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  • Nerd girl fell through, but life goes on. Specifically, I've got a date with an incredibly cute young lady from my anthropology class in a couple of weeks. This has to go well eventually. :P
  • I don't know if I should classify this as a fail or as a boo-yah, but I lasted so long that my partner got tired and gave up. It's not my fault my PC muscle is that strong, and I got a case of blue balls on top of that.
  • I don't know if I should classify this as a fail or as a boo-yah, but I lasted so long that my partner got tired and gave up. It's not my fault my PC muscle is that strong, and I got a case of blue balls on top of that.
    This happened more often than not with my ex, though it had to do more with her utter lack of effort. Made her happy yes, but the pain gets annoying after a while.
  • I have never had a problem with depth or breadth.
    I think we might be have a different conversation...
  • This isn't really dating and I'm probably being paranoid, but anyways its still related. I think my friends fiance who is also my friend might be into me. Now I don't think this is just the "I'm a nerd who has a female friend who shows genuine freindlyness towards me therefore she wants my dick." syndrome or anything like that. I know what thats like. Its not so much that anything has happened as just the circumstances seem to suggest something. For one thing she and her Fiance had a big fight, and he ended up moving out. I think they're better now but I don't think he ever moved back in. And just a few things she said sounded funny. Like I'm going over to her apartment this weekend and our conversation about it sounded strange to me :
    Saturday. [name removed] will be gone and I don't have work..
    Sounds like a plan to me.
    I like how you specifically mention [name removed] will be gone. lol its not an affair
    Well, actually it should be Friday night cause I could pick you up when I am done with work and we can go to my place.
    And lol, I meant I would be alone and bored...
    I don't know I mean like I said I'm probably paranoid but it just seems a bit strange I guess. I'm not trying to get into her pants and if anything happened I'd probably not do it because I don't want to be THAT guy. I don't know just a thought.
  • I got a case of blue balls on top of that
    That would be the fail. Ouch man.
    I think we might be have a different conversation...
    Than you Ted, that was the joke.
  • Your joke was my joke.
  • I don't know I mean like I said I'm probably paranoid but it just seems a bit strange I guess. I'm not trying to get into her pants and if anything happened I'd probably not do it because I don't want to be THAT guy. I don't know just a thought.
    She's probably just used to living with someone and doesn't want to go home to an empty house, dude. If she makes a move, just explain that you're still good friends with her fiance, you'd like to keep it that way, and then leave. Easy.
  • I don't know I mean like I said I'm probably paranoid but it just seems a bit strange I guess. I'm not trying to get into her pants and if anything happened I'd probably not do it because I don't want to be THAT guy. I don't know just a thought.
    She's probably just used to living with someone and doesn't want to go home to an empty house, dude. If she makes a move, just explain that you're still good friends with her fiance, you'd like to keep it that way, and then leave. Easy.
    Oh I know thats probably the case, it just sounded a bit off to me.
  • Huzza! Actually asked a cute girl out and was met with success! Basically afterwards we spent some time cuddling on the couch watching movies.

    Protip: Secret Agent Super Dragon (yes this is a movie) is a pretty good ice breaker if the girl you are interested in likes MST3K.
  • Huzza! Actually asked a cute girl out and was met with success! Basically afterwards we spent some time cuddling on the couch watching movies.

    Protip: Secret Agent Super Dragon (yes this is a movie) is a pretty good ice breaker if the girl you are interested in likes MST3K.
    Congrats! Hope it turns out well! :)

  • You should continue to spam her with texts asking about why she didn't answer your text.
  • That's a great idea, thanks troll face. ^_^
  • Don't actually do that.

    Hey, at least you made an attempt. Already more balls than like 75% of nerds.
  • Teh shot down, she's already in a relationship. Another to add to the pile of fail. Oh well, at least she still seems interested in being friends.
  • I've got a good thing going. Spending more time at home in Berlin this year is paying off in terms of stability in relationships, both friendship and romantic.
  • Teh shot down, she's already in a relationship. Another to add to the pile of fail. Oh well, at least she still seems interested in being friends.
    Not really a fail since you didn't know she was in a relationship. Friends are always nice. It's magic, really. >__>
  • Teh shot down, she's already in a relationship. Another to add to the pile of fail. Oh well, at least she still seems interested in being friends.
    Cute girls tend to have cute girl friends. Work on that shit.
  • Cute girls tend to have cute girl friends.
    This man knows what's up.
  • When I was home for Easter, I hung out with a friend and we watched Tangled (mental note: this movie is really appealing to girls) and I used "watched" in the loosest meaning of the word. We talked to each other the entire time and really seemed to click. When she left to go home, we had one of those long, but completely awesome hugs.

    She wants to watch Black Swan and Let Me In with me when I get home for the summer. This should be interesting.
  • Let Me In
    I think shes suggesting something ;)
  • That she's a two hundred year old castrated boy?
  • edited April 2011
    I generally stay away from this thread but I am happy to report that I asked out an extremely cute coworker who said yes. We'll be grabbing dinner after work on Friday and then going to Disneyland at some point this weekend. =D

    How this....


    convinced this...


    to go out with me, I'll have no idea. I'll take it, though!
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Realized that my attempts to maintain a close friendship with my ex are relatively one-sided. It seems to me like she just doesn't mind being friends with me, and while things have been amicable, she doesn't consider me a close friend or anything.
    Over the summer, I'm going to cut off communication so I can get over her, because the only thing I'd do when talking to her over the summer is ask her questions about her personal life, which bothers her and are things I have no right to know. It's become apparent to me that me maintaining a friendship with her is just me trying to cling to whatever we had, but on her side, everything we had is gone. She is 100% over it and our relationship doesn't mean anything to her anymore. I don't want to be mean about it, but...She doesn't care about me. And so trying to care about her in a friendship is just causing me more stress. I don't know what I'm gonna do over the next few weeks of school, but Summer's only about 3 weeks away now. After that...I dunno.
  • Sometimes it's good to take a break from someone after the end of a relationship, even if you agree to still be friends.
  • I think it's more than that, it's really...I don't want a break from being around her, but whatever made us friends in the first place doesn't seem there anymore. It's all on her side. Something pulled her close to me and made her become my friend. This turned romantic eventually, and then she stopped caring about whatever made her be close to me in the first place much later. This means that whatever our friendship was built on has also died, and so I can't even have that anymore. I have been in denial for too long, I need to get over her and myself and understand I can't have that friendship.
    It just hurts because I honestly felt and still feel closer to her than anyone I know, but she hasn't felt the same way at any point. I have never been her closest friend, and for at least a month or two she hasn't been able to trust me or confide in me her deepest thoughts and emotions. It hurts to know that the value I put into her as a person isn't given back. Even when we're not dating, she still has value as a person in my life, but I'm not the same way for her.
  • You know what helps these feelings? Distance, alcohol, and a hearty meal.
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