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  • photo dating.jpg

    I feel like I win the internet.
  • We pretty much win life.
  • edited July 2013
    I like how those photos look like they could have been taken on the exact same day.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • The first one inspired the outfits for the second one.
  • AWWW you're wearing matching outfits.
  • @Pete and Nuri: D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! *diabeetus*
    So, I asked out that guy I was crushing on.

    I got a boyfriend. <3

    *Final fantasy fanfare*</p>
    So now do we get to know who it was? :3
    I want to say, but I can't for reasons. Mostly reasons being that he has a certain amount of fame and fangirls in a fandom that can be quite scary.

  • I want to say, but I can't for reasons. Mostly reasons being that he has a certain amount of fame and fangirls in a fandom that can be quite scary.
    Wow, ok, now I'm extremely curious.
  • Also makes it sound like he is from TGWTG.
  • edited July 2013
    I feel that he may almost definitely be from TGWTG. Or in that related community of reviewers.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited July 2013
    Actual text I just sent to an OKC girl: "Hey this is sexysadboy420? I felt dumb typing that. My real name's Dave!"
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Wow. Epic username there WUB.
  • So YOU'RE the one that took my username.
  • Wow. Epic username there WUB.
    it was going to be sexysadboy69 but i didn't want to come on too strong

  • edited July 2013
    So I've continued talking to Disney College Program girl over the summer and am in the exact same place I was in 10 pages ago. She's super busy because it's summer and holy shit everyone ever at the parks and I haven't really been able to talk to her, which is annoying as hell.

    Funny story, though: I was talking to her on Facebook chat one day and she says she has to go because her bf is in town visiting and I was sitting at my computer just going "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" but then she clarified that it was her bff and not her bf and every thing was right with the world. And then I found $20.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • So, I'm going to this free Shakespeare thing on the commons with would-have-been-prom girl (wow, that makes it so much sadder than it actually was) on Saturday and I can't tell if its a date. I'm assuming it's not, because that will probably make me more pleasant that way, but I'm hoping it is.
  • edited July 2013
    As you well know, whether it is a "date" or "not date" is rather irrelevant.

    Sometimes that descriptor is added retroactively.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited July 2013
    Good advice for all one-on-one hangs with any friend you find attractive but whose attractions you are uncertain of:

    Assume it is not a date, but kiss your friend at the end like it is one.

    (wait i'm giving the advice in this thread now)
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Just assume it is not a date, but kiss her at the end like it is one.
    Worked for me in the past.
  • And now to watch the fail of the day thread...
  • edited July 2013
    I'm not sure what's "ew" about attempting to kiss a friend who is spending a large period of time alone with you?

    There are signals for mutual attraction that you need to look for (duh), but if the person is a friend already and it feels like a date at the end of the night, I'd say fuck it and try for kisses.

    worst case scenario: "Naw dude" "Okay cool! I'll see ya." [awesome friendship continues]
    best case scenario: *kissing* [awesome friendship continues w/ kissing]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • There are signals for mutual attraction that you need to look for (duh), but if the person is a friend already and it feels like a date at the end of the night, I'd say fuck it and try for kisses.

    By 'fuck it and try for kisses' he does not mean sex and then go for a kiss afterwards. Just want to be sure you understand that :D
  • worst case scenario: "Naw dude" "Okay cool! I'll see ya." [awesome friendship continues]
    This is nowhere near the worst case scenario.

    Personally, I'd go for words before I try to get physical. Less chance of imparting a lasting creepy-vibe to the relationship if the other person isn't interested. But whatever works for you.
  • I think in WuB's worldview, this would only be happening between cool people, and cool people don't have problems with this sort of thing.

    However, that is horribly biased. I'd say just going in for the kiss is not advisable until some level of physical contact has been initiated by the other party.
  • It's highly individual. Some people are very physical with their friends, but it doesn't mean they want your tongue in their mouth. Some people have a serious bubble, and if they touch you it means they are interested.

    Use your judgment and when in doubt, use your words. You don't have to ask permission for specific acts, but you should at least probe for general interest.
  • edited July 2013
    Generally, I've found it's more funny (in a tactless tacky nerdy way) to just explicitly ask permission. I've asked something like, "Would it be totally creepy and weird if I put my arm around your shoulder?"
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited July 2013
    I think in WuB's worldview, this would only be happening between cool people, and cool people don't have problems with this sort of thing.

    However, that is horribly biased. I'd say just going in for the kiss is not advisable until some level of physical contact has been initiated by the other party.
    all this is probably true
    Generally, I've found it's more funny (in a tactless tacky nerdy way) to just explicitly ask permission. I've asked something like, "Would it be totally creepy and weird if I put my arm around your shoulder?"
    Admittedly, most of my First Kisses have been preceeded by just this sort of verbal handshake.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited July 2013
    worst case scenario: "Naw dude" "Okay cool! I'll see ya." [awesome friendship continues]
    This is nowhere near the worst case scenario.

    Personally, I'd go for words before I try to get physical. Less chance of imparting a lasting creepy-vibe to the relationship if the other person isn't interested. But whatever works for you.
    Generally, I've found it's more funny (in a tactless tacky nerdy way) to just explicitly ask permission. I've asked something like, "Would it be totally creepy and weird if I put my arm around your shoulder?"
    This. I also love how you guys jumped on me and not George.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • edited July 2013
    Also, to complete my story, she said it would be fine and I eventually copped a feel. She freaked out because there was someone else there but we had a lot more fun when we were alone. I'd never really thought about it but that's like a perfect way to cop a feel.
    Post edited by Pegu on
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