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  • I'm just really bad at maintaining relationships with people I don't see on a regular basis.
    I tried a long distance relationship last year, and had to end it in January. The regular basis thing was a real kicker. I travel a LOT, so when I get home I want my girlfriend not to be a 2 hour flight or a 12 hour train ride away. That sucks!

    So I've decided that I'm not going to get into a relationship with anyone who I can't see at short notice. In other words, if I can't decide in the afternoon that I want to see her that evening, I can without stress. A few hours on the train isn't stress, but deciding if it is worth spending money on flights is. Four hours on a train is a tough call.
  • But I'm a pussy.
    It's official: the rest of you are fucked.

    Or not, as the case may be.
  • But I'm a pussy.
    It's official: the rest of you are fucked.

    Or not, as the case may be.
  • But I'm a pussy.
    It's official: the rest of you are fucked.
    Yeah, if Luke's a pussy, I haven't been a man for a long time and am gradually getting closer to pretending to be a man, while clearly not being one.
  • You're eighteen or nineteen, right? That's just age.
  • Axel, are you only eighteen or nineteen? You don't need to be worrying about dating. You need to be studying. Don't you have homework to do or a paper to write? Solve that bitch an equation. Bitches love equations.
  • Solve that bitch an equation. Bitches love equations.
    e^x dx = Hot pieces of ass.
  • I don't have any homework to do tonight, I generally don't study, we haven't gotten to the stuff in Game Design that requires me to do formulas. I mean, she'd recognize Calculus if I wrote some for her, since we've both taken it, but I don't think she finds it attractive in any way...
    And the fact that I'm young is why I know I'll be okay. I'm trying not to worry about dating, but honestly, not to boast, I generally feel like I have enough mental prowess to multi-task my life pretty well.
  • I generally don't study
    You best learn to, son.
    I mean, she'd recognize Calculus if I wrote some for her, since we've both taken it, but I don't think she finds it attractive in any way...
    Try another subject. English? Bitches love some Iambic Pentameter. History? Bitches love some fucking stories about courtly love. The Classics? Bitches love some goddamn Catullus, motherfucker.
  • I mean, she'd recognize Calculus if I wrote some for her, since we've both taken it, but I don't think she finds it attractive in any way...
    Try another subject. English? Bitches love some Iambic Pentameter. History? Bitches love some fucking stories about courtly love. The Classics? Bitches love some goddamn Catullus, motherfucker.
    As a Latin nerd, I can say Catullus is overrated. She dislikes history (it hurts me too), and she reads a bit too slow. I'll just continue wowing her with Digimon, thank you.
    I generally don't study
    You best learn to, son.
    I just mean I don't need to, usually.
  • edited April 2011
    Also, Get yourself a falconer's glove. Then walk around the park, looking for your lost falcon, enlisting the help of attractive women. If you don't "find your falcon", then you have used this bonding time to get to know her better, and take her out to dinner to for helping. If you do have a falcon come down and land on your glove, make a show of whatever you want to call the falcon returning, take her out to dinner for helping you find him, and as a bonus, you get a free falcon.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Then walk around the park, looking for your lost falcon
    You're a fucking genius.
  • Then walk around the park, looking for your lost falcon
    You're a fucking genius.
    *gets falconers glove* Heeeeere Atlas Atlas Atlas...
  • edited April 2011
    I mean, she'd recognize Calculus if I wrote some for her, since we've both taken it, but I don't think she finds it attractive in any way...
    Try another subject. English? Bitches love some Iambic Pentameter. History? Bitches love some fucking stories about courtly love. The Classics? Bitches love some goddamn Catullus, motherfucker.
    As a Latin nerd, I can say Catullus is overrated.
    Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo. Bitch.

    Also, what he meant is that the bitches love it when you help them do their homework. God knows, it's how I started going out with Elizabeth.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Get her to sit in your lap. Hold her hand, show her how to draw a wireframe in Blender. Bitches love CGI.
  • Hold her hand, show her how to draw a wireframe in Blender.
    Draw a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces.
  • Show her the matches between Mitsuharu Misawa and Kenta Kobashi. Bitches love tiger drivers and burning hammers...
  • Show her Gurren Lagann. Bitches love giant drills.
  • Show her Gurren Lagann. Bitches love giant drills.
    Piercing her heavens with my mighty drill, all day, erryday.
  • edited April 2011
    Piercing her heavens with my mighty drill, all nite, errynite.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • edited April 2011
    Piercing her heavens with my mighty drill, all nite, errynite.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Show her Gurren Lagann. Bitches love giant drills.
    Some girls like Georgia O'Keefe paintings.

  • Show her Gurren Lagann. Bitches love giant drills.
    Some girls like Georgia O'Keefe paintings.
    I thought those ones were called lesbians?

    Sorry if that was incredibly offensive.
  • edited April 2011
    Show her Gurren Lagann. Bitches love giant drills.
    Some girls like Georgia O'Keefe paintings.
    I thought those ones were called lesbians?

    Sorry if that was incredibly offensive.
    LOL, so straight women are bitches and homosexual women are lesbians? ^_~
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Hold her hand, show her how to draw a wireframe in Blender. Bitches love CGI.
    Ain't that the truth. (Also, draw a wireframe in Blender? You don't draw it!)
  • She broke up with me. Time to deal with this.
  • She broke up with me. Time to deal with this.
    You cool bro?
  • Don't kill yourself.
  • But seriously, you'll be fine in a week or so. Pull through until then and you'll not remember what the big fuss was about. Or you will remember, but you'll have convinced yourself it was for the best.
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