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  • Unless they aren't circumcised then hell no. I tried before and I wont again.
    OMG yes. It's like sucking on an empty Flavor-Ice wrapper. So weird. Hard to get good suction. Sorry dudes, but I like penises that have undergone cosmetic surgery.
  • Sorry dudes, but I like penises that have undergone cosmetic surgery.
    HAHA! I gotta steal this sentence for future use!
  • So guys, what does it taste like? Is it different with all chicks?
    It depends on diet more than you'd probably think. Protip: Avoid meat, especially beef and pork, and eat more fruit, especially pineapple. PETA's "vegetarians taste better" campaign is not bullshit.
  • It depends on diet more than you'd probably think. Protip: Avoid meat, especially beef and pork, and eat more fruit, especially pineapple. PETA's "vegetarians taste better" campaign is not bullshit.
  • What's with all this hate on the uncircumcised? I like to keep my little procreator unmutilated, thank-you-very-much.
  • It's hard to describe the taste, but I honestly kinda like it.

    It does vary, though. Sometimes, a woman is more "pungent" than other times. Then, it's not quite so pleasant.
  • It's hard to describe the taste, but I honestly kinda like it.

    It does vary, though. Sometimes, a woman is more "pungent" than other times. Then, it's not quite so pleasant.
    This has been my experience as well. And since I've only gone down on one girl thus far, can't really say if women are similar or not. As for taste, I also can't really describe it, for me it tends to get overpowered by the scent. Also, like with many foods, texture can matter more than taste. Too much hair = ick.
  • What's with all this hate on the uncircumcised? I like to keep my little procreator unmutilated, thank-you-very-much.
    I believe I have adequately disclosed the source of my dislike.
  • edited March 2011
    Too much hair = ick.

    Keep that shit trimmed, ladies.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Perhaps it is an age thing and it now I now to only date girls under 25.

    The only problem is she doesnt seem to mind cancleing our plans. And for some reason it really hurts my feelings.
    Ha! I love how these two sentences follow each other, but due to being in separate paragraphs you've disconnected them in your mind.

    How old are you, Tim?

    PS: Oral sex is awesome, both giving and receiving. Giving is one of my favourite parts of sex.
    Im 29 Lukey.
  • I'm a bit late here, but as for your question Captain Tim, I love giving. I don't mind receiving, but I honestly prefer penis penetration overall.

    As long as he keeps it clean and fairly groomed, it is all good.
  • My life is so weird at the moment. I bet, in the years to come, if I read back through my diary from this last week all I'll do is shake my head and sigh. For now I'm enjoying it immensely.
  • *sigh*

    The worst days in life are the ones where you know you're going to be doing something you really don't want to, but it's going to take hours to get to it.

    Case in point: Going to break up with my gf tonight.
  • Case in point: Going to break up with my gf tonight.
    Sorry to hear that. It seemed like things were going alright. Care to share? If not, it's cool. Best of luck.
  • Case in point: Going to break up with my gf tonight.
    Sorry to hear that. It seemed like things were going alright. Care to share? If not, it's cool. Best of luck.
    Sure, I don't mind sharing. For the most part it's simply that after a month of trying it out, the pros don't outweigh the cons or the opportunity cost.

    Firstly, we are just too different on every level. Probably the only thing we do agree on is religion (namely the lack thereof), but that's hardly a basis for any relationship. Beyond that we don't share any interests. I like to keep myself and my space clean and tidy, she doesn't at all. She likes to go out all the time while I prefer staying in most days since I work on a normal schedule (she doesn't have a normal schedule at all). None of these things are deal breakers, but they are little annoyances that build up over time.

    Secondly, despite her claims otherwise, she's really not that good in bed. I did 95% of the work, and even if her excuses for not helping are legitimate, her effort is still insufficient.

    But the thing that really got to me is how negative she is, and how oblivious she seems to be to that fact. She has told me very specifically that she can't stand catty women, yet everyday she would bitch about someone or another for being stupid or crazy or whatever. On top of that she is also highly manipulative (which she claims she isn't) and vindictive (which she also claims she isn't). On top of that she is quick to judge and claims to be open minded and willing to be wrong about something, yet has failed to concede on any point as far as I can tell.

    Eventually I drew the line a week or so ago when she was asking me about something I did that was against her wishes (cause I thought she was being irrational about it), and she misinterpreted one thing I said as an attack against her. Fair enough, I just explained that that wasn't what I meant, but rather this instead. She wouldn't let it go and went on for an hour or so, ultimately accusing me of being someone who tries to manipulate weaker people and that I was taking advantage of her intentionally because she is nice to me. That was by far the worst thing anyone has ever said to me and I was outright offended and it took all my patience not to walk out that night. But I took it in stride and just decided that I would let that go once, but if she did it again, that'd be it.

    Well, it came up again this morning as I was driving to work after another bad evening where she misinterpreted my getting upset with myself as getting upset with her (and I told her as much). So, that's it. Quite frankly, I have better things to do than try to keep up appearances with someone just because she likes me a lot. And I can take a lot of criticism, but I refuse to be accused of taking advantage of people for personal gain or pleasure, or of intentionally putting others down to win an argument. I'm not perfect and have my own share of problems with dealing with people, but never, ever, have I done any of that.

    I gave it good while, and my feelings about her rose for a good bit, but with these two incidents, they have just been pummeled into the ground. It's just a shame because I got along with her friends really well and her likewise with my friends as well as my parents.
  • Well, good luck with that. Better than hanging in there waiting for it to improve.
  • For those of you looking at engagement rings...
    Are you fucking kidding me that would be the worst Idea ever.. Wedding planning would get FREAKING interesting though.
  • For those of you looking at brass knuckles...
  • For those of you looking at engagement rings...
    I will submit that my parents had the best engagement ring - my father proposed to my mother with one made out of a pipe cleaner. The jerks didn't even save it, though.
  • Well, the deed is done. Breaking up with someone has definitely jumped up the list to the top 3 hardest things I've ever had to do. And it's not because I was sad about leaving her, but I just hurt so much inside when I know that I am rejecting someone who has put so much trust in me. Reflecting on it with others, I've come to realize that that was one of the major problems I had, was simply that I wasn't ready for the level of commitment she was putting forth and effectively forcing me into. So, that is my advice to others: Do your best to not let the other person control the speed at which the relationship progresses if you are not comfortable with it. I was not okay with how quickly things progressed, and I never brought it up as an issue, which makes me feel like an asshole since it was an issue that needed to be discussed.

    Really, I just wish that I had learned this lesson much sooner than 24 years of age. But I'm also glad that I was able to recognize that it's much better to end things sooner rather than later, as Luke said.
  • Really, I just wish that I had learned this lesson much sooner than 24 years of age. But I'm also glad that I was able to recognize that it's much better to end things sooner rather than later, as Luke said.
    I actually think 24 is pretty young to learn an important lesson like that! Most people never learn it.

    Also, I didn't mean ending things sooner is better than later, but that there isn't any point in waiting. Too many people (in my opinion) wait for things to get better in all kinds of situations. Waiting is not an action. Waiting is leaving control of your life to other people. You shouldn't be waiting. You should either be working to improve your life, or working to improve someone else's life.

    Sometimes, if you are working on something, later could be better than sooner. Usually people don't work on anything though, so sooner is better than later.
  • Really, I just wish that I had learned this lesson much sooner than 24 years of age. But I'm also glad that I was able to recognize that it's much better to end things sooner rather than later, as Luke said.
    I actually think 24 is pretty young to learn an important lesson like that! Most people never learn it.
    This. Just being self-aware enough to analyze the problems with your relationship, recognize your own mistakes, and learn from them are rare enough. Starting to do it at 24 puts you ahead of most people. Now you just have to do what you say you are going to.

    I maintain that you can learn a lesson from every relationship, even the worst ones, if you are willing. Eventually you will learn enough to do things right with the right person.
  • Also, I didn't mean ending things sooner is better than later, but that there isn't any point in waiting. Too many people (in my opinion) wait for things to get better in all kinds of situations. Waiting is not an action. Waiting is leaving control of your life to other people. You shouldn't be waiting. You should either be working to improve your life, or working to improve someone else's life.

    Sometimes, if you are working on something, later could be better than sooner. Usually people don't work on anything though, so sooner is better than later.
    Right, my choice of words was not entirely accurate. I just meant that since I knew that things were not likely to improve, especially since my efforts didn't seem to have any positive effect, it was better to end it sooner rather than later, at which point I may have ended up actively disliking her.
  • Massive case of blue balls, but hey, if she's happy I'm not complaining. ;D
  • Tonight I watched Amélie, which triggered a great congealing of everything I've ever learned about love. From that first crush on a Korean girl in my Tae Kwon Do class, to a woman 600 miles away who I haven't seen since I smashed my own frozen heart against her and went home. It's all cascaded down into a feeling of contentment and a couple of conclusions:

    a)Get the fuck over those bitches.
    b)Ask out that funny, awkward, average-looking nerd girl instead of the gorgeous redhead who is most likely a wet blanket, and instead of the girl your best friend is into. You'll be happier in the long run.

    I'm feeling romantic this week. Wish me luck, people.
  • Good luck, Gunter! Sometimes life sucks, but sometimes it doesn't. I hope the latter is true for you this week. :)
  • Ask out that funny, awkward, average-looking nerd girl instead of the gorgeous redhead who is most likely a wet blanket, and instead of the girl your best friend is into. You'll be happier in the long run.
    Somebody needs to make a movie about this, several movies in fact. Very important. Good for the children. Also, funny, awkward, average-looking nerd girls will suddenly come into demand, which means more confident funny, awkward, average-looking nerd girls and better self-esteem is good for everyone.
  • edited March 2011
    Somebody needs to make a movie about this, several movies in fact. Very important. Good for the children. Also, funny, awkward, average-looking nerd girls will suddenly come into demand, which means more confident funny, awkward, average-looking nerd girls and better self-esteem is good for everyone.
    10 Things I hate about you. The smart, roughly-as-average-as-romantic-interests-in-movies-get looking girl gets the guy. The smart interesting girl becomes valued, the pretty bubblehead is a 3/4 forgotten footnote, nothing more than a pretty plot device.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm going to go see Tangled with a girl I like on Thursday. I don't know if she realized that I asked her out (as this happened before with the last girl I asked out) but I can at least be cautiously optimistic.
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