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  • Then, a male member of the group (unfortunately for me) surprises me with a kiss and says, "Now you get in for free!"
    How would that get you in for free?
    That was my question. His logic seemed to be that the owner of the house would be cool with me getting in for free if he knew the guy had kissed me--so I think he might have been gay and was testing the water. Maybe not. He might have just been very, very drunk and operating on some crazy inebriated logic. Regardless, I knew it didn't make sense, and didn't stick around long enough to figure out his reasoning.

    Still interested in that girl, though. I'll probably look her up when we're abroad.
  • I am a girl magnet. tonight a girl randomly kissed me. it happens a lot lately. Whoa! ?I think it's the rounds of shots form tonight. So much FUN!
  • Viga this morning is me yesterday morning, it would seem.
  • I am a girl magnet. tonight a girl randomly kissed me. it happens a lot lately. Whoa! ?I think it's the rounds of shots form tonight. So much FUN!
    Pics or it didn't happen :-p
  • I should really not go on the forum while drunk.
    Pics or it didn't happen :-p
    Dammit! I wish I had one.
  • So, interesting thing happened last night for me. One of my lady friends is in town from Portland, so we had a big get together and played some board games and stuff like that. I should mention at this point that my friends tried to hook me up with this girl a few years ago, and we ended up making out all night one time, but nothing has ever come of it since then. Well, last night one of our other friends was hitting on her (pretty poorly though) the entire night, and all the rest of us agreed to just let them do their thing and hope that they get together. Yeah, this didn't really happen. Eventually he just left, and it was just myself and two of the girls (Portland friend included) for a while. Then the other girl left to go home, and Portland girl just started making out with me. We ended up just sleeping together on the couch (no sex), but it is rather weird for me because now I feel like cockblocked a friend, even though I did absolutely nothing. We'll see how things go today.
    We had sex.
  • edited April 2011
    We had sex.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Make up sex. Fantastic!
  • Do we have like a score board for this thread with something like

    So and so: Getting there soon
    by and by: Got Laid! (achievement unlocked)
    Do and Do: Got dumped and is trying to get back with drama
  • Make up sex. Fantastic!
  • The Worst Star Wars Quotes to Shout Out During Sex
    Han shot first.
    That's it. In the penalty box you go.
  • Post-coitus: "That wasn't so hard. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters."
  • I had a very strange day today. I was told "You can have sex with me, if you'd like to." Which could be cool. Except it was just a bit weird. I'm not going to go into the details here, but the idea of having sex with someone without any effort on the part of flirting and wooing and dating and seducing? Not particularly appealing.

    However, the story of this cruise isn't at the end. I still have the final night to go. Out of all my sexy bedtime adventures on ships, only once has the overnight encounter NOT been on the final night I am on board. It seems that is the best for the lady involved, as she can be discrete and avoid stress or rumors. So we'll see.
  • Welp, asked a girl I thought was cute to an unspecified dinner at a party tonight, got thoroughly friend-zoned. The girl said she has issues, so I guess that's that.
  • got thoroughly friend-zoned.
    Ouch. Tough luck.
  • I'm not going to go into the details here, but the idea of having sex with someone without any effort on the part of flirting and wooing and dating and seducing?
    Maybe you're at the point where you just radiate an aura of seduction. Moisten panties in a 5-foot radius. That sort of thing.
  • I had a very strange day today. I was told "You can have sex with me, if you'd like to." Which could be cool. Except it was just a bit weird. I'm not going to go into the details here, but the idea of having sex with someone without any effort on the part of flirting and wooing and dating and seducing? Not particularly appealing.
    Isn't that usually what the guy says to woo the girl :-p
  • I'm not going to go into the details here, but the idea of having sex with someone without any effort on the part of flirting and wooing and dating and seducing?
    Maybe you're at the point where you just radiate an aura of seduction. Moisten panties in a 5-foot radius. That sort of thing.
    This had very little to do with any qualities I might have, and everything to do with the qualities the lady had. Actually, there was one thing about me she found particularly attractive over other men on the ship: I don't share my cabin with anyone else. That's about it. She has quite a reputation on board.
  • I don't share my cabin with anyone else
    Oh wow. OK then. Bullet dodged.
  • Last night on board... in my cabin alone. Someone slipped a note in my pocket with a cabin number as an invitation, but it was a guy, and I don't feel up for that tonight. Poor me. I should have just kissed Olga.
  • Luke, some men would kill for your problems.
  • Luke, some men would kill for your problems.
    These are not problems. I've just worked out another guest entertainer (also british and male, but 5 years younger than me) must have had sex with at least three people in the last 18 days on the ship. I COULD have matched that number, but I'm pretty picky. This was quite a crazy cruise!
  • I just got handed control of the speed at which my relationship progresses. I'm a little worried about what will happen when I go off to college, and also the prospect of overadvancing.
  • So...My girlfriend will probably read this, but she already knows it all.

    She's run into an issue. She is unsure about, apparently, everything. She doesn't know what she wants. A part of her wants to be with me still, and that part is holding us together. But she has admitted having interests in other people, I'm giving her space over the summer because she wants independence, and she hates me asking her any questions about how she feels because she really apparently doesn't know.

    I am staying with her because I think I love her, and yes, 5 months may be too short for that. But this is my litmus test for it. If you love someone, you care about their happiness more than your own. If I can let her do what makes her happier and stress-free during her process of figuring this out (which will take who knows how long), then I do love her, and that might fix things.

    Then again, she might just decide she's happier without me, even though we have had an extremely standard to low amount of fights considering how long we've been dating, and everything besides that we've been happy and on the same page. Her explanation is that she's changing, but...We'll see. All's I know is that the thought of losing her gives me a panic attack and sends me into sobs, so...I'm willing to wait this out.
  • First off sorry to hear it.

    Anyhoo, just because you don't have a lot of fights isn't always a real indicator that the relationship is working.

    Also, you're young. She's not the only girl out there. Yes, it hurts. If it doesn't work out, you'll get over it and move on. This is something you have to tell yourself and believe in. Don't set yourself up for fucking drama and sadness. People change. You guys are at an age where you discover yourself and what you want in life.
  • edited April 2011
    Oh no, ok, so I'm sorry for suggesting this, but I feel like I've gone through something similar to this before and might have some insight. Is it possible that what she wants is to break up, but knows how bad it would make you feel, so instead is trying to let you down slowly by letting it sit for the duration of the summer?

    You have to be fair to yourself. Clinging to the hope that something is going to get "fixed" will only make you more miserable in the long run. It sounds like she's been very honest with you about this, so that's good, and it's the perfect opportunity to let this be as clean a break as possible while retaining your friendship. I'm sorry I'm not sounding very optimistic about your possibilities of getting back together after the summer, I'm just saying that if you keep believing that your relationship might be mended, it's going to be nagging at you for quite a long time until you reach the possible point of an ultimate let-down.
    Post edited by Sail on
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