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  • And the bangs, don't forget the bangs!

    I has the bangs >_>
    Bangs are cute!
  • Bangs are cute. Zooey, not so much.
  • edited April 2011
    I'll just leave this here. . .
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Ah, so, I've encountered something... unusual.

    So, this attractive girl in my Argumentation class (yes, it's exactly what it sounds like) asked to hang out with me after class since we let out early today. So I said "sure" and we walked around for a while. I'm pretty sure she was flirting with me the entire time (constantly say how intelligent, interesting, and funny she thinks I am) and at the end, she said, "Maybe we can get together over spring break" and gave me her phone number.

    Normally, I would put this under the boo-yah section, but there's a catch: other than physically, I don't find her IN ANY WAY attractive. She says she wants to be a lawyer, but she hates speaking in front of people. She watches pretty much only shows like "Jersey Shore" and "Keeping up the Kardashians", and only really likes black comedy movies (she thought Inception was too complicated). And she only listens to rap. Only. When I asked her what she likes to do for fun, she told me she likes shopping and driving around North Hollywood with her friends and yelling at people from her car. She has no job, no other hobbies, and no favorite books. She doesn't even read literature, she reads books about law: DIVORCE LAW. (sound the klaxons)

    This raises a problem. She is attractive and I'm pretty sure that, if I pursue this, I will get laid, but I don't wanna be that guy. I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.

    GRAH! WHY!? Why couldn't she be hot AND geeky? Or at least interesting?!
  • Ah, so, I've encountered something... unusual.

    So, this attractive girl in my Argumentation class (yes, it's exactly what it sounds like) asked to hang out with me after class since we let out early today. So I said "sure" and we walked around for a while. I'm pretty sure she was flirting with me the entire time (constantly say how intelligent, interesting, and funny she thinks I am) and at the end, she said, "Maybe we can get together over spring break" and gave me her phone number.

    Normally, I would put this under the boo-yah section, but there's a catch: other than physically, I don't find her IN ANY WAY attractive. She says she wants to be a lawyer, but she hates speaking in front of people. She watches pretty much only shows like "Jersey Shore" and "Keeping up the Kardashians", and only really likes black comedy movies (she thought Inception was too complicated). And she only listens to rap. Only. When I asked her what she likes to do for fun, she told me she likes shopping and driving around North Hollywood with her friends and yelling at people from her car. She has no job, no other hobbies, and no favorite books. She doesn't even read literature, she reads books about law: DIVORCE LAW. (sound the klaxons)

    This raises a problem. She is attractive and I'm pretty sure that, if I pursue this, I will get laid, but I don't wanna be that guy. I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.

    GRAH! WHY!? Why couldn't she be hot AND geeky? Or at least interesting?!
    If you do not want to that guy, then don't be that guy.
    Just be her friend see what happens. Maybe she is not that bad. However, if she does not care about My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, run away and do not look back!
  • This raises a problem. She is attractive and I'm pretty sure that, if I pursue this, I will get laid, but I don't wanna be that guy. I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.
    Solution: don't date. Just have sex.
  • This raises a problem. She is attractive and I'm pretty sure that, if I pursue this, I will get laid, but I don't wanna be that guy. I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.
    Solution: don't date. Just have sex.
    This is what I would call an anti-solution, but an anti-solution is technically a solution.
  • This is what I would call an anti-solution, but an anti-solution is technically a solution.
    How exactly is it anti? I understand it doesn't mesh with some peoples' beliefs, but those people aren't the target audience for the suggestion. As long as everybody is up front about the just sex part, and cool with it, it's all good. Y'know, as long as there's protection and whatnot.
  • edited April 2011
    This raises a problem. She is attractive and I'm pretty sure that, if I pursue this, I will get laid, but I don't wanna be that guy. I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.
    Solution: don't date. Just have sex.
    Believe, that thought is very overrated. Though, it is good if you want to relieve tension :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • This is what I would call an anti-solution, but an anti-solution is technically a solution.
    How exactly is it anti? I understand it doesn't mesh with some peoples' beliefs, but those people aren't the target audience for the suggestion. As long as everybody is up front about the just sex part, and cool with it, it's all good. Y'know, as long as there's protection and whatnot.
    His problem is he doesn't just want sex, not that he specifically doesn't want to date for sex. If he's involved with a woman in any way, he doesn't want it to be purely sexual. It's an anti-solution to his problem of getting involved in any way with what sounds like the kind of person he dislikes a lot.
  • edited April 2011
    His problem is he doesn't just want sex, not that he specifically doesn't want to date for sex. If he's involved with a woman in any way, he doesn't want it to be purely sexual. It's an anti-solution to his problem of getting involved in any way with what sounds like the kind of person he dislikes a lot.
    Ah, You seem to be misunderstanding - Sonic says specifically, he doesn't want to date a girl JUST for the possibility of sex. That doesn't say he doesn't fancy the sex, just that he doesn't want to be a bastard and date someone just for the possibility of sex. Nothing in what he said rules out casual sex - as covered previously in the thread, it's a biological imperative, and jolly good fun.

    And plus, I don't know if he's gotten to the bottom of this issue - I've known girls like that, who seem utterly unappealing on the surface, but are actually quite good, and even geeky - they just haven't encountered the same stuff we have, or at least, something that they find palatable. You never know, they might be enormous geeks, and just not have found out yet.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sonic, get yours while the gettin's good. If you want casual sex and are up front with her about it and she's down, why not?

    Hopefully next time the next girl will be all that AND A BAG OF CHIPS!
  • If she's that hot, but has those kinds of issues, atleast you have the benefit of knowing how to talk to her, what to talk to her about, and what NOT to cover specifically. It might take some research over annoying topics, but I would say if you just want sex, this would be a good way to start. After sex or right before it, she'll reveal her true colors so she might be that vain and vapid, but she could be more deep or have real concerns.
  • I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.
    I second Nuri's "just bang her" approach. Hit it and quit it, as they say.
  • I don't wanna be the guy who dates a girl just for the possibility of sex.
    I second Nuri's "just bang her" approach. Hit it and quit it, as they say.
  • edited April 2011
    Edited for BLAM.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I can barely follow your narrative, you're so confused :P
  • edited April 2011
    Ah, You seem to be misunderstanding - Sonic says specifically, he doesn't want to date a girl JUST for the possibility of sex. That doesn't say he doesn't fancy the sex, just that he doesn't want to be a bastard and date someone just for the possibility of sex. Nothing in what he said rules out casual sex - as covered previously in the thread, it's a biological imperative, and jolly good fun.
    If you want casual sex and are up front with her about it and she's down, why not?
    How does one even go about being up front about casual sex? O.o? I have no idea.
    "Hello, How's your spring break goin? Fancy a lay?"
    I second Nuri's "just bang her" approach. Hit it and quit it, as they say.
    A life of gentlemanly ideals makes me utterly inexperienced in such strategies.

    But I'm willing to learn.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I can barely follow your narrative, you're so confused :P
    Maybe I should repost tomorrow.
  • Sooo drunk... awesome night....
    How does one even go about being up front about casual sex? O.o? I have no idea.
    I recently sent a facebook message that said something like "I really don't want to be in a relationship at the moment. But if you want to meet up and spend the night together of course I'd be okay with that."

    It helped that we'd already had sex, and she also agreed that she didn't want to be in a relationship. The result? Another few meetings and much casual sex. Maybe this
    A dude kissed me tonight, without express consent, so I could get into a party for free. I didn't end up going to the party.
    I don't understand your stories. Maybe you are also drunk.
  • A dude kissed me tonight, without express consent, so I could get into a party for free. I didn't end up going to the party. I told someone on the bus that I was a Zen Buddhist, and that I would take any advice. A girl on the bus told me, "Do what is best for you without hurting the girl, and you will do right."

    I am really fucking confused and uncomfortable. I did not expect this to happen to me.

    EDIT: Note that I am not confused about my sexuality. I'm just really fucking weirded out.
    As a Zen Buddhist myself, you don't ask for advice, you give it in the form of riddles.
  • How does one even go about being up front about casual sex? O.o? I have no idea.
    "Hello, How's your spring break goin? Fancy a lay?"
    Essentially, yes. Be frank. "I'm not really looking for a girlfriend/relationship/what have you, but you're attractive and I'd like to spend the night with you." Or something to that effect. But yeah, just broach it. What's the worst that can happen? The girl that you're not terribly into says "no?" Oooooh, big deal.
  • How does one even go about being up front about casual sex? O.o? I have no idea.
    "Hello, How's your spring break goin? Fancy a lay?"
    Essentially, yes. Be frank. "I'm not really looking for a girlfriend/relationship/what have you, but you're attractive and I'd like to spend the night with you." Or something to that effect. But yeah, just broach it. What's the worst that can happen? The girl that you're not terribly into says "no?" Oooooh, big deal.

    There were a few times where I was originally looking for a relationship, but then I realized I wasn't into the guy as I thought I was. However, he was a good lay so we ended up having a good few flings.

    We never really talked about it, but had an understanding. It was weird. I guess we both knew we didn't see anything long term in each other but wanted some action.

    So yeah, that really didn't help you out, but seriously just be up front and say what Pete said. The worse she can say is no.
  • Contrary to oft-held belief, girls like casual sex too. ;)
  • Contrary to oft-held belief, girls like casual sex too. ;)
    Don't think of it as you using her for sex. More then likely, she knows what she's doing; and she'll be the one using you.
  • I would note if you have a class with this person, if it does go wrong you have to deal with that and the class, plus any rep you get for trying to pull it off. I would be all for it, but to note that the path has as many dangers as other routes.
  • A dude kissed me tonight, without express consent, so I could get into a party for free. I didn't end up going to the party.
    I don't understand your stories. Maybe you are also drunk.
    Wow, goddamn. I was really drunk. I should not have access to keyboards in that state.

    Anyway, the story in comprehensible form was that I was just standing around talking to some people who are also going to England, and they're like, "We're moving to this other party, wanna come?" I had a thing for one of the girls there, so I said, "Yeah, but I don't have any money." Then, a male member of the group (unfortunately for me) surprises me with a kiss and says, "Now you get in for free!"

    I ended up so heavily weirded out that I ended up wandering home alone instead of going to the party. Now, I have the makings of an unfortunate hangover, and am still marginally weirded out.

    I'm not even sure why I posted that in this thread. Probably because chasing a girl ended up with unfortunate and completely opposite consequences. I'm going to sleep off this hangover now.
  • Then, a male member of the group (unfortunately for me) surprises me with a kiss and says, "Now you get in for free!"
    How would that get you in for free?
  • So, interesting thing happened last night for me. One of my lady friends is in town from Portland, so we had a big get together and played some board games and stuff like that. I should mention at this point that my friends tried to hook me up with this girl a few years ago, and we ended up making out all night one time, but nothing has ever come of it since then. Well, last night one of our other friends was hitting on her (pretty poorly though) the entire night, and all the rest of us agreed to just let them do their thing and hope that they get together. Yeah, this didn't really happen. Eventually he just left, and it was just myself and two of the girls (Portland friend included) for a while. Then the other girl left to go home, and Portland girl just started making out with me. We ended up just sleeping together on the couch (no sex), but it is rather weird for me because now I feel like cockblocked a friend, even though I did absolutely nothing. We'll see how things go today.
  • If all else fails, free makeouts.
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