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  • 1) I knew I would lose some of my free time, but I really had no idea just how much.
    2) Normal schedule and routines have been completed screwed. If I don't get it corrected soon, I might be getting yelled at at work.
    Two biggest reasons I am not looking for this sort of action.
    3) Despite all this loss, I find that I really don't mind it so much.
    I think 3 easily trumps 1 & 2 as long as you can manage it.

    There are several other small things, but I don't feel like anyone here would want to know...
    I will assume you're getting some sort of physical action, in which case, GOOD FOR YOU!
  • My date with our hot/smart/funny/nice office assistant Myesha has been rescheduled to friday due to my being sick right now. I shall drink copious amounts of orange juice to cure myself of this boneitis.
  • 3) Despite all this loss, I find that I really don't mind it so much.
    I think 3 easily trumps 1 & 2 as long as you can manage it.
    It really does. Right now it's more just a really big change from any other time in my life, so I'm letting myself overdo it a bit. I'll probably have to be more authoritative by next week and enforce my sleeping schedule at the least.

    There are several other small things, but I don't feel like anyone here would want to know...
    I will assume you're getting some sort of physical action, in which case, GOOD FOR YOU!
  • My date with our hot/smart/funny/nice office assistant Myesha has been rescheduled to friday due to my being sick right now. I shall drink copious amounts of orange juice to cure myself of this boneitis.
    Instead of drinking orange juice, just drink a lot of water, eat properly, and rest.
  • Hot lemon water! Ginger tea!
  • My date with our hot/smart/funny/nice office assistant Myesha has been rescheduled to friday due to my being sick right now. I shall drink copious amounts of orange juice to cure myself of this boneitis.
    Instead of drinking orange juice, just drink a lot of water, eat properly, and rest.
    Orange juice in lieu of water is just as good. Your body eats tons of vitamin C during immune responses.
  • Plus Orange Juice tatses awesome.
  • Your body eats tons of vitamin C during immune responses.
    Getting more than 100% DV is still useless, right?
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, but your rate of absorption increases when you're sick, so it's good to get extra vitamin C when ill.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Hot lemon water! Ginger tea!
    Doing that! I've had at least four mugs of ginger tea or lemon water today.
    Plus Orange Juice tatses awesome.
    Fuck yeah, Extra Pulp FTW!
  • Win: I have a date this evening!

    Fail: with my ex-ex-girlfriend.

    Win: staying friends with previous girlfriends makes life far less stressful, if a bit weird sometimes.
  • Broke up with my girlfriend today, because I'm too emotionally stunted to cope with a long-term relationship. At the very least, I did break up with her in person while we were visiting each other, but I feel like an asshole.

    Probably going to game or watch mediocre anime all night, all I lack is a half-gallon of ice cream for the evening to be complete. Anyone have show suggestions?
  • Broke up with my girlfriend today, because I'm too emotionally stunted to cope with a long-term relationship. At the very least, I did break up with her in person while we were visiting each other, but I feel like an asshole.

    Probably going to game or watch mediocre anime all night, all I lack is a half-gallon of ice cream for the evening to be complete. Anyone have show suggestions?
    Dude...WTF. Your girlfriend was so nice. I understand your decision, but...That's rough.

    As for mediocre anime, I got nothing. You could just go through as much One Piece as humanly possible.
  • edited February 2011
    Broke up with my girlfriend today, because I'm too emotionally stunted to cope with a long-term relationship. At the very least, I did break up with her in person while we were visiting each other, but I feel like an asshole.
    That's a sad thing to hear, man. I can sympathize on the emotionally stunted front. I hope that you can, or that you find somebody who can help you sort that shit out.
    Probably going to game or watch mediocre anime all night, all I lack is a half-gallon of ice cream for the evening to be complete. Anyone have show suggestions?
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. ;)
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Probably going to game or watch mediocre anime all night, all I lack is a half-gallon of ice cream for the evening to be complete. Anyone have show suggestions?
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. ;)Watched it all already.
    D: Dude...WTF. Your girlfriend was so nice
    Don't I fucking know it.
  • Probably going to game or watch mediocre anime all night
    You don't need mediocre anime but awesome cute adorable amusing anime!
  • Well, I'm not sad anymore, but I may have diabetes from how cute that was. Thanks :)
  • edited February 2011
    A friend of mine is pretty wrecked - his girlfriend didn't break up with him, didn't say owt to him, she just started dating another dude and completely stopped speaking to him. He didn't do anything wrong, she just fucked him off without having the sand to actually tell him.

    Ladies, Gentlemen, do me a favor - If you're going to break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, no matter the reason, if it's you or them who have done something wrong, FOR SHITS SAKE, would you have the fucking spine to actually tell them. Fella over here is fucking destroyed, because he can't figure out what he did wrong, or what's going on, and he doesn't have any information beyond that, which he found out by his grandmother bumping into his Ex and her new man - while he didn't know she was actually his ex.

    EDIT - oh, bonus - Turns out the reason she gave for not talking to him, was lying about family trouble - Which makes it even worse, because he cares a lot about her family.

    Jaysus, I could strangle this cowardly tart. Fucksake.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • emotionally stunted
    Wait, what does this mean?
  • I've developed a nihilistic take on involved relationships thanks to my second semester of senior year. There goes my New Year's resolution.
  • I've developed a nihilistic take on involved relationships thanks to my second semester of senior year. There goes my New Year's resolution.
    Don't blame the relationship, blame senior year. Take it from someone with both personal and impersonal experience, mang, shit gets blown way out of proportion.
  • Boyfriend visiting tomorrow. I am excited.
  • I've developed a nihilistic take on involved relationships thanks to my second semester of senior year. There goes my New Year's resolution.
    If you are about to move away from where you were schooling now is definitely the time to make a move on every person you've had a thing for. You only regret the things you haven't done. You know how much it sucks to learn people liked you after you are gone. GO FOR IT.
  • Don't blame the relationship, blame senior year.
    Are you really qualified to talk about this as a homeschooler?
    I've developed a nihilistic take on involved relationships thanks to my second semester of senior year.
    I have a rather long story I've been meaning to tell you about relationships and CTY, but most of it doesn't matter. The gist of it is that Layna and I ended up together when we barely knew each other mostly due to a conversation that was roughly "hey, you are pretty cool - lets be a couple and see what happens." last summer. CTY girls, (and I suspect people in general) are way more likely to say yes than no. I don't think anyone our age is looking for a life partner but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the company of someone else in a meaningful way.
  • From another thread... I thought I'd post it here too.
    I had a kinda-date tonight. Who didn't turn up.
    Gah, I hate that. So rude! At least it worked out.
    It's fine. I'd much rather think someone is not being rude, and can't make it for some other reason than just not bothering.

    It was a kinda-date because it was someone I met last Thursday and only spoke to for a few minutes. She mentioned that she didn't know many people in Berlin, and didn't do much. I mentioned that I'm out doing random stuff all the time. So the next day I sent her a message saying "Next time I'm doing something fun, do you want me to get in touch and invite you along?" and she said yes. Last night there were two different events where we could have met up, and she missed the first one due to having to work late. But it didn't matter, as I was there with other friends.

    The second event was a weekly meet up of English speaking people in Berlin, which is where I met her last week, and there are normally plenty of people. Except when I turned up at 9pm (after my first event, a cheapo-wine tasting experiment) I was the first one there! Within 5 or 10 minutes about 8 or 10 others turned up, and by 10pm there were about 20 people filling this tiny bar.

    It turns out my kinda-date turned up at about 8.30pm, looked for the meeting, and only found two other people. Those two people decided not to stick about, so left, and she decided to leave too. She sent me a message before the night was over, but of course I didn't find that until I got home, after having a great evening chatting and getting to know other people. Which is fine!

    And Facebook is awesome, by the way. I left last night, and didn't even ask for the full names of the German girls I sat chatting with until 3.30am. But with some search kung-fu I tracked them down within about 30 seconds, and will hopefully stay in touch with at least one of them.
  • So, Ive hung out with this girl a couple times now. I think Ive had the chance to do stuff, but Im a bit worried cause I know her older brother (we are not friends mind you, but we went to high school together and know each other) So after I dropped her off tonight we have been texting back and forth. She mentioned that her back hurt. So I said next time you come over we will watch a movie and Ill give you a back rub. She said yes please and then she will do me. Now I have never given a back rub that hasnt turned into sex... What do you guys think?
  • Don't blame the relationship, blame senior year.
    Are you really qualified to talk about this as a homeschooler?
    Having had a girlfriend all through her senior year, who herself had a similar relationship with an older guy who was in senior year at the time, yeh, I am.
  • So, Ive hung out with this girl a couple times now. I think Ive had the chance to do stuff, but Im a bit worried cause I know her older brother (we are not friends mind you, but we went to high school together and know each other) So after I dropped her off tonight we have been texting back and forth. She mentioned that her back hurt. So I said next time you come over we will watch a movie and Ill give you a back rub. She said yes please and then she will do me. Now I have never given a back rub that hasnt turned into sex... What do you guys think?
    Massage into sex? That seems about right.
  • Yeah we have been texting this whole time. I figured it out. Yeah. All good. She was tired so I took her home earlier. I texted her that she could have slept here. I have an extra bed i would have crashed on because "i roll like a gentleman". She responded with, "itd be ok to roll on me"
  • You know what you are doing. Take off all clothes. For great justice!
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