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  • It was a joke.
    Right, sorry. My post was more in response to Rym's.
  • I'm listening to this Advice:

  • That's good damn advice.
  • @ Axel...why meh/sad face? Just curious.
  • It's my PSN avatar, and I like it. Mainly, I like that shade of green, and the face is funny.
  • edited April 2011
    Someone here has got to have good advice. ;^)
    This is bad advice.
    It was a joke.
    Just because it was funny, that does not make it any less true.

    Also, Axel, I've probably told you this already, but if you kill yourself (and I don't think you will), I'll murder you. I'll miss having you as a friend, and as a reminder that the people who have opinions I disagree with can be totally nice and awesome independently of that.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I'm not gonna kill myself. I'm not that stupid.
  • I'm not gonna kill myself. I'm not that stupid.
    Suicide is a result of pain exceeding one's ability to cope with it. Intelligence has very little to do with that.
  • I'm not gonna kill myself. I'm not that stupid.
    Suicide is a result of pain exceeding one's ability to cope with it. Intelligence has very little to do with that.
    One's intelligence has a lot to do with how much pain you can cope with.

    Hmmm. If I were to be a grammar nazi and insist on not ending that sentence with a preposition, it would be "One's intelligence has a lot to do with with how much pain you can cope." Double with!
  • edited April 2011
    One's intelligence has a lot to do with how much pain you can cope with.
    True, but it's a mistake to underestimate what mental illness and trauma (such as suicidal thoughts themselves) can do to those coping abilities. This isn't necessarily directed toward Axel, because I don't understand his situation, but if you're having suicidal thoughts don't let pride get in the way of finding help, even if you can't see yourself acting on them at the time. You can be intelligent and let the pain get out of hand; in fact, it's very possible that there is a positive correlation between IQ and suicide rates.
    Hmmm. If I were to be a grammar nazi and insist on not ending that sentence with a preposition, it would be "One's intelligence has a lot to do with with how much pain you can cope." Double with!
    Grammar Girl says you're in the clear.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited April 2011
    Grammar Girl says you're in the clear.
    Yep - It's a non-rule that arose from some long-dead Grammarians who thought english should - and tried to force it to - obey the rules of Latin grammar. It's never really been a rule in English, and thus why this is an unacceptable form of correction up with which we shall not put.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm not gonna kill myself. I'm not that stupid.
    Suicide is a result of pain exceeding one's ability to cope with it. Intelligence has very little to do with that.
    One's intelligence has a lot to do with how much pain you can cope with.
    Going to state for the record this is untrue. The rest in the thread it belongs.
  • I'm not gonna kill myself. I'm not that stupid.
    Suicide is a result of pain exceeding one's ability to cope with it. Intelligence has very little to do with that.
    One's intelligence has a lot to do with how much pain you can cope with.
    Going to state for the record this is untrue. The rest in the thread it belongs.
    Are we still talking about relationships or chemical imbalances?
  • Are we still talking about relationships or chemical imbalances?
    Are they not the same thing?
    Anyways, the depression talk should be off in the depression thread now, while this thread is currently bare.
  • Oh shit, this isn't the thread about penguins?
  • edited April 2011
    I haven't had to worry about any of this stuff since I've been married. HAHAHAHA.

    Edit: Women are crazy.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • When you're married you don't think about killing just yourself.
  • When you're married you don't think about killing just yourself.
    Yes, there are some inconveniences. I'm sitting in a room with a TV tuned to Say Yes to the Dress and there is no beer in the fridge.
  • Oh shit, this isn't the thread about penguins?
    Well, we can change that!
  • I miss my boyfriend. ;_;
  • I miss my boyfriend. ;_;
    I'm sorry, how did he die?
  • I miss my boyfriend. ;_;
    Sorry we're hogging him up in Rochester away from you. We'll be sure to return him in one piece.
  • edited April 2011
    Sorry we're hogging him up in Rochester away from you. We'll be sure to return him in one piece.
    If your lucky, It'll even be the same piece.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sorry we're hogging him up in Rochester away from you. We'll be sure to return him in one piece.
    If your lucky, It'll even be the same piece.
    Don't worry, I'm dating Mr. Potatohead. I can always put him back together.

    I'm glad you and Jen having a fun time with Karl, Axel. I heard you guys were playing Baron Munchhausen.
  • Yeah, it was fun. Definitely a game I'm sharing with my friends.
  • Last night I went out on a date with one of my bestest friends. We had vietnamese food (which I gather means "add mangos to everything") and then hung out at home drinking wine. We snuggled on the couch, and fell asleep with our arms around each other. A really fun evening. Sigh. If she didn't live 4 hours away by train, and didn't smoke... maybe I'm being too picky.
  • Four hours isn't long distance, and people can quit.
  • But I'm a pussy.
  • I kind of feel like I'm in a similar situation. I mentioned it a couple weeks ago, but here's a little more on it.

    So three years ago or so, one of my best friends tells me about this girl he met (through MySpace of all places) and then suggests that I should try hooking up with her when she's in Seattle visiting (she lives in Portland, about 3 hours drive). The first time, I wasn't really feeling it that much, so nothing happened. The next time we meet is a few months later, and we're down in Portland visiting her and her friends instead. This time we both get really drunk and end up making out for a couple hours before passing out.

    Over the next few years we see each other every once in a while, and I never bothered to pursue it since it didn't seem like she was that interested. In fact, early last year, she made it a point to tell me that she just wanted to be friends (which came off as odd to me at the time since I didn't say anything to bring that up).

    So, you can sort of imagine my surprise when a couple weeks ago, during another visit up here, she initiates and starts making out with me. And then the next night we had sex. And then last week she was up visiting for a show, and we did it again.

    Now I'm in a position where I really do want to turn this into a closer relationship, and it's not just because she had sex with me, I honestly do like her more now than when we first met (we've both done some growing up I think), but I don't know if I want to do a long-ish distance thing. I'm just really bad at maintaining relationships with people I don't see on a regular basis.
  • But I'm a pussy.
    If you're a pussy, I hesitate to think about what that makes me.
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