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  • This is how Rym asked me out, after he was driving me home from hanging out at his RIT apartment playing board games with him and Scott.
    "Man, if you lived closer, we should totally date."
    "Yeah, that would be cool. Hey, look, that car got in an accident, it looks like."
    And then we talked about random shit the whole way home.
    And then I called him up, and said that I thought he was cute, and let's date anyway, even if it is long distance for a bit.
    And then he got lost in a snowstorm driving back home.
    And now here we are!
    Yea that's always a good defensive line. You've already given the person an out. Were you even in College yet? I forget...(nothing like College kids going for the high school kids :-p
  • Aww Emikyu that's so cute.
  • This is how Rym asked me out, after he was driving me home from hanging out at his RIT apartment playing board games with him and Scott.
    "Man, if you lived closer, we should totally date."
    "Yeah, that would be cool. Hey, look, that car got in an accident, it looks like."
    And then we talked about random shit the whole way home.
    And then I called him up, and said that I thought he was cute, and let's date anyway, even if it is long distance for a bit.
    And then he got lost in a snowstorm driving back home.
    And now here we are!
    That's nice, but most people don't have things like self-confidence, full self-awareness, and whatever else you want to define as yours and Rym's general attitudes towards life. No offense, it's just a fact.
  • That's nice, but most people don't have things like self-confidence, full self-awareness, and whatever else you want to define as yours and Rym's general attitudes towards life. No offense, it's just a fact.
    People who don't have most of those things shouldn't be dating then. People also shouldn't think that being in a relationship will give them those things either. If you aren't happy with yourself in the first place, you won't be happy with yourself in a relationship.

    Yes, we all have our insecurities, but if you're going to let them become a hang-up preventing you from being with someone, then it's all on you.
  • edited March 2011
    That's nice, but most people don't have things like self-confidence, full self-awareness, and whatever else you want to define as yours and Rym's general attitudes towards life. No offense, it's just a fact.
    People who don't have most of those things shouldn't be dating then. People also shouldn't think that being in a relationship will give them those things either. If you aren't happy with yourself in the first place, you won't be happy with yourself in a relationship.

    Yes, we all have our insecurities, but if you're going to let them become a hang-up preventing you from being with someone, then it's all on you.
    It doesn't always stop a relationship, it just makes it take a while to get into one. I'm just saying people can't be completely sure of themselves and often find themselves caught up in being unsure about dating someone or not. Just because the time before I got my girlfriend was complicated doesn't mean it was bad for us to start dating. Me being inexperienced and her being confused made it take longer, but those two things don't mean we shouldn't be in a relationship. That belief is a snap judgment from someone who maybe has relative confidence and self-awareness who finds all of that stupid, but the fact is, it's a real problem a lot of people have to deal with. If they can't overcome it, then yes, it's their fault, but having those problems shouldn't prevent them from having a relationship. If they can overcome those insecurities to be honest, they have just a valid relationship as Rym and Emily who were capable of being completely honest and relatively nonchalant about the whole thing.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • People who appear to be sure of themselves tend to win at just about everything in the long run.

    If you aren't sure of yourself, just fake it. It won't be long before you're not faking it anymore.
  • That's how Rym when from Nerd Kid to Leader Dude. That's how he rolls.
  • Were you even in College yet? I forget...(nothing like College kids going for the high school kids :-p
    Wait, what?
  • it's a real problem a lot of people have to deal with. If they can't overcome it, then yes, it's their fault, but having those problems shouldn't prevent them from having a relationship.
    Yes, I'm aware of this and I agree, but I also think that people choose to let this happen instead of just understanding and accepting these sorts of things.
    Just because the time before I got my girlfriend was complicated doesn't mean it was bad for us to start dating. Me being inexperienced and her being confused made it take longer, but those two things don't mean we shouldn't be in a relationship.
    And do you think now all that drama and insecurity you had before was pretty absurd?

    The point is, people make it a hassle/complicate with their insecurities. If you choose to let it bother you, your fault.
  • edited March 2011
    Were you even in College yet? I forget...(nothing like College kids going for the high school kids :-p
    I was a freshman when we actually started dating, but I had been hanging out at RIT with you guys since the summer of my junior year of High School.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited March 2011
    Wait, what?
    Emily started as a jail-bait High School student going to a college anime club :-p

    Emily, yea, that's what I thought... so long ago :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • And do you think now all that drama and insecurity you had before was pretty absurd?
    Umm, no, she has very valid reasons, namely that she didn't like me at that point and she started to later. I blew things out of proportion, which was also understandable given that she admits she was sending mixed messages. While that part was stupid, the rest of the drama was kinda understandable given all of the problems she's had in the past. I think you trivialize drama, because even though it sucks, more often than not, there are fairly valid reasons for it.
  • Emily started as a jail-bait High School student going to a college anime club :-p
    Woooooow, awesome.

    So that should make Emily about the same age as Nuri and I.
  • Rym DeCoster is dating a high-schooler!?
  • If you aren't sure of yourself, just fake it. It won't be long before you're not faking it anymore.
    See, the thing is, I don't like arrogance. You can say it's just confidence, but you're pretty arrogant a lot of the time. I'm not always sure of myself because I try not to assume I'm always right, even though I still fail at that too. Despite what you may say, I just don't find the way you live your life better, and honestly, this advice just rings rather hollow to me.
  • See, the thing is, I don't like arrogance. You can say it's just confidence, but you're pretty arrogant a lot of the time.
    So, what's the difference between arrogance and confidence? What's your line?

    I said be confident, not arrogant. If you are afraid to be confident, you'll end up like Shinji.
  • edited March 2011
    Despite what you may say, I just don't find the way you live your life better, and honestly, this advice just rings rather hollow to me.
    Rym is happy and likes himself and his world. Even though you have to bring his ego down to earth occasionally, he's a really happy dude, and also, people listen to him and follow him. My grandad says that he is full of himself, sure, but really nice and good humored, and excited about everything. You seem sad a lot, and think yourself bad. The secret to being popular and happy isn't so much being beautiful or trendy, but being confident. I work on that too. It's hard when you are shy.
    Woooooow, awesome.

    So that should make Emily about the same age as Nuri and I.
    Yup, just about.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Confidence stems from feelings of self-worth. You can be confident without being arrogant.
  • edited March 2011
    Fuck Courage_______. This is all you need to motivate yourself and get self confidence.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Confidence stems from feelings of self-worth. You can be confident without being arrogant.
    When Rym says "I am awesome!" I am like "Yay!" but when he gets like "I am more awesome than everybody" I am like "Boo, shut up."
  • I don't find Rym that arrogant. I don't agree with several of his opinions, but that doesn't make him arrogant. He has the confidence to try something, utterly fail and then try again. I want that.
  • He can be arrogant, but he is mostly just confident.
  • He has the confidence to try something, utterly fail and then try again. I want that.
    That can be bad.
  • Rym?
  • Has Wile E. Coyote ever succeeded at anything he tried? Other than making Acme a very successful business?
  • The secret to being popular and happy isn't so much being beautiful or trendy, but being confident.
    Who said I wanted to be popular? I prefer having a few close friends to being the center of attention. I dislike being the center of attention.
    You seem sad a lot, and think yourself bad.
    Perhaps I am too humble, yes, but I prefer it. I'm not openly sad all the time, maybe I have been on the forums, but in the outside world, most people don't know. I am good at listening and letting other people take the lead and be more dominant, which makes them happy. Not being the dominant one is something that I'm okay with, and that I prefer occasionally. So all in all, it's better. Some people prefer having power, confidence, and being a popular leader type. Some people would rather be in the shadows. I'd rather be in the shadows.
  • If you're not the lead dog, you're just smelling someone else's ass.
  • If you're not the lead dog, you're just smelling someone else's ass.
    And not everybody can be the lead dog, obviously. This isn't complicated.
  • If you're not the lead dog, you're just smelling someone else's ass.
    And not everybody can be the lead dog, obviously. This isn't complicated.
    If you are complacent with being mediocre, I pity you.
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