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  • THE FLY!!!!
    Contamination, it is hard to clean up after that mess :(
  • edited February 2011
    That's what happens when you don't use NaOH autoclaving as your basic sterilization protocol.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • That's what happens when you don't use NaOH autoclaving as your basic sterilization protocol.
    More like, that happens when a contaminant (a fly) gets introduce while experimenting with telepods and yourself.
    It is relevent!
  • Achievement Unlocked: First Girlfriend
  • edited February 2011
    Achievement Unlocked: First Girlfriend
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • image
    I wanna eat a panda. General Tso style.
  • I wanna eat a panda. General Tso style.
  • With condor eggs.
  • edited February 2011
    With condor eggs.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You can brine the panda in the tears of orphans.
  • A friend of mine just called me absolutely bawling because her boyfriend, a great guy we all thought she'd marry, just broke up with her after several weeks of sustained harassment (both regarding him as well as completely without reason) from her family members. She's all heartbroken and wants me to come over. I do not handle crying well.

    Still working out what to do.
  • Suspicions remain unconfirmed, mostly thanks to my asshole friends. Though she did ask me to prom. Confusion lessened.
  • A friend of mine just called me absolutely bawling because her boyfriend, a great guy we all thought she'd marry, just broke up with her after several weeks of sustained harassment (both regarding him as well as completely without reason) from her family members. She's all heartbroken and wants me to come over. I do not handle crying well.

    Still working out what to do.
    Ben and Jerries and a listening ear. Much like Colt .45, It works every time.
  • My boyfriend is still in Japan and he still hasn't called or even sent me an email.

  • My boyfriend is still in Japan and he still hasn't called or even sent me an email.
    Clearly, trolling is the answer.
  • You don't have to be sympathetic but don't be a whiner.
  • He already could have sent one. Or already called you. Remember it is the future in Japan.
  • Haha, yeah it's the future.

    It's actually fine, he told me he would likely not really have any good way to get in touch, I told him to buy a phone card or something but I'm sure he'll totally forget, which is just how he is.
  • Or he could have started a torrid affair with a samurai.
  • He better not have >:(
  • edited February 2011
    You don't have to be sympathetic but don't be a whiner.
    It's difficult for me to sympathize since I haven't been in a sexual relationship before. In any case, if you want sympathy, you're not going about it in the best way.

    Good luck, Kaptain K.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • He's not traveling with a laptop or a smartphone or anything, unfortunately. Obviously if he was there'd be no excuse.
  • Dunno. You can get a pay-as-you-go phone for about $10 in Moonland. There's no excuse to not be connected over there.
  • edited February 2011
    Last night I went on a dinner date with a gorgeous, intelligent, well-read Ethiopian/Mexican/British girl. From there it turned into a six-hour romp across the city involving lots of romance, drama, hookah, live music, "The UN" (her unusually multicultural group of friends), getting lost, and talking about literature. I'm a happy little man right now.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Dunno. You can get a pay-as-you-go phone for about $10 in Moonland. There's no excuse to not be connected over there.
    He's kind of unreliable like that.
  • Last night I went on a dinner date with a gorgeous, intelligent, well-read Ethiopian/Mexican/British girl. From there it turned into a six-hour romp across the city involving lots of romance, drama, hookah, live music, "The UN" (her unusually multicultural group of friends), getting lost, and talking about literature.
    Everyone else has all the luck. Shucks.
  • thanks to my asshole friends
    You do know that I can read this, right?
  • thanks to my asshole friends
    You do know that I can read this, right?
  • Everyone else has all the luck. Shucks.
    As somebody who has had zero luck in this department, I'm well past due for it.
  • As somebody who has had zero luck in this department, I'm well past due for it.
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