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  • Tim, why are you still posting on the forum and not driving over to her place?

    Also I have never given a massage that hasn't led to sexy fun times... Except when I didn't want it.
  • She responded with, "itd be ok to roll on me"
    This could be a hint. Maybe. Damn women and their subtleties!
  • Unless she's joking, but that seems far too deadpan (in terms of text, it is difficult to tell when she isn't saying it out loud) to be a joke, she definitely wants you. Go for it, if that's how you roll.
  • Im gonna. Hopefully tonight.
  • Go for it. You wouldn't be posting those messages here if you didn't already guess at a likely outcome.

    I had my kinda-date today, and had a really good time drinking coffee, walking, shopping at a flea market, watching bands playing in the park, and drinking glühwein. It was never meant to be a real date, and I think I had a better time because of it.
  • In response to a bunch of posts, I'd never blame someone for ending a relationship under any circumstances, as long as you are sincere about wanting to break up. A relationship is mutual, and while it carries many responsibilities, it isn't a responsibility itself.
    Anything you did inside the relationship that's making you break up is still entirely your fault though.
    (Never had a girlfriend, so take my advice for what it's worth).
  • Captain Tim, it's been a few days now, and I think we are due an update!

    My own kinda-date from the other day worked out well, and she stayed over at mine two nights ago. Funnily enough she has a dog, and had to rush off early the next morning to walk it. Or at least that was her excuse for not staying in bed.
  • Relationship get! One of my friends whom I had a crush on for years asked me out recently. I am very happy.
  • Congrats!
  • Nice one, Hotcakes!

    I had a date this evening. I would have kissed her, but randomly her housemate turned up in the same bar. It made me think that it might not have been random, and that she asked her housemate to come along so we wou...

    Ah, as I was typing the above line, I got a text message. I don't think I've got to worry about any conspiracy. Boo-yah.
  • God, I'm feeling like a pussy right now. I don't thing my girlfriend tells me she loves me enough. God I can't believe I wrote that, so girly.
  • edited March 2011
    God, I'm feeling like a pussy right now. I don't thing my girlfriend tells me she loves me enough. God I can't believe I wrote that, so girly.
    Love as a word is meaningless, and can be expressed without saying anything. It took me a whole year of being with my ex-fiance before I told her that I loved her for the first time. Love is not something to be demanded, it's something to be earnt.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Nice one, Hotcakes!

    I had a date this evening. I would have kissed her, but randomly her housemate turned up in the same bar. It made me think that it might not have been random, and that she asked her housemate to come along so we wou...

    Ah, as I was typing the above line, I got a text message. I don't think I've got to worry about any conspiracy. Boo-yah.
    Sorry Luke! Been busy. Brown Chicken Brown Cow. We got down. Yeah. But now... IDK. I really really like this girl alot. She is a bit younger then me. She is 23 turning 24 this year. And I loved that. My last gf was 31 and had a kid. This new girl can and will act silly alot easier. She likes video games and will play with me. She gets more pop culture refernces and stuff. She is more willings to do things sexually. (that really bothered me about my ex. She loved me going down on her and I wouild do it for like 15-20 mins everytime we got down. But she hated giving BJs. In the entire 6 months we were together I got 3. Count them. 1. 2. 3. Blowjobs. Hannah, my new girl, actually likes giving bjs. I dont even have to go down on her first. She actually seems to enjoy giving bjs.) She is just really awesome. Perhaps it is an age thing and it now I now to only date girls under 25.

    The only problem is she doesnt seem to mind cancleing our plans. And for some reason it really hurts my feelings. I really like this girl alot! She makes me feel like a 13 year old again. She makes me nervous and strange. I feel that I feel more for this girl in a few weeks then 6 months with the 31 year old. But she also just acts stange sometimes. Like cancling our plans. Or when I know she is around not asnwering my calls and stuff. But I let that slide becuase I would look like a crazy person if I didnt. Idk. Again its just the fact that I have such intense feelings soo fast and Im trying to slow my roll. But then again, It could be love at first sight, I would love to tell this girl I love her. But I wont do that yet cause that could scare her away.

    ALright. Besides all of that. LADIES ON THE BOARD! What are your feelings on oral sex? Do you only give if you recive? Do you hate giving but like reciving? Do you like giving?
  • The only problem is she doesnt seem to mind cancleing our plans. And for some reason it really hurts my feelings.
    Well, if it's a pattern, that definitely gets irritating. Like, I usually go out of my way to clear my schedule around my plans - I mean, that's what making a plan is, right? And it's like, if we make plans, and then you just cancel it for no reason, I've basically just thrown a significant chunk of time out the window. Generally speaking, when I make a plan, I stick to that plan. Rigidly, quite often.

    So I understand how that can be grating.
  • edited March 2011
    God, I'm feeling like a pussy right now. I don't thing my girlfriend tells me she loves me enough. God I can't believe I wrote that, so girly.
    Love as a word is meaningless, and can be expressed without saying anything. It took me a whole year of being with my ex-fiance before I told her that I loved her for the first time. Love is not something to be demanded, it's something to be earnt.
    I don't really like that Idea. To earn something means that you have to put forth some kind of exchange coin, and that coin could be just about anything, it could be spending an infinity amount of time with someone. I think you should love somebody for what they are.
    Post edited by sucrilhos on
  • edited March 2011
    To earn something means that you have to put forth some kind of exchange coin, and that coin could be just about anything...
    I think you should love somebody for what they are.
    For what it's worth, this hopeless romantic thinks you just answered your own question.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • God, I'm feeling like a pussy right now. I don't thing my girlfriend tells me she loves me enough. God I can't believe I wrote that, so girly.
    My last girlfriend was obviously at the point where she wanted to tell me she loved me, but never did, because she knew I wouldn't say it back. When I realized that she noticed too, so she knew that I knew that she knew we weren't in an "equal" relationship. From then on I had a hard time relaxing into the relationship, and every time we met up (it being a long distance relationship) we parted with the same kind of insecurities from her end, and the avoiding of responsibilities from my end. Which is one reason I ended the relationship, no matter how much I liked her, and how much I enjoyed spending time with her.
  • Perhaps it is an age thing and it now I now to only date girls under 25.

    The only problem is she doesnt seem to mind cancleing our plans. And for some reason it really hurts my feelings.
    Ha! I love how these two sentences follow each other, but due to being in separate paragraphs you've disconnected them in your mind.

    How old are you, Tim?

    PS: Oral sex is awesome, both giving and receiving. Giving is one of my favourite parts of sex.
  • Giving is one of my favourite parts of sex.
    Word. I immensely enjoy pushing buttons and watching the results.
  • Giving is one of my favourite parts of sex.
    Word. I immensely enjoy pushing buttons and watching the results.
  • Nerd.
    Damn right.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't thing my girlfriend tells me she loves me enough.
    (it being a long distance relationship) we parted with the same kind of insecurities from her end, and the avoiding of responsibilities from my end.
    All the same here. Long distance, insecurities. For the first time I feel like I'm the one that is in disadvantage. We are committed, but I clearly want to have a family and she says she doesn't want to make plans until we live in the same city.
    Post edited by sucrilhos on
  • Giving is one of my favourite parts of sex.
    Word. I immensely enjoy pushing buttons and watching the results.
    There's something to be said for watching a girl be immensely happy as a result of something you do physically. I haven't given, but I understand this sentiment.
  • There's something to be said for watching a girl be immensely happy as a result of something you do physically. I haven't given, but I understand this sentiment.
    Well, I'm not sure that you understand my sentiment. I'm a control freak and a bit dominant leaning, so I get off on making other people do what I want them to do. It's at least partly a power thing, and substantially rooted in a selfish motivation - my own entertainment.

    But hey, different strokes for different folks.
  • Oh...
    Yeah, I just feel accomplished when that happens.
  • But hey, different strokesmotivations for different folks.
  • But hey, different strokes for different folks.
    Half of me agrees, and the other half is numb.
  • ALright. Besides all of that. LADIES ON THE BOARD! What are your feelings on oral sex? Do you only give if you recive? Do you hate giving but like reciving? Do you like giving?
    I don't think it should be a conditional thing. Do it if you want to, but don't expect reciprocation just because you did. Different people feel differently about it. I'm intensely sensitive to strong smells & tastes, and that affects my enjoyment. Some people I've talked with feel very differently.

    Of course, I have serious emotional scars around the issue as a result of several years of intense manipulation, so YMMV.
  • I love giving a lot. Unless they aren't circumcised then hell no. I tried before and I wont again. I'm with someone who does not give which is sad. I really miss receiving, but he's sensitive to taste.

    So guys, what does it taste like? Is it different with all chicks?
  • Giving is one of my favourite parts of sex.
    Word. I immensely enjoy pushing buttons and watching the results.
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