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  • edited April 2011
    I know Luke, I know. We had a long talk. I'm gonna deal with this like a normal person. I just feel broken. I feel like it was my fault, but she just claims that she changed. But I'll never stop feeling like I just wasn't good enough at being the right person for her, even though I think she's right for me.
    Or maybe I will. I just don't know right now.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • You will feel better Axman. Believe me time takes its toll on a broken heart. Believe me, it may take a while but you will lift yourself off the ground and stand steady again. Probably sooner than you think.
  • I know Luke, I know. We had a long talk. I'm gonna deal with this like a normal person. I just feel broken. I feel like it was my fault, but she just claims that she changed. But I'll never stop feeling like I just wasn't good enough at being the right person for her, even though I think she's right for me.
    Or maybe I will. I just don't know right now.
    Dude, chill. Knowing you, you were probably fine. She's missing out, dumping on a guy like you.
    You will feel better Axman.
    Axel, you seriously need to make this your nickname.
  • Dude, chill. Knowing you, you were probably fine. She's missing out, dumping on a guy like you.
    I don't feel this way right now, but I'm glad other people do.
  • image

    Cliched but true.

    Anyway, keep your mind busy with other things and don't be afraid to cry it out if you need to. Three billion other women on earth; it'll all be okay.

    Also, I am calling you Axman now, no matter what your feelings on the subject are.
  • My feelings are that it's a lame nickname, but few people choose their nickname, so it's acceptable.
  • Let me tell you how it will be
    There's one for you, nineteen for me
    'cause I'm Axman
    Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah, I'm Axman
  • My feelings are that it's a lame nickname, but few people choose their nickname, so it's acceptable.
    It feels good to finally give a nickname away..believe me it will grow on you. Just like Master Bates did for me. :P
  • I know Luke, I know. We had a long talk. I'm gonna deal with this like a normal person. I just feel broken. I feel like it was my fault, but she just claims that she changed. But I'll never stop feeling like I just wasn't good enough at being the right person for her, even though I think she's right for me.
    Or maybe I will. I just don't know right now.
    Hey, it happens. Hell, it happened to me, and I was engaged! And for a good while too. You'll live through it, remember gyroscopes, they stand upright as long as they are moving, but as soon as they slow down to stop, they fall. Try not to completely sour your relationship with her, an ex-girlfriend today can become a good friend tomorrow.
  • You'll live through it, remember gyroscopes, they stand upright as long as they are moving, but as soon as they slow down to stop, they fall.
    That's a good one. I'm gonna borrow that.
  • I get the vibe that your reaction to your break-up wasn't nearly as catastrophic as you imagined it would be, which is good. While understandably you're going to be a bit torn up about it for the time being, your actual mood seems to be a far-cry from the predicted mental breakdown you described last week. I'm glad! :)
  • edited April 2011
    Sorry that it happened Axel. You should treat yourself to a tub of icecream.

    I know you guys are trying to comfort Axel by vilifying Jen. That doesn't seem cool. I don't think breaking up with Axel was a walk in the park for her either. She gave Axel a chance and didn't find what she wanted. She was honest with her feelings about this.

    Axel, not fitting Jen's criteria doesn't reflect on your quality of person. I hope you find some comfort in thinking this.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • Axel, in times like this I used to do two things: Plays Mortal Kombat II, and then play Super Mario World, while eating cold pizza.
  • You should treat yourself to a tub of ice cream.
    This is always my go-to for the tough times. For me, when I get in a bad state, I exercise and just do work. Those are just my easiest methods of blocking external thoughts.
  • Great timing for Portal 2 to come out, no?
  • Great timing for me to not have any viable platform to play Portal 2 on! (Main computer is a netbook)

    I did have a bit of a breakdown earlier today, but I think I'm learning to control it. Right now I just feel emotionally drained. I have the occasional outburst.

    Also, Ametto, you're right. Jen feels terrible, like it's all her fault, and like she's a terrible person for changing. I, on the other hand, feel useless for not being the person who was able to stop her from changing and getting bored. It's just terrible.

    It just sucks, I feel like two people this sad about having to end a relationship are clearly doing something right if neither one feels completely happy and relieved about it ending.
  • Great timing for me to not have any viable platform to play Portal 2 on! (Main computer is a netbook)
    Ouch. Now that's depressing.
    I did have a bit of a breakdown earlier today, but I think I'm learning to control it. Right now I just feel emotionally drained. I have the occasional outburst.
    Impressive. Most impressive. Obi-Wan has taught you well. You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me.

    In all seriousness, though, people are complicated. It might be strange that it sucks for both of you right now, but think of it this way - the longer it took, the more painful it would have been, for both of you. It didn't work out, and neither of you is to blame for it.
  • Well, apparently she's handling it better than I am. She's relieved, which is good, I don't want her to suffer. I just realize that the person I'm going to for support for my breakup...Is my ex...
    I need more close friends I can actually confide in.
  • And look at the bright side - you still parted seemingly amicably, and you both still seem to be friends.
  • I suppose. It's just our friendship led directly into a relationship, because we started confiding things in each other all the time, and we're still doing that right now as I type this. Or, at least, I am...
  • And look at the bright side - you still parted seemingly amicably, and you both still seem to be friends.
    Churba has a point here, at least it didn't end like my last major relationship. At least now you have a chance of not hating each other.
  • she just claims that she changed
    Sadly, this happens. For me, the best remedy for having someone change on me was to change on someone else, and understand what it feels like. That just takes time.
    Try not to completely sour your relationship with her, an ex-girlfriend today can become a good friend in a year.
    It's just our friendship led directly into a relationship, because we started confiding things in each other all the time, and we're still doing that right now as I type this. Or, at least, I am.
    Take it easy, do/find other things you enjoy, and don't judge yourself.
  • Jen feels terrible, like it's all her fault, and like she's a terrible person for changing. I, on the other hand, feel useless for not being the person who was able to stop her from changing and getting bored. It's just terrible.
    People change. It's okay to find out you're not compatible and then act on those findings. A lot of people have trouble with the concept that it is OK to not be romantically compatible with someone you love. But it is.
  • I suppose. It's just our friendship led directly into a relationship, because we started confiding things in each other all the time, and we're still doing that right now as I type this. Or, at least, I am..
    Don't worry about it so much now - it's still a little awkward and the wound is still fresh for the both of you. Give it a little time to scab over, you'll get a bit more comfortable with it over time - Don't worry about how it was the friendship that lead to the relationship, because you've already done that bit, it doesn't mean it will happen again - but enough of telling you what you already know, there. Just chill, make sure that she knows you're okay(or, relatively so. We're looking for decent, not perfect), and just go with the flow here. You already know it's not your fault, and she should already know it's not hers - People change, shit happens - and after a little while things will be cool again, I recon.
  • edited April 2011
    I recon

    "Looks like the heartbreak will be over soon, command."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited April 2011
    "Looks like the heartbreak will be over soon, command."
    Well, with some people I know, that is not enough protection.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited April 2011
    Post edited by Churba on
  • image
    Gods you scare me....I <3 it!
  • @Patches...that is depresingly funny.
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