'm doing OKCupid in Chicago.
    One of my coworkers used to work on the matching algorithm for, so use that. #worstreasontouseadatingsiteever

    Also, I don't think there's any shame in using OKCupid at all anymore, which is good. It's a good way to get to know people and meet people.

    However, don't forget what people continually say on this thread/forum: Just do things you enjoy doing and meet people who also do those things. While having everything in common with someone else rarely happens and may just be annoying, you're your most genuine when doing something you actually enjoy.

    For example, I went to board game after having a really frustrating morning playing Airsoft (gun didn't work, the owner of the field went off on "Damn Liberals" before we played), and just had a blast joking around and talking with people. I think I was getting flirted with by a girl there too, but I slipped "my wife" into a conversation before (hopefully) any wrong ideas were had.

    The point is that if you go out and do things you enjoy and just keep an open mind, you'll meet people. Without any of the possible pake-ness of a dating profile or speed dating rink or whatever.
  • Duh, OK Cupid has an "interests and hobbies" section. Get with the times trilobite.
  • For us older folks online dating is more useful. You youngins are still active and exploring the world and such. Us old folks have met everyone in our area that we are going to meet through casual meetings.

    Which is why I wonder why I see people under 30 on dating sites. You people are in a position to meet unattached people in your age range everywhere you go! As you get older everyone has already coupled-up. Those that have not tend to have problems that prevented their coupling! The best catches are usually among the recently divorced.
  • I keep forgetting that Bumfuck North Carolina is a whole different world.
  • You're assuming I go places. Sometimes I do, but it's also a lot of "Go to class, see people I know, come home from class."
  • edited June 2013
    According to the OKCupid blog, younger people get a lot more activity than older people. That's probably why there are a lot more of them there. I also like to add that as the older men get the younger the women they'll interact with.
    The best catches are usually among the recently divorced.
    I agree with that, but I'm biased.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • edited June 2013
    Which is why I wonder why I see people under 30 on dating sites. You people are in a position to meet unattached people in your age range everywhere you go! As you get older everyone has already coupled-up. Those that have not tend to have problems that prevented their coupling! The best catches are usually among the recently divorced.
    It's nice to have a service that allows me to tell someone everything about myself relevant to dating/sex/hanging out and then let that person decide whether or not they're interested in me for any or all of those things. OKCupid just streamlines the "getting to know someone" stage of interpersonal relationships--something a lot of people (myself and others my age included) are really quite bad at. It's fun, and easy, and takes about 800 OKC questions worth of time to start making worthwhile connections. In a city of millions at the peak of your sexual prime, why not have an OKC account?
    You're assuming I go places. Sometimes I do, but it's also a lot of "Go to class, see people I know, come home from class."
    This would change if you wanted it to. If you want to go places and get into interest groups, that's up to you. When you're out of college, the people you know won't be as available for hangouts, so you need to make a greater amount of connections and go more places to compensate for that.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited June 2013
    tl;dr young people are really good at internet and we are not as good at irl

    okc brings some comfortable url to that uncomfortable irl
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited June 2013
    i wish frcf was twitter so i could fav/rt that
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • i wish frcf was twitter so i could fav/rt that
    I could always start up FRCF.txt again...
  • edited June 2013
    Remember STS? Bet you don't.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I don't...
  • I remember that. I remember trying to get Google Talk configured to post to there and it never really worked.
  • Only '08 kids will remember~
    i remember

    i remember nine times
  • edited July 2013
    Now that's some nostalgia there, Hamstray.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited July 2013
    I was posting in '08? I don't know how I feel about that.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I suggested the name for that, and then never looked at it once (that I remember).
  • I'm drawing comics about dating:

  • So, I asked out that guy I was crushing on.

    I got a boyfriend. <3

    *Final fantasy fanfare*
  • Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  • So, I asked out that guy I was crushing on.

    I got a boyfriend. <3

    *Final fantasy fanfare*</p>
    So now do we get to know who it was? :3
  • Congrats, Viga!
  • Achievement... unlocked?
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