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  • If you're not the lead dog, you're just smelling someone else's ass.
    And not everybody can be the lead dog, obviously. This isn't complicated.
    If you are complacent with being mediocre, I pity you.
    If you always feel the need to be better than other people, aside from just being the best version of yourself, no comparison to other people, I pity you.
  • If you're not the lead dog, you're just smelling someone else's ass.
    And not everybody can be the lead dog, obviously. This isn't complicated.
    If you are complacent with being mediocre, I pity you.
    If you always feel the need to be better than other people, aside from just being the best version of yourself, no comparison to other people, I pity you.
    Despite what you were taught in Kindergarten, if the best version of your self is second rate, you will not succeed in the world. Competition breeds success.
  • ITT: My way is the best way
  • ITT: The only way to win is not to post.
  • ITT: My way is the best way
    Never said my way was the best way. Just that it was valid, which was challenged by several people here.
  • I'm pretty sure he was talking about the other guys.
  • edited March 2011
    ITT: My way is the best way
    Never said my way was the best way. Just that it was valid, which was challenged by several people here.
    sorry, that was guided towards the others, not you.

    Ninja'd dammit.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Just goes to show his lack of confidence ^_~
  • edited March 2011
    Some people prefer having power, confidence, and being a popular leader type. Some people would rather be in the shadows. I'd rather be in the shadows.
    It's not so much about having power over other people, or even leading people, it's about having the strength to choose your own destiny and get what you want out of life. If you stay in the shadows you will get ignored and not be successful and strong. I am a shy person, but I have found that believing in yourself and being proactive rather than hanging around in the background means that I can walk my own path and shape the world around me into something I enjoy, rather than being jerked around by other person's whims. That's not to say I never follow, for at work and at home I often enjoy helping to realize other people's good ideas. However, if something is disagreeable to me, I have the strength to convince people of my own ideas. Having power and popularity and using them to force or oppress people is really terrible, but power can also free you from oppression by others. It's like physical strength. I want to be a good fighter, not because I want to hurt people, but so I can prevent myself from being hurt if the situation ever comes up.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • If you're not the lead dog, you're just smelling someone else's ass.
    Oversimplified. Axel clearly wants to be in the shadows as a puppet master pulling all the strings.
  • Axel clearly wants to be in the shadows as a puppet master pulling all the strings.
    Which requires self-confidence.
  • Axel clearly wants to be in the shadows as a puppet master pulling all the strings.
    Shhhhhhhh don't say that too loud or Rym will notice the strings.
  • Shhhhhhhh don't say that too loud or Rym will notice the strings.
    You mean the strings of predetermination that are attached to all of us? I think he saw those already.
  • Shhhhhhhh don't say that too loud or Rym will notice the strings.
    You mean the strings of predetermination that are attached to all of us? I think he saw those already.
    Unless I've somehow come before.
  • I do wonder what intimate Rym is like.
  • I do wonder what intimate Rym is like.
    Come visit and find out. ^_~
  • I do wonder what intimate Rym is like.
    Come visit and find out. ^_~
    I'd rather do it the cheaper and more troll worthy way, and have Scott install cameras in your bedroom. ^_^
  • edited March 2011
    I'd rather do it the cheaper and more troll worthy way, and have Scott install cameras in your bedroom. ^_^
    Technically he doesn't have to install the cameras in the bedroom since by bugging him you should get what you need.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited March 2011
    @Emily - Being in the shadows doesn't weaken me as much as you think. I only hang around people who won't mistreat me, and won't get in the way of what I want. I'm doing what I want, going to the college I want, being in the major I want (Game Design FTW), having a girlfriend I care about, and only willingly interacting with people I like. When I'm around them, I'm not entirely in the shadows, no. But to the rest of the world, it's okay if I'm just in the background. Being in the shadows doesn't necessarily mean meek, it could mean that no one can figure out what you're thinking and so they can't manipulate you. If people are doing things I don't want to do or be involved in, I duck out.

    My lifestyle isn't weak. The sadness you notice is more chemical than anything, as I've found. It's set off by random moments and bad lingering thoughts. I should get treatment, but I have neither the time nor the money to get medicine. My brother is on depression meds, and my parents pay right out the ass for them, so I'm not gonna go cause more problems. The student health center could help me, but I'm not sure if they'll take so well to every once in a while I feel sad and lame and don't think I'm special, but when that happens, I usually don't tend to think that other people are better. I dunno.

    I just don't think the kind of lifestyle you people in the Crew lead is the best one, that all geeks should aspire to be like Rym or Scott. I can exist as a paradox, being depressive while also being satisfied with the life choices I make. I can not believe in myself, but put my all into something that I really want to do, like getting a degree in Game Design. I don't believe I'll have the greatest game ever, and I might not even necessarily get hired to the most awesome company, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. Having self-doubt and working hard don't have to be mutually exclusive.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I do wonder what intimate Rym is like.
    It's the opposite of what you think. ;)
  • edited March 2011
    I just don't think the kind of lifestyle you people in the Crew lead is the best one, that all geeks should aspire to be like Rym or Scott.
    What you've essentially said is that self-actualization is not the pinnacle of happiness. You are denying the hierarchy of fundamental needs. [Note: All criticisms of Maslow's Theory aside, I think it's valid here.]

    Rym and Scott might seem arrogant, but they're just really sure of themselves, because they are actively creating and problem solving all the time (or, as Rym would have it, "winning,") and they're damn good at it. I'm at least as sure of myself as they are about themselves 90% of the time, because I know that no matter what, I can reach the top of that pyramid and stay there.

    The idea that you're better off letting your ideas and thoughts remain unseen and unheard (staying in the shadows) is a form of fear. Extinguish it. Right now, you're in the teal. You've got about half of the purple. You need to get up here and meet us at the blue. We all know you can do it.


    Also, don't be afraid to go to the health center if you need depression meds. If your case is good (and it sounds like it is), no doctor worth his salt would turn you away.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2011
    Ffff.. Why do I end up in red? Possibly yellow.
    And who designed this thing? The colour scheme is utter nonsense.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Well, for most levels, you probably don't need EVERY requirement met in a direct way. For example, if security of property means a roof over your head, you can meet that requirement. Family is pretty subjective, too, as well as intimacy. I would say that without meeting all the requirements of Esteem directly, though, you cannot progress to Self-Actualization.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't really like that pyramid. In my mind, I don't need all the Purple to do the things in Blue. I have good morals, I am creative, admittedly I'm not so spontaneous but that's just because I don't enjoy it, I'm good at problem-solving, I don't think I have a lot of prejudices and I also wouldn't say that anyone on this forum is completely free of prejudices, and I have a relative acceptance of facts. I do all this without a ton of self-confidence.
    Also, I don't even have all of the Red, but a lot of that is more the fact that my parent's don't necessarily have the money to put me through college, so I'm just hanging out in college by a thread, apparently.
    Edit: Also, in regards to the Purple, I have some level of self-esteem, just not a lot of confidence. I have achievements that I know are achievements, I have the respect of the people I care about having the respect of, and I respect the people that I think deserve respect.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited March 2011
    Well, for most levels, you probably don't need EVERY requirement met in a direct way. For example, if security of property means a roof over your head, you can meet that requirement. Family is pretty subjective, too, as well as intimacy. I would say that without meeting all the requirements of Esteem directly, though, you cannot progress to Self-Actualization.
    I'm missing half the red and two of the yellow.

    Well guys, if this has turned into the boring personal crap thread: If something happens to me and I end up in the hospital, I'd like you to all know that you've been a great help in staving it off even this far and I hold no hard feeling against any of you (Even Nineless.).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • @Emily - Being in the shadows doesn't weaken me as much as you think. I only hang around people who won't mistreat me, and won't get in the way of what I want. I'm doing what I want, going to the college I want, being in the major I want (Game Design FTW), having a girlfriend I care about, and only willingly interacting with people I like. When I'm around them, I'm not entirely in the shadows, no. But to the rest of the world, it's okay if I'm just in the background. Being in the shadows doesn't necessarily mean meek, it could mean that no one can figure out what you're thinking and so they can't manipulate you. If people are doing things I don't want to do or be involved in, I duck out.
    I'll just tell you, once you get a job in the games industry you will have to be a lot more confident or you will never be able to create anything. Entertainment industry people that run away and hide never get jobs. You can't always choose the people you work with (luckily I like my co-workers) but even then you will get shoved into things that you don't agree with unless you get some confidence. To quote Eva: "I cannot run away."
    I should get treatment, but I have neither the time nor the money to get medicine.
    You can probably go to free counseling at the school.
    I just don't think the kind of lifestyle you people in the Crew lead is the best one, that all geeks should aspire to be like Rym or Scott. I can exist as a paradox, being depressive while also being satisfied with the life choices I make. I can not believe in myself, but put my all into something that I really want to do, like getting a degree in Game Design. I don't believe I'll have the greatest game ever, and I might not even necessarily get hired to the most awesome company, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. Having self-doubt and working hard don't have to be mutually exclusive.
    What's wrong with our lifestyle? We are happy and feel good about humanity and the world, you say you are sad and depressed. In psychological respects, we are the better way. You are contradicting yourself. You say you don't believe in yourself but you are going to try to be awesome. You say you are depressed yet satisfied. These things are by definition mutually exclusive.
  • Well guys, if this has turned into the boring personal crap thread: If something happens to me and I end up in the hospital, I'd like you to all know that you've been a great help in staving it off even this far and I hold no hard feeling against any of you (Even Nineless.).
    Stop that right now, or I will fly to London and smack you.
  • You say you don't believe in yourself but you are going to try to be awesome. You say you are depressed yet satisfied. These things are by definition mutually exclusive.
    No, they're not. That's my point. I don't believe in myself, I don't believe I will be able to be the most awesome person ever, but I'm gonna try anyways. I am depressed, but I also know that I really couldn't do too much better than where I am, having a girlfriend, doing well in school, etc.

    Also, I realize I'll need more outward confidence to make it in the real world, so I guess you have a point there.
  • edited March 2011
    I just don't think the kind of lifestyle you people in the Crew lead is the best one, that all geeks should aspire to be like Rym or Scott. I can exist as a paradox, being depressive while also being satisfied with the life choices I make. I can not believe in myself, but put my all into something that I really want to do, like getting a degree in Game Design. I don't believe I'll have the greatest game ever, and I might not even necessarily get hired to the most awesome company, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. Having self-doubt and working hard don't have to be mutually exclusive.
    I would note that there is a lot of different life styles going on in the crew. Not even all of us are always going around saying how awesome we are. You can be self-confident and know what your weaknesses are. You also can be self-confident and not want to be the leader at all times. You can be awesome with just what you have. All those things you listed mean you are living a pretty awesome life.

    Part of it is, like Rym always says "We live like Gods today" It's important to have perspective.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I just don't think the kind of lifestyle you people in the Crew lead is the best one, that all geeks should aspire to be like Rym or Scott. I can exist as a paradox, being depressive while also being satisfied with the life choices I make. I can not believe in myself, but put my all into something that I really want to do, like getting a degree in Game Design. I don't believe I'll have the greatest game ever, and I might not even necessarily get hired to the most awesome company, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. Having self-doubt and working hard don't have to be mutually exclusive.
    I would note that there is a lot of different life styles going on in the crew. Not even all of us are always going around saying how awesome we are. You can be self-confident and know what your weaknesses are. You also can be self-confident and not want to be the leader at all times. You can be awesome with just what you have. All those things you listed mean you are living a pretty awesome life.
    I know I'm living a pretty awesome life, that just doesn't make me confident in the way Scrym is. I don't attribute my life's awesomeness entirely to me, I prefer to be humble and say I'm at a good school with mostly good teachers, that my parents raised me to work hard and be an honest person, and that I do my best to be friendly and unprejudiced. I don't think I deserve to think of myself highly because of that. Maybe I shouldn't think of myself lowly, so neutrality is probably a better option.
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