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  • worst case scenario: "Naw dude" "Okay cool! I'll see ya." [awesome friendship continues]
    best case scenario: *kissing* [awesome friendship continues w/ kissing]
    That might work for Dave, Greek God of Charisma and Kicking Ass at Life, but the rest of us can't get away with that shit.
  • 7 years ago, I had my first date with Jeremy. We watched Pirates if the Caribbean: Dead's Man Chest.

  • edited July 2013
    LoL I think the first movie Laura and I went to was 300, lots of hot sexy Spartans.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited July 2013
    First movie for Karl and me was the Expendables. :)
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • Hmmm. I think the first movie Nuri and I went to see together was...Inglourious Basterds?
  • Hmmm. I think the first movie Nuri and I went to see together was...Inglourious Basterds?
    I'll have to go with that because I have no fucking clue. We live in the present! And that's totally a valid excuse for not remembering firsts and anniversaries.

  • Fight Club I believe.
  • First Date: Black Friday 2012
    First Movie: Hugo
    Most memorable line: "I'd invite you back to my place, but my Mom is sleeping on my couch."
  • I will say that the best date I ever had wasn't officially a "date." Getting to know people and having a good time doing stuff should be sufficient.
  • I didn't have an official first date with either of my exes. Shit just happened. I'm pretty okay with that.
  • Does talking all evening on facebook count as a date?
  • edited July 2013
    Who cares? It's an arbitrary term that shouldn't have the amount of weight it's given. :P

    Hang out with people. Hang out with people you're attracted to. Have a good time. Focus on that. If I could remember my own advice half the time, I'm pretty sure I'd have had a way more successful time "dating" in my life.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Yeah, I'll be honest, I love talking and cuddling and kissing and sexing and all, but I hate dates. Generally I avoid saying the word unless fruit is involved.
  • Considering I've kept the "What movie have you seen recently?" updated with pretty much every movie I've watched over the last however many years, and also this dating thread with my dating too, I could probably discover which was the first movie Juliane and I saw together.
  • When Katie and I started getting together, it was mostly around going to concerts. If I had to guess when we first went to a movie was, I would say it was The Muppets. Honestly, we've only gone to the movies maybe 3 times in the 2 years we've been together, it's just not our thing.
  • edited July 2013
    I really like "dates," but that's mainly because I really like chilling in coffeeshops and eating in restaurants and those are traditional "date" activities.

    It's difficult because the type of girl I like usually equates "Let's get dinner!" or "Let's get coffee!" to "I want serious romantic things," when what I really mean is, "I want food and drink and good conversation."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm not the most talkative, so I prefer movie dates. They're also a lot easier to do in a ld relationship.
  • I really like "dates," but that's mainly because I really like chilling in coffeeshops and eating in restaurants and those are traditional "date" activities.

    It's difficult because the type of girl I like usually equates "Let's get dinner!" or "Let's get coffee!" to "I want serious romantic things," when what I really mean is, "I want food and drink and good conversation."
    You can date me any time.
  • I really like "dates," but that's mainly because I really like chilling in coffeeshops and eating in restaurants and those are traditional "date" activities.

    It's difficult because the type of girl I like usually equates "Let's get dinner!" or "Let's get coffee!" to "I want serious romantic things," when what I really mean is, "I want food and drink and good conversation."
    You can date me any time.
  • Orgy time!
  • edited August 2013
    There's a cute barista (colleague now, I guess?) that's into me. We've been flirting for a while, but I haven't been in her shop regularly for a month because I've been getting started at my own coffeehouse. Now that I've settled in, I'm hanging out at her shop again, doing art stuff.

    Today, she was looking at some of the Bristol board comics I'm working on, and complimenting them. She went to open up my sketchbook, at which point I said, "please don't open my sketchbook without asking" in the tiniest voice imaginable, to which she replied "Really?"

    I replied "yes" in an even tinier voice, got my shit together, and asked her if she wanted to get drinks sometime. She said "Oh! Okay, okay. Maybe. We'll talk about this later." I kept drawing/waiting for 1.5hrs, but she made herself distant and scarce, so I bounced.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Any follow up to that?
  • I met a really cute and nerdy chick in a baby shower last Monday, and then I found out she has a boyfriend.
    Why do all the cute and nerdy girls have boyfriends? :O
  • The supply of cute and nerdy girls outweighs the supply of boys? Just a thought!
  • I met a really cute and nerdy chick in a baby shower last Monday, and then I found out she has a boyfriend.
    Why do all the cute and nerdy girls have boyfriends? :O
    It took me a long while to find a single one.
  • You kids have it so easy these days.
  • Having a boyfriend is not necessarily a block to dating her... it's just very LIKELY to be a block to dating her. Cute and nerdy chicks are more likely to be polyamorous than other women, statistically speaking.
  • In fact, I happen to know a cute nerdy chick, who is dating another cute nerdy chick, who has a boyfriend. It happens.
  • Cute and nerdy chicks are more likely to be polyamorous than other women, statistically speaking.
    You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
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